Comments on: Babylon and the System of Debt Sat, 26 Sep 2020 07:11:49 +0000 hourly 1 By: Joseph Herrin Wed, 27 Sep 2017 18:58:26 +0000 #comment-1584 Dear Gigi,

I always met the requirements Yahweh placed upon me to support my wife and children. My son and daughter took different paths. My daughter has loved Yahshua and she has received freely from me all her life. She still does today. My son took a path that was wayward. He walked in a way with God for a time, but was not righteous. Nevertheless I paid him $900 dollars a month until he turned 18.

My wife could have all that I have. She still could. She chose to walk away from God and make choices that were rebellious to His will. She even divorced me, a divorce I was not in favor of, but could do nothing to stop.

You ask "What about my responsibility to take care of my wife and children?" In all sincerity I would ask you is not Fear, Unbelief, and Covetousness the parts of my wife's life she was not able to give up? Please try and answer your questions from a Biblical perspective. The Bible says,

1 Corinthians 7:10
Now to the married I command, yet not I but the Lord: A wife is not to depart from her husband.

Why did you not ask why my wife would leave me? Did I treat her wrong? Did I not show her the love of a husband? My wife had none of these faults against me. She divorced me because of Fear. She confessed this as her reason the day she left me. She told me she was afraid that the day would come when God would not be with us. The truth was she could not recount such a day in all the years up until that day. Her fears were irrational. I am sure if she had remained with me that she would have much to boast on of the Lord's provision.

If you want to know more of our life together you can read the book "Evidence of Things Unseen." It can be viewed on the book page of the website.

By: Gigi Wed, 27 Sep 2017 05:13:12 +0000 #comment-1583 What about your responsibility to take care your wife and your children?

By: Traveler Andrew Sheets Sat, 09 Jun 2012 08:44:10 +0000 #comment-1582 Dear Joseph, thank you for touching so many lives through your testimony which is not talk or hype but true, raw reality. Your life is quite similar to mine in that I lost my wife and friends, career etc and have been living in a 3rd world foreign (developing country) away from my homeland for the past 4 years. My lifestyle has changed so drastically that it couldn't even be described in a book, but as you've noted, I'm truly at peace in joy knowing God has called me out of the world and into the wilderness to learn to hear His voice and not rely on my own strength the same way he led Moses. I enjoy reading your Blogs as a great source of strength in my faith. I do believe that the true tribulation you're discussing meaning the 7 year tribulation, the true Philadelphia church, the remnant of true believers will not have to go through, but the time leading up to the rapture is not going to be pretty, that's for sure and the sorting, the sifting, the cleansing, and correcting of His children will not be pretty. As you've said, the more we're caught up into this world the harder it will be for God to break us free. When my ex-wife, an extremely successful ex wall street mortgage broker, balked at my insistence back in 2005 to sell all and move on God's direction, it was less than a year later and she'd lost everything including 6 of her valuable show horses, each one either dying mysteriously, going lame or going psychologically defunct (i.e. a star horse all of a sudden developed crazy, dangerous nervous outbursts while in the show ring doing jumps, almost killing one of the trainers,.. the horses value plummeted from 200,000 usd to 30,000 usd overnight)… So, when God moves, he doesn't play games… We have a choice… VERY SIMPLE CHOICE…When God speaks we either obey or we are crushed… We fall on the stone and are broken or the stone falls on us and we are pulverized. If a reader is going through this cleansing… Please don't fall into fear.. But rather ask God to help you in the name of Jesus and God's great grace will sustain you through the transition. Amen.. God bless.

By: Sat, 09 Jun 2012 07:28:06 +0000 #comment-1581 Dear Josepth. This is a very interesting. I can see the parallels between slavery in the usa and Babylon as described.

I think the original point is that America was never really a Land of liberty. The laws of the land were written by men who brutalised their human captives through torture and cruelty.

It is hypocrisy that is really at the foundation of this country. The bill of rights and independence proclamation were written when slavery was still practised and was only applicable to whites.

America has never been free. The blood of untold numbers of africans and other persecuted groups is on the hands of this nation.

Many christian writters dont talk about the spiritual implications of slavery thst affect both white and black people. Some problems affecting some white people today are a result of witch craft performed by slaves agsinst their owners.

The problems that plague black society ie children out of wedlock and women having children by multiple men are spirits of slavery that have not been properly dealt by the power of Jesus through christians.

By: Joseph Herrin Fri, 08 Jun 2012 13:58:58 +0000 #comment-1580 Dear Anon11,

You have raised a valid point about America being a land of subjugation and oppression to various people groups such as the African and American Indians. This has always been the characteristic of Babylon.

In the Bible we read of Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon, waging war against Judah and Jerusalem. Those who were not slain were subjugated. Tens of thousands were taken by force from their homeland and carried into the land of Babylon. In this we see a parallel to America's treatment of the Africans.

Yet, over time, those taken captive were immersed into the culture of Babylon. They found it to be a land of prosperity, of material abundance, and multitudes of idols. Many of the Jews became conformed to Babylon so that when the time came that Yahweh determined the captivity should end only a remnant had any desire to leave Babylon and return to Zion.

Zion at that time was a land of ruin, poverty and difficulty. When held up alongside the opulence and abundance and fertility of Babylon, many with carnal minds preferred to remain in the land of bondage rather than to face the hardships of dwelling in Zion.

