Comments on: And The Winner Is… Sat, 26 Sep 2020 06:37:26 +0000 hourly 1 By: Unknown Wed, 16 Nov 2016 04:28:09 +0000 #comment-236 i know weve voted before,but this really felt like a 1sam8 moment for the church,;so much faith in either of these "kings" to fight their battles,believers voting in "self"interest verses other "believers voting in self interest,calls all over FB for people who voted differently to repent,as if either choice was Gods choice.While babylon distracting "believers" with sleight of mind and hand,oil is being handed out.Two ridiculous polorizing characters like these being offered up as presidential candidates shows how flawed govt of man is,but that so many believers bought into it shows the condition of the church system,least i think.So glad to see a post,no response needed but prayers would be greatly appreciated.Love in Messiah Yahshua

By: John Mon, 14 Nov 2016 02:12:47 +0000 #comment-235 correction:
three decades, not "30 decades."

Duduman's experience was reportedly in September 1984.


By: John Mon, 14 Nov 2016 01:48:00 +0000 #comment-234 We are certainly in a perilous time!
Many have breathed a sigh of relief, believing that the United States has temporarily avoided judgment after electing the lesser of two evils. We have simply entered the eye of the hurricane.
We have multiple small tempests of anarchy presently battering our coasts, as our president leaves on his final farewell tour. These are of no concern to him, having been a community organizer himself.
Be on the alert!
If you see "counter anarchy" activity in the midst of the country, do not be surprised of it being a false flag. That would certainly catch the ire of the impotent president, and bring him to action.

I pray that I'm wrong. But I can't help but think that we are witnessing the visions of Dumitru Duduman being played out over 30 decades later.


The Message For America
