Comments on: Christians Have Been Trumped – Part 1 Sat, 26 Sep 2020 06:35:24 +0000 hourly 1 By: Skip Tue, 13 Jun 2017 11:36:25 +0000 #comment-179 Brother Herrin,
I have also wondered at the sexual deviancy trends for decades. I have watched how the unseen, Satanic spiritual influences have affected men and women – and children for years. Yes, children are directly affected as well. Thanks in part to the Hollywood influence, things that were forbidden to be broadcast 50 years ago are now commonplace. Subjects that were once only discussed in private, except by the crudest of persons, are now discussed openly – and by almost all age groups, and especially by the 'gentler sex'. In my opinion, the trend to remove whatever moral barriers remain will continue. We see this evidenced by the downright crudeness and crassness, especially of the women in all types of entertainment, and the younger generation simply has for the most part, been taught nothing along any moral guidelines. I fully expect women from ALL tiers of society to lead the way in the continued decline into depravity and licentiousness. I foresee public nudity will become more and more common and accepted – in a 'fashionable way', of course. Public broadcast standards have already been mostly flushed down the toilet with the open acceptance of Sodomites and other perverted 'lifestyles'. Open nudity and so called 'soft pornography' will soon be accepted broadcast standards for TV. The remaining barriers exist now in name only. Such is the outcome of producing sequential generations in ALL nations who have little or no Godly conscience remaining.
