Comments on: A Different Kingdom – A Different Economy Sat, 26 Sep 2020 06:52:35 +0000 hourly 1 By: Earl Wed, 30 Jul 2014 16:11:11 +0000 #comment-697 Brother Joseph,
A well spoken message. Comes at a time when I needed reminded that Father is my provider.
You've touched on the two criteria that I use to discern the character of any ministry; first, is tithing taught period but especially is it taught as a means to receive Father's blessings( same for giving in general); and second, is the truth sold as though it's a common commodity? Jesus Christ is the Truth. All truth is a revelation of Christ and this revelation comes from Father.
The revealing of Christ to/in us requires much spiritual and physical pain/hardship. Look at the Apostle Paul's example. The more of Christ he received the greater the hardships and the persistence of a "thorn" in his side to keep him humble. Can anyone imagine that Paul would have sold this precious Truth? Even "passing the collection plate" was unthinkable to Paul. Selling your unique revelation of Christ is __________( let the reader supply an appropriate word).
I've gotten long with this. I apologize (you may edit at will).
Joseph, I don't always agree with every thing you write but on the above two criteria you're AAA1. I do learn much from your writings and appreciate you.
Grace be with you. ARisingSon
