Comments on: Christmas and the Test of Truth Sat, 26 Sep 2020 06:57:45 +0000 hourly 1 By: Bunny Oaks Thu, 19 Dec 2013 02:06:18 +0000 #comment-859 Very well said, Brother Joseph. I come from a large family (12 kids) and my Father just passed this August…so the temptation to join my family on Christmas was weighing heavy.
I have not celebrated holidays for many years and my family doesn't get it. It has been a painful year (my sister died one year before my dad died) so this year the family has wanted to gather more.
I had made the decision that I would not go, despite the fact that they continue to ask me. It is not easy, but like you, there comes a time when you fear disobedience more than the rejection.
This writing didn't change anything, but drove home the need to just remain faithful, no matter what the circumstances are; including deaths in the family, and rejection by siblings.
Thank you for sharing again, the cost of choosing to walk the narrow path.
Blessings to you.

By: Joseph Herrin Wed, 18 Dec 2013 21:26:09 +0000 #comment-858 Hello Brenda,

I don't have any "Christmas cookie" recipes. I don't cook very many cookies, but when I do they are usually oatmeal raisin cookies. I have a recipe printed out somewhere, but I am not sure where it is right now. I have baked a few carrot cakes recently, however. A sister in Christ sent me a juicer a couple months ago and I take the pulp left over from juicing carrots and apples and add it to a store bought carrot cake mix, along with additional raisins and spices (cinnamon, allspice). Its a good, low-fat treat as I do not add any oil, but use apple sauce or eggs for a binder.

By: Unknown Wed, 18 Dec 2013 19:32:47 +0000 #comment-857 Excellent Joseph!! We don't do Christmas either. However, I was wondering if you had a good cookie recipe to share?? You certainly went into great detail about all the foods we used to eat! 🙂
