Comments on: 2013 – Year of Acceleration Sat, 26 Sep 2020 07:05:17 +0000 hourly 1 By: Joseph Herrin Wed, 23 Jan 2013 15:33:17 +0000 #comment-1300 Hello John Cole,

Thank you for sharing these links. I will be using the information in an upcoming blog post.

May you be blessed with peace and understanding in these days.

By: Anonymous Wed, 23 Jan 2013 03:40:41 +0000 #comment-1299 Praise Ya, we need to humble ourselves before Adonai. There is Tribulation soon ahead.
Put on The Armor Of God.

By: John Cole Wed, 23 Jan 2013 03:32:03 +0000 #comment-1298 Hurricane OSWALD hits Australia the day Obama is inaugurated.

Strange movie poster placement.

By: Marcel Tue, 22 Jan 2013 17:32:17 +0000 #comment-1297 Amen to this critically important message. Thank you for your God given boldness to speak the truth at this very late hour to all especially those who are under the seduction of another citizenship and another Kingdom.
I would say the same message about the diversions to go for the gold and the silver for safety and security as we should be running to the Lord alone and growing in faith in Him alone.
Elijah relied on God who sent the ravens to feed him and had no purse or pocket to hold the things that the world holds as valuable dear.
We should know by now what,Who is the true value and prize here now and in the LIFE to come !

By: Anonymous Tue, 22 Jan 2013 03:29:49 +0000 #comment-1296 Hi Joseph,

Nicely done. I remember a few years ago getting kind of caught up and envisioning myself on my roof with my 50cal. rifle and bodies lying on the perimeter of our acreage while protecting my preps. But then I caught myself and realized that God has us preparing to be a help, a distributor, or if we're gone what does it matter. That being said, I expressed that sentiment to a military prepper I know and his response gives, I guess, the balance of the Biblical view. He said, " maybe you're being led that way to help feed those of us who WILL be armed, protecting you." Just a thought.

Also, given today, lest anyone forget 4 years ago in front of Lincoln memorial, when the witches and wiccans "swept out DC" for the inauguration.

By: Ronfire Mon, 21 Jan 2013 12:59:37 +0000 #comment-1295 Greetings from Down Under. A very insightful post and much food for thought with respect to Barack Obama. Christians are being entangled in the affairs of this world system by taking political sides and calling it "engaging" with the world. We are called to love and serve God, with the mind of Christ, and to love our neighbour as ourself. The Scriptures warn us of great deception arising in the final days of this world, and it is all around us, and in our churches and homes.
May the Lord stir up those who are His to humble ourselves before Him, and to stand firm in this evil time, where good is called evil and evil good. And, lest we think this is all doom and gloom, remember the words of our Lord – "Be of good cheer, for I have overcome the world"!
The Lord bless and keep you all.

By: Deirdre Mon, 21 Jan 2013 06:34:29 +0000 #comment-1294 Amen and amen.
This past month I wanted to urge people to call their representatives to urge them to vote against the gun ban. I do agree with our constitution. However, YAHWEYS laws are above mens laws and HIS will will be done no matter what our laws say or don't say. While driving down the road the other day, I thought about talking with a neighbor about the issue of the gun ban when the Holy Spirit said, "'Would you fight against My will? If the American people are disarmed, they will come to Me.' That is when the Holy Spirit showed me that the physical disarmament of America is a representation of the spiritual disarmament that has already taken place. Women don't rest under their husbands authority. Men don't rest under YAHWEY's authority and have already become disarmed as they refused to be the gatekeepers of their own homes. YAHSHUA said, "it is the Spirit that gives life, the flesh counts for nothing." Would we try and save our kids flesh when we've made no effort to save her soul? It is clear as you say that there are 'factions' and we must really listen for the Holy Spirit for HIS discernment and wisdom on the things that are coming. The tares are evident among us for they would have us fight and try to resusitate America. May YAHWEY have mercy on HIS children!
Peace brother Herrin!

By: Joseph Herrin Mon, 21 Jan 2013 03:17:09 +0000 #comment-1293 Hello CariPau,

You asked how we should pray about this. Deceptions will come, and I do not believe they will be turned aside by prayer. I would encourage prayer for the people of God to wake up, and to do as Christ admonished the church of Laodicea. They need to purchase eye salve from the Lord that they may see.

May you be blessed with peace and understanding in these days.

By: Unknown Mon, 21 Jan 2013 02:43:49 +0000 #comment-1292 An amen and hallelujah from Argentina, too. The dark night is rising everywhere.

I can see a lot of darkness rising here too. Gay marriage: approved nationwide a couple of years ago, with widespread acceptance of the fact. Abortion: soon to be a law (now it's happening everywhere, it's just illegal but some districts have made it unpunishable by law so if they catch a doctor doing it, neither the doctor nor the mum having it done will be prosecuted).

We're big consumers of Hollywood garbage and producers of some garbage of our own (some of which we export to Latin America and even Israel!), and this in turn has led to an awful moral degradation.

The Church itself is healthier in some respects than its American counterparts, but the prosperity "gospel" has blossomed and is now the norm rather than the exception. Inmorality is rising within church circles too.

After the 2001 crisis we faced, the latest years have been comparatively prosperous (never in levels comparable to your prosperity) so parents who are can't afford to buy their own home and are renting give Blackberries to their children. It's the let's eat, drink and be merry mentality.

The average person is no more aware of what's really going on and being planned than the people in your country. The only difference is that our politicians are too obviously corrupt so you have a bunch of fanatics who blindly side with the Peronist party (should I say mob?) and a lot of other people who believe neither in politics nor in a national identity. Most of us are almost ashamed to say we're Argentinians. So in a sense, that's good.

What's coming: Argentina is slowly becoming a Fascist regime, just like Chaves' Venezuela or Castro's Cuba. Mrs. Kirchner has been very smart in selling an image of being a messiah-like figure. She got 54% percent of the votes in her reelection and in spite of the many serious mistakes she has made since her reinauguration, her blind fans keep worshipping her like a God.

So what you're saying about the US and what you said about the UK are just tiny examples of the big picture that is being assembled little by little. Sad but true.

And your comment about a possible assassination attempt at the president (perhaps staged?) makes me think: how should be pray about this?

By: Joachim Mon, 21 Jan 2013 02:32:52 +0000 #comment-1291 Dear Brother Joseph,

The article from Joseph Farrah is a great example of an element that is greatly overlooked or even ignored by the majority of Christians at this hour. It is called "controlled opposition", the principalities and powers of the air are no beginners. Satan had almost 2000 years to study mankind for his final show. He controls both side of the debate and has full control of the outcome if one remains on either side. Just like the good old silly wrestling matches, the outcome is already predetermined. This is a great trap, I fear many will get caught in. There are many "Christian sites" who operate as a controlled opposition to the open threat of satan's kingdom.

1Th 5:6 so then let us not sleep, as do the rest, but let us watch and be sober.

By: Bunny Oaks Mon, 21 Jan 2013 01:55:14 +0000 #comment-1290 There is no "AMEN" loud enough to put an exclamation at the end of this message. May eyes and ears be opened…. the circles of "Christians" in which truth can be discussed is growing smaller and smaller. Many are alone as Yahweh refines and sets apart those willing to follow–Thankfully the more "alone" we become in the Faith, the more He reveals Himself and His will.
Never stop proclaming Brother Herrin… some are listening.
