Comments on: Alert! Sat, 26 Sep 2020 07:08:50 +0000 hourly 1 By: Tony Wright Sat, 08 Sep 2012 11:03:55 +0000 #comment-1439 this may sound wrong but I'm fed up with waiting lately ive been feeling like a butterfly waiting to break free from the chrysalis or Bruce banner about to change into the hulk just like many of you ive been kept silenced and in a sort of prison just like Joseph in the bible awaiting the call to stand … i don't really know how things are going to affect me but with a Godly arrogance i can say i don't care that's not my job all i want and need to do is follow him … come quickly lord

By: Deirdre Fri, 07 Sep 2012 18:50:57 +0000 #comment-1438 Dear Joseph,
I am glad to see you are puting a holt on the writing and posted your friends warning. As you have said before and as many saints now are proclaiming 'the hour is late' if not over for warning.

After seeking FATHER yesterday, I laid down to rest. HE gave me a strange dream. In it I am on facebook (which I dont have fb)looking at a video of my nephew playing in a high school band. They are playing Light My Fire by the Doors. It sounded very good. When I woke I asked FATHER, "why this dream, why this song?" HE said,"This generation is 'fine tuned' in sin from all the past generations that practiced sin. This is why I must light MY fire!"

My heart has been very heavy today. I am almost 100% confident that the time of warnings is over.

