Comments on: America on Deathwatch Sat, 26 Sep 2020 06:49:57 +0000 hourly 1 By: Unknown Thu, 11 Dec 2014 23:17:38 +0000 #comment-655 Hey Joseph.

A few weeks ago my mom was using my computer and she was looking at your Parables blog. When she gave the computer back she pointed out your blog and told me I should check it out. I agreed and I minimized the window for a couple weeks (I had intended to check it out, I just forgot.) However, just a couple days ago I was sitting in the school library during my off-period and decided to read America on Death Watch, and what I read was very interesting. It was time for class, so I had to stop reading and leave, but I got through your description of the number 14 and that was on my mind all day. Just today, again, during my off-period, I pulled up your blog and decided to finish it. What you had to say about 222, division, and union was something that especially stood out. When you subtracted 222 from 2015 and got the year 1793, I was very intrigued by what you pulled out of that year. It was then that I realized that only hours before I was in the library today, I had just taken notes in my European History class on the events of the French Revolution from 1792-1795. The first thing I did was open my notebook and look at the notes I took earlier in class. The first thing I noticed was "September 5, 1793 – The Law of General Maximum: Limited prices of grain and other essentials minimized to 1/3 portions above the 1790 prices; Wages cut to 1/2 of 1790 figures. Prices were strictly enforced, food supplies were secured, and 'hoarders' were executed by the military." Though that is France, I felt like it was saying something very important. As well as that, in that same exact year, Louis XIV was executed. He was no longer a king, his high position had dissolved instantly. He was brought to the same level as the normal citizen, he was no longer superior. He was beheaded at the guillotine. Later in the day I got in my car and saw my gas milage or something (I don't know how to read numbers on cars, sorry.) But the number said 179.2… 1792, only one year before. When I got home I opened my notes once again, and there it was – "The September Massacre of 1792: Over 1,000 Parisians killed." I wanted to share my input with you, as I believe it means something very significant to what you posted.

Thank You


By: Unknown Thu, 11 Dec 2014 14:38:25 +0000 #comment-654 Mr. Herrin,

I just discovered your blog yesterday. Thank you for the sacrifices you have made to be obedient to our Heavenly Father and for your revelations on this blog. More importantly, Thanks be to the great I AM for loving us first!

When I got to the part of this article where you showed the picture of Obama's 2012 campaign slogan, what struck me was it was saying to me R U N! I also think that it was saying to you R U I N. If we put those together, then the message is, RUIN RUN. It reminds me of the safety signs seen in industrial settings, DANGER BEWARE.

Acacia R.

By: Joseph Herrin Mon, 01 Dec 2014 20:41:13 +0000 #comment-653 Hello Michael and Chari,

I have not seen either of the movies you mentioned, so I feel ill qualified to comment on any symbolism contained in them. I think it is a good thing that you are alert to the voice of God speaking through many different ways. There is no doubt in my mind that Yahweh is indicating that a great collapse is coming swiftly to America and the nations. We should all stand in readiness for that hour.

May you be blessed with peace and understanding in these days.

By: MrsChariM Mon, 01 Dec 2014 20:24:22 +0000 #comment-652 Death?…
Interesting.. we just randomly picked out two recent movies to watch from a "Red Box" while we were recovering from being ill. We knew nothing of the movies we choose. No real reason to get them.
After watching them both.. we felt like YAH had us pick them out & watch them.
"Lullaby" & "Wish I was here". Both had "Jewish" fathers who died from cancer. Hmmm…
Don't understand it all but it did seem unusual to us. Your take Joseph?
Following HARD after YAH~
Michael & Chari

By: t8webb Tue, 25 Nov 2014 05:12:11 +0000 #comment-651 I tried add a follow up to my comment last night, but it did not seem to go through correctly. It was simply this: Please all saints of Yahshua who are willing, pray for my uncle Tony to be healed. He's in a lot of pain from the broken ribs and swelling that is taking place in his body.

All prayers/interceding would be much appreciated.

May Yahshua bless you all.

By: t8webb Mon, 24 Nov 2014 06:21:31 +0000 #comment-650 Joseph.

Since reading this your latest post on the different parables concerning the numeral 14, I thought I would share a couple with you and your readers.

As you know the leader of this nation announced that he has made the executive order granting amnesty of some 5 million illegal immigrants in the US. This was done on November 20, 2014 at 8pm EST. This day has been noted as the 104th anniversary of the Mexican Communist Revolution. During this revolution many Christians were persecuted and killed. You will note the two numeral 14's in this event. 2014 and 104. Also it was announced at 8pm EST. 8 can also symbolize a the completion of one series and the beginning of "a new series". (Bullinger, Numbers)

Also on that same day my uncle was walking his dog and fell breaking 2 of his ribs. My uncle is a veteran, if I'm not mistaken of the navy, and has always been a big patriot of the US. He often carries or wears things with US flags on them. My cousin and I were praying for him and about the situation and both got the phrase "Pride comes before the fall (destruction)" (PROV 16:18). I believe that this patriot falling and breaking 2 ribs (& having problems with swelling in his body not being able to walk) on the same day in which our national leader is trying to ensue a riotous environment (division–the number 2) within this PROUD country is more than just ironic. Of course, I don't in anyway mean to speak ill of my uncle. Simply seeing a message in this that prideful nation of the US is fallen and swollen in her pride before coming to division and eventually ruin.

Transition is indeed coming. We approach a dark winter season. I've often wondered and prayed about why the Lord Yahshua told us to pray that our flight not be during winter? (Matt 24:20) Just a thought. Not trying to pin down dates.

Let us breath deep Psalm 91 in these days. God bless you, brother.

Andrew W.
