Comments on: The Chastisement of Sons – Part 6 Sat, 26 Sep 2020 07:13:42 +0000 hourly 1 By: Joseph Herrin Fri, 06 Apr 2012 02:03:42 +0000 #comment-1633 Dear BMO,

I am blessed to hear the good report. I would mention that there are two very different versions of the book "God's Plan of the Age." The original version is posted on the Heart4God website, while the updated and revised version is on the Parables Blog. (Just use the search field to look for the book name.) The updated version is also available at Amazon as a Kindle e-book for $1.00, and I will gladly send it to anyone at no charge as a PDF file.

May you be blessed with peace and understanding in these days.

By: Bunny Oaks Fri, 06 Apr 2012 01:38:07 +0000 #comment-1632 Joseph,
This Chastisement series has been such a blessing to me. As I come close to finishing your book, God's Plan of the Ages" I am humbled by the depth of Revelation the the Holy Spirit has awakened in me through all of your books and writings.
So much of life makes sense when you take out the myths and theologies that time has encased us with, and allow the Holy Spirit to bring TRUTH to your Spirit as you are chastised, refined and made ready.
My life has changed so much this last year that I am in awe daily as I watch God move, speak, direct and change my path unto His narrow one.
No more whitewashing of sin, no more waiting until tomorrow. As I read how God has gotten your attention, and other stories of saints who are in pursuit of holiness, I can speak freely knowing that the hardships I have endured have brought me through 40 years (this year) of wilderness tempering. When I finally surrendered it all… I found Him waiting to unveil the revelation needed to be purified.
Much of this has come through your writing, Joseph, for which I am grateful beyond words. And now as I read the Word, it is so alive and piercing.
My understanding has truly been opened, and I pray God will use you to reach so many more who are longing for purification. I hope our paths cross one day. If not, I look forward to meeting you as the Barley is Harvested!
Continued blessing on your writing as you heal during this time. And thankyou for this series on Chastisement.
