Comments on: 2017 – 2018 Sat, 26 Sep 2020 06:31:48 +0000 hourly 1 By: Skip Sun, 24 Dec 2017 10:34:48 +0000 #comment-94 Brother Herrin,
All of the false flag events of recent years bring to mind the ending of the movie 'Fahrenheit 451', the movie using Ray Bradbury's novel as its foundation. The main character, Montag, has succeeded in escaping the book burning regime and is at the edge of the forest, wherein he will soon 'become a book' of his choosing. Before he enters more deeply into the forest, he is provided the opportunity to view his capture by the authorities on 'live TV' coverage. Montag watches as he sees his 'body double' running through the streets trying to evade capture. Then he witnesses his own death on 'live TV'. Montag is dead.
Therein lies the example – the lesson, set for the viewers, that resistance and disobedience is futile. The object lesson has been provided to the sheeple and the sheeple will react to the 'live news' as the controllers have anticipated and planned. (Sound familiar?) Welcome to the 'real world' of 2017-2018!