There are parallels here as well to the Africans. There are few African Americans today who desire to return to the land of their forefathers. The attitude of most is akin to that of the Jews those many years ago. They see the wealth and comfort of America and are allured by her many idols (sports, music, television, unrestrained sex, drugs, alcohol, and endless entertainment) and they compare this to the hardships of their homeland. Few would return if they had the chance.

At the time God was calling the Jews to depart from Babylon they were no longer living as slaves there. The same is true for the African Americans today. Most have adopted Babylon/America as their new home.

My main focus in my teachings is coming out of spiritual Babylon, but there are elements of physical Babylon that hold people in thrall to her rule. As this article mentioned, the system of finance is part of that. The availability of easy credit; the allure of purchasing things when one does not have the money on hand to do so; the willingness of many to trade away their freedom and enter into financial bondage to acquire the goods of this world, is a trait of Babylon. The African is just as susceptible to these temptations as the European.

In the end, we can all trace our heritage back to Adam. There is only one race of men, though there are distinctions of tongues and tribes and nations (ethnos). We are all subject to the sin nature and all of the children of God are being called out of Babylon at this hour.

By: Fri, 08 Jun 2012 10:26:02 +0000 #comment-1579 Dear Josepth. I have been reading your blog for about 5 months now and I feel God lead me to your writings. I have just read you post about the babylonion debt system. In it you talk about how the USA was a land of freedom and liberty and this enforced by the founding fathers in law.

This is a very european centric position. America was never a land of freedom and liberty to the millions of africans who were enslaved by people such as the founding fathers.

America was not free and libertous to the native americans who were forced onto reservations.

Now my feeling about slavery and the treatment of native americans is that this was probably a judgement for the pagan practises of these people.

However, I think you must atleast consdier that america didnt provide freedom and liberty to all peoples, only white people enjoyed liberty. So when you declare the end of liberty in america this is from a white/european prespective.

America was the home of bondage for millions of africans for well nigh 400 years and even after slavery the years of racial descrimination and persecution.

The fall of the american way may been seen by some as poetic justice for nation founded on slavery and oppression.

By: Warren Fri, 08 Jun 2012 04:23:50 +0000 #comment-1578 Dear brother Joseph,

Your humility and transparency of life since the year 1999, is overwhelmingly touching in the depths of my spirit, soul and body. Although it has been just months, reading your writings and seeing the holy spirit lead you as you are is humbling to me. In that, I am willing and in peace to share a little about how the Lord has called me to where I am today. As Yahweh was preparing me to leave the organized church in 2003, I found myself at times wondering, the Lord was telling me to do that, go here, go there, and so on. And sensed God was calling me. I knew at some point(s) He was, but never really knew how to listen to Him, you know what I mean? I was not sure of what to do or how to do, what He was leading me to and from. A few years later, I find myself spending more time with the Lord, reading His word, praying, seeking, discerning, Father spoke to me, showed me visions & dreams, and now I was hearing God and knew what I was lead to do. When God confirmed my calling various times from 03' to 2010 that I must prepare to leave the church in the end 2011, I asked Father to tell me what and how to do it. There were no fear-factor or doubts, but I knew I loved Christ so much that the church(s) I was attending was not preaching the message that gave life to one. I was hungry to grow in Christ. I was bearing Fruit slowly but surely. And as I was very willing to leave the church. Until one year, during the year of confirmation to leave from 2010 & 2011, Father told me when to give up my greeting ministry & men's group I was leading, who to discuss/fellowship with, what not to be involved with, etc. The father guided me throughout the last two year profoundly to say the least. Father also made the way to leave quietly(just the same as the previous church), and sure enough, although the Sr. Pastor and other leaders knew of my releasing of the ministry, no one suspected I would not be present in the new year(Not verbally to me anyway). And since then, no pastor has really gone out of their way to get me back to church(not that I would want to go back). A few brothers/sisters asked about me, and I simply told them, "God has called me out to prepare me to do greater things for Him." "And that My decision was not made in a few months, but in couple years time in prayer and His word."
Without a surprise, no one verbally judged my place of decision, but nodded and says that they will pray for me. And I thanked them with a smile.
Today, being out of the church for six months, although my spirit left the church in 2010, the life Father has lead me now is anticipating His Will by my old ways becoming anew… the spirit of obedience to Him! I know for a fact, that if I stayed in babylon, in ministry, in tithes and offerings, in bright lights listening to the prosperity message, I would be living the fleshly and soulish life…and not the life of the Spirit of God the Father, who is spirit in truth! His words comes to LIFE for me now like never before. Yes, I realize there is such a thing as types & shadow in OT and NT. And much blessings to you, brother Joseph, for writing your blog, in ways to see the parables. Although, I read other blogs from many watchmen's, you are surely the forerunner God has made. Your testament of how the Father calls upon you is amazing. Currently my wilderness comes with many of the principles you have written. And in that, Im learning, maturing, and know what I must prepare to do for the coming days. It is tough, as I too have two children who someday will fully understand who their dad is trusting. As for my wife, she to lives in fear and unbelief and I find myself often thinking, if I did not have them now, what would I do? The simple answer was easy. I would go one my own…like you!(which I have in my early 20's) wish that was the reality, so that I can would not need the worldly patterns to support my family.Amen

In His Grip,
