Comments on: A Prophetic Experience Sat, 26 Sep 2020 07:09:20 +0000 hourly 1 By: Unknown Sun, 03 Feb 2013 14:13:21 +0000 #comment-1454 Thank you for this insightful post. It has blessed me, as I too am on a journey, alone in a sense. I am a born again believer in Yahweh, hubby is too, although there are differences. Please lift us up in your prayers. Shalom

By: Hanniel Kohen Thu, 23 Aug 2012 22:49:11 +0000 #comment-1453 This post is spot on and I do believe confirmation for what is about to occur in my own life. I can not say to what extent but I certainly can say, it will be to the degree necessary. I must place all trust in the Father and the Lord. Thanks for sharing

By: Traveler Andrew Sheets Thu, 23 Aug 2012 02:47:10 +0000 #comment-1452 Amen! Wonderful testimony. If people don't have Jesus, they're basically wandering around, lost without a compass.

By: Geri Wed, 22 Aug 2012 03:27:23 +0000 #comment-1451 What a Wonderful encouragement to those of us who are walking the narrow path!! ♥ I was also extremely excited to hear references to "Much Afraid" who was a character in Hannah Hunnard's book "Hinds Feet on High Places". I read that book about 13 times 30 yrs ago and I WAS Much Afraid!! But Yah is transforming me daily! Thank you for your postings!

By: Michelle Tue, 21 Aug 2012 02:23:50 +0000 #comment-1450 The bullcity reminds me of the stubborness of sin as well as the demonic god Molech, who had the head of a bull and the body of a human. It is also interesting that the arrow is pointing left which has sinister connotations.
