Comments on: A Second Witness Sat, 26 Sep 2020 07:03:41 +0000 hourly 1 By: Anonymous Mon, 15 Apr 2013 00:31:11 +0000 #comment-1171 Mr. Herrin, Thank you for sharing Roni's insight with me.

Roni, your response means alot to me and I thank you for your insight and love. I will go back and read "Hearing Ear" to gain some insight. I may of read it, but need reminding. I pray as things unfold, your husband as well as mine will remember the words we've shared with them and our households will be fully Yoked. As I reread my comment, I do see I need lots of work also.

I will pray for you as I know it can be frustrating as we want all whom we love to know and live in truth, including ourselves.

By: Joseph Herrin Sun, 14 Apr 2013 14:45:43 +0000 #comment-1170 Hello Shelly,

I am posting the following comment from a sister named Roni who was not able to post it herself. She has expressed herself well, and gives some godly encouragement.

I am not well versed in these issues like Joseph, but I wanted to send you a word of encouragement
regarding your situation.

I too feel I don't 'hear' God very well – at least not in the way many people like to say that THEY hear Him.

I do receive subtle (VERY subtle, lol) inclinations that I believe are from Father. I often 2nd quess myself, but as time goes on, I feel I do 'get it right' some times. Josep had a very good series on the Hearing Ear
that helped me a lot if you have not already read it.

My husband isn't there yet either – not even on the simplified lifestyle. I used to read Joseph's posts to him but he is so gun shy from what he believes are the 'doomsayers' because of being burned from other believers
who had a 'word' about the season we are in and about end time events (do you remember Whisenant
from many years ago and the Prophecy Club? ) I no longer share information with him because
he's so resistant.

I am trying to be a daughter of Sarah and am allowing my husband to have his space so that the Lord can deal with him the way he needs to without me constantly trying to 'show him this' or 'tell him that'.

The Lord knows both of our hearts Shelly and that we want to do what is pleasing to Him. We just have to wait on the Lord – even though OUR spiritual antennas are buzzing ! He can be a protector of our families even though the head of the household doesn't take the steps WE think they should be taking to prepare our households physcially OR spiritually.

Let us keep our husbands in prayer (and ourselves!) and trust the Father's provision and guidance will be manifested at the right
time, in the right way, to our households through our husbands.

By: Anonymous Sat, 13 Apr 2013 15:59:10 +0000 #comment-1169 I want to thank you for the insightful and revealing posts you share. I do have a question for you. I apologize if it seems trivial, I am still working towards complete obedience. Like many others, I am still wrestling with my home and where I'm from and preparing to move about 700 miles away to a more remote less populated area. This has been 2 years in the making. We tried for a year to sell the house and no buyers. Deep down, though, I didn't want to sell. This is our home and where we're from. We decided to rent the house and feel at peace (I say this loosely. Was it God's will or is Satan keeping us entrenched in his system). The door was not opened to a buyer until after it was rented. I guess the big question is if America is Babylon and it will be destroyed, does it matter where one lives within the U.S.? I am prepared to walk away from all that the Lord has given us. Another question is I am starting and struggling on the path of self-denial and fully giving myself to the Lord (stripping the leaves from the tree) but my husband is not there yet. He is a believer, and wants a simpler lifestyle (a huge accomplishment for him, especially leaving family and friends), How does a wife continue on that walk when the husband is not studying. The crazy thing is he understands and sees what's happening and I read him your posts when I think it will get his attention. Do you think the Lord is working on him in a different way? The move was my idea, he ran with it when he saw things falling apart and now I struggle with "earthly home."

I have so many questions and may not make sense here and I apologize. It is very lonely in my world and don't have the counsel that I need. I can't seem to hear God's voice the way others do, but can (I think) see him working.

Thank you for sharing the Lord's word with us.

By: ray Sat, 13 Apr 2013 05:02:10 +0000 #comment-1168 Actually, I was thinking about taking a [shipping] container and the Holy Spirit said, “You are not taking a container. You are taking suitcases.”

lol i love it

note in Acts what joseph-barnabas did: not only sacrificing his land and comfort, but wisely offering the proceeds not to a synagogue or somesuch, for a remodel or prettier tassels on robes, but to poor men already selected by the Lord and his companion spirit — those best knowing how to use the wealth

properly we are reminded of Acts 4 not bc we shouldnt be generous with those outside the temple (we should) but to focus our energies and assets on those obedient to the spirit, as God directed barnabas

as america sequesters in babylon we must sequester in Father, in Jeshua the Christ who lives within him, and be about their interests in these strange and rebellious lands

Outside them is not anyplace you will want to be in the future

this post's message of obedience, trust, humility, courage, and uh did i mention obedience is good counsel for modern christians, so lost and asleep in the wildernesses of babylon


By: Joseph Herrin Sat, 13 Apr 2013 02:49:29 +0000 #comment-1167 There are no restrictions on re-posting,copying, printing, or otherwise sharing any of the material I post online.

By: Anonymous Sat, 13 Apr 2013 02:48:04 +0000 #comment-1166 Another Great Post! Thank you so much. This is such an important word. It's time to make our decisions and get ready to surrender all to christ. I have re-blogged this, I hope it was ok. Keep up the great work.
