Comments on: Christmas and the Test of Truth Tue, 10 Aug 2021 21:12:10 +0000 hourly 1 By: Unknown Sat, 14 Nov 2020 20:35:15 +0000 #comment-2986 Thank you Mr. Herrin for posting your testimony. It has greatly encouraged me. I too was called apart by the Lord many years ago and had to live a life of penury and much difficulty as I was regularly allowed to be tested in the area of obedience to the Lord, facing rejection and misunderstanding. He walked beside me, held me in His arms, and carried me through many difficult years and gradually He revealed an intercessory ministry to pray for the Body of Christ. In recent years he brought me to a place of living in simple abundance with every need supplied. One day, while in communion with Him the question came up: "would you go through it again", and my answer was "please don't ask me that as it was so difficult. But what I can say is that I wouldn't trade what I have gained for anything – and that is the precious presence of my Dear Lord Jesus who is dearer to my heart than anything else in this life." God does indeed bless us for our obedience and faithfulness to Him above all others.

Back in the /90's I was led to give up the celebration of christmas and while it was a difficult choice at first, it was not so hard as your situation because you had children and family involved and I was free to make the choice for myself alone. I am elderly now and have nothing but thanksgiving to Him for all He has done. He takes care of me abundantly. Thank you again for sharing your story and God bless you. Karen W.
