Comments on: Building Arks Sat, 26 Sep 2020 07:25:16 +0000 hourly 1 By: MST. Thu, 14 Oct 2010 19:34:21 +0000 #comment-2218 Dear Bro. Herrin,
This is for your reader (anonymous) who has been fasting one day a week. She mentioned that it was the Lord who had awakened her at the early hours of the morning and that she ignored it one day. It would be a real shame if the Lord had woken her for some quiet time together and she rolls over and goes back to sleep! This time of the morning is sooo peaceful and is an excellent time for prayer and Bible reading. Let her know to embrace these moments and to seek His face in them. Perhaps they are the only one's she has left!

By: Anonymous Thu, 14 Oct 2010 16:45:30 +0000 #comment-2217 Movies are the vehicle through which the beast system warns us ahead of time about upcoming events. Just before 9/11 there were literally thousands of references to the twin towers. It is very subtle, a lingering shot that seems to linger just a bit too long, references on objects to 9-11, even unintended psychic awareness by normal everyday people that something bad is about to happen. In some movies it is quite obvious, the actors almost seem to stop acting and look right into the camera to give you a truth or a warning. (Check out 'Men in Black' where Tommy Lee Jones tries to convince Will Smith to take the job at the agency while they both sit on the park bench across the river from the twin towers. This dialog serves to further the plot but also gives us some REAL information. Listen carefully to the dialog and how it is presented.) This would make a fascinating study. Almost a perverse system of prophecy by the enemy. It can't be nailed down before the event but seems perfectly clear afterwards. I hope this makes sense!

By: Joseph Herrin Thu, 14 Oct 2010 16:44:32 +0000 #comment-2216 Certainly the Father orders every detail of our lives. I am confident that there is a parable in this injury to my rib. I have not fully discerned it at this time, but I will consider sharing it when the Father brings clarity.

By: Anonymous Thu, 14 Oct 2010 16:33:54 +0000 #comment-2215 Bro. Herrin, no parable for the strained muscle on your right side? I don't mean to sound negative or even rude, but the possibilities in the symbolism of you ceasing your labor on the 'ark' due to an injury on or near the rib of your right side is just screaming for interpretation! May the Lord heal you quickly!

By: Joseph Herrin Thu, 14 Oct 2010 04:36:10 +0000 #comment-2214 Regarding the number 333, you are one of many who have written to me in recent weeks to share they have been frequently encountering this number. Other similar numbers are 111 and 222. Of course, America is in the 2nd year of the 111th Congress, which is her 222nd year of continuous government. Last year in California, Metrolink 111 crashed with 222 people on board. I have observed it as representing a disintegration of the Union of America.

Beyond this, I am not at present able to tell you what further significance the number 333 bears, though it does come to mind that it is exactly one half of the number 666.

By: Anonymous Wed, 13 Oct 2010 20:57:51 +0000 #comment-2213 Hello,

My husband and I have began to fast once a week for the purpose of emptying ourselves and to increase our sensitivity to the Holy Spirit's leading in our lives. We know that the time is short, but having that knowledge with out knowing how to prepare seems useless.

Last week, the Father awoke me at 3:00 several days in a row. On about the 4th night I was not willing to look at the clock so the next night I was awakened and the clock read 3:33.

I know that 3 represents Yahweh's completeness. How does that apply to me? Any thoughts?

Thank you for your blog, it is food to my soul.

By: Anonymous Wed, 13 Oct 2010 00:53:07 +0000 #comment-2212 Joseph, Great post. Today (10/12) I just started a new job covering a teacher who is having a baby. The job only lasts 5 months. I was employed elsewhere, but left that job for this one. I told a friend of mine months ago about my decision about taking this job and how I was promised a position at my old job when the 5 months is over. Yet, I believe that I will not have a job to return to. Which is okay, because I believe God is in this transition in my life (God may use this to give me a full-time teaching postion, which is what I'm looking for) Back to my friend. When we discussed my choice to take this job I explained how there was problems at my other job and I may not have one to come back to. He said that God was providing me an "Ark" with this temporary job. The fact that you posted this today and I began my new job today tells me God is in this. I have also been feeling that for sometime now something major is on the horizon. Don't know what but something big. Sorry for the rambling message. It was just perfect timing between what God is show you and me not to share. God Bless!

By: Simon in Tassie Wed, 13 Oct 2010 00:38:49 +0000 #comment-2211 The actor driving the RV in the shot you have from "Independence Day", I think is Randy Quaid. Another similar movie is called (I think)"Numbers" with Nicolas Cage as lead role. Very similar to many types in the Book Of Revelation.
