Comments on: The Church Bells All Were Broken Sat, 26 Sep 2020 07:21:16 +0000 hourly 1 By: Joseph Herrin Sat, 05 Mar 2011 13:18:01 +0000 #comment-2005 Dear Suzanne,

I have focused on the most famous churches and bell towers in the city of Christchurch. There were many more damaged or destroyed. I will have to leave it to you to find the answers to your questions.

In a spiritual sense, you should also ask, "How many churches today are ringing forth the truth of the gospel of Christ? How many are telling their members that they must take up their cross daily and follow Yahshua? How many are telling those who sit in the pews that they must not love the world, or the things in it? How many are teaching conformity to Christ as the goal of discipleship, knowing that He never said or did anything of His own initiative?"

I believe you will find on these accounts that the church bells all are broken.

May you be blessed with peace and understanding in these days.

By: Unknown Sat, 05 Mar 2011 07:20:49 +0000 #comment-2004 I would like to know:

a) How many church steeple were there in CC?

b) How many were completely destroyed?

c) How many were damaged?

d) How many remained intact?


By: Joseph Herrin Tue, 01 Mar 2011 17:10:34 +0000 #comment-2003 Dear Sister Stutsman,

Thank you for your comments. I will share a thought on your statement that "now is not the time to judge."

The Father has been indicating through these quakes in Christchurch that it is time for people to judge themselves. If people will examine their lives, and the foundations of their homes, and make corrections as the Father directs them to, they will be able to be spared unnecessary loss and suffering.

Paul said, "If we judge ourselves, we need not be judged." I believe this is the message the Father is bringing through these experiences.

May you be blessed with peace and understanding in these days.

By: midspoint Tue, 01 Mar 2011 16:53:11 +0000 #comment-2002 This breaks the heart. The earthquakes, the flooding in Australia, the enormity of the winter storms in America… all over the world, it all signifies a call from God, and I wonder who is listening. God always warns, but few take heed. Now is not the time to judge, but to pray for a greater harvest of souls. Physical events are growing in magnitude and strength, while in the spiritual realm, the battle intensifies. We have a great part to play in both realms, if we keep ourselves in tune to the Holy Spirit.
Thank you for your timely message!

By: Steph Tue, 01 Mar 2011 05:16:27 +0000 #comment-2001 To understand this event fully we have to look at the origin of the church bell.

What's being destroyd here are the parts of the church that don't belong to the one true God.

According to the Lexicon of Freemasonry (by Albert Mackey), "Bell, Baal, or Bul, is the name of God as worshipped among the Chaldeans and Phoenicians.

When viewed from below bells are a point within a circle.A sign of Baal.A point within a circle also represents Sons of God/Daughters of Men (see Gen 6)

Interestingly the grieving family you showed commented that they were a family of faith to the press.To test their faith further
,their mother's house was burgled the night of the quake while they gathered in town for news.

By: Anonymous Mon, 28 Feb 2011 20:43:35 +0000 #comment-2000 In reference to the above comment about the earthquake bringing everyone to God's feet in New Zealand. As a New Zealander I can tell you, that within a couple of days of the earthquake, street prostitutes were once again on the corners of the devastated streets. The leaders of the destroyed churches interviewed, never mentioned the need for repentance. A major fund raising effort has commenced to rebuild the ruins of the cathedral. People are more interested in the pyhsical ruins of Christchurch than the ruins of the souls of mankind in New Zealand. The church should be the pillar and ground of truth in this world. This end time church is nothing more than a pile of rubble.

By: Joachim Sun, 27 Feb 2011 02:37:43 +0000 #comment-1999 Brother Joseph,

the thought occurred reading about the bell towers all being destroyed, that the bell towers purpose is/was to call the people to worship. Looking at the destroyed bell towers, these churches have lost the ability and the means to call the people to worship.


By: Joseph Herrin Sat, 26 Feb 2011 19:50:26 +0000 #comment-1998 Dear Roni,

The Lord certainly desires to speak to women as much as men. All are given the Holy Spirit that they might know the thoughts of God.

Regarding everyday decisions, I think this has a lot to do with the roles assigned to you. Each person is given some authority to carry forth their individual responsibilities.

For example, your husband may ask you to oversee the meals for the family. He may give you some guidelines, such as wanting the meals to be healthy, as well as kept within a certain budget. He may even tell you what some of his favorite foods are, so that you can work them into the menu.

The degree of liberty you have in fulfilling this role will vary from one home to the next, depending on how much the husband wants to be involved in the matter.

Knowing the desire of your husband to have healthy, enjoyable and economical meals, you can then seek the Father to guide you to be the best helpmate you can be in this regard. This will most likely involve some diligent study (The typical American diet is far from healthy). You may need to educate yourself on what is healthy, and how to prepare various foods. At all times, you should look to the Father to guide you. (We have not because we ask not.)

This is merely one example of the outworking of a daily responsibility, but the pattern extrapolates well to many other areas. The management of the home, clothing choices for the family, the education of the children, being a godly encourager to the husband, and many other things would all require that the woman be led of the Spirit as she goes about her daily life.

I believe one of the most crucial aspects of this is attitude. It is very easy to fall into the trap of viewing daily responsibilities as duties to be discharged as quickly as possible, with a minimum of effort. Instead, we should look at everything God has given us to do as sacred. We should seek to do all things "as unto the Lord" knowing that it is from Him we will receive the reward.

Think about the power a woman has to transform every aspect of her home. There is a tangible difference between a woman who does so with a spirit of excellence, and one who does so with a spirit of sloth.

One of the telltale signs of an excellent attitude is that the woman will abide in the Lord throughout the day, communicating with the Father that He might guide and empower her in the carrying forth of the works He has called her to. The woman who truly sees her role as vital to the health of the family, and desires to give a good accounting before the Father on that day when everything will be examined, will be continually looking to the Father to guide and empower her.

Some women do only what their husbands ask them to do. They manifest little understanding that they will also have to give an account to God. They are like the unprofitable servant Christ spoke of. They do only what they are told to do. The profitable servant will go beyond what is asked of him/her, seeking to find ways to improve upon everything under their influence.

By: Anonymous Sat, 26 Feb 2011 19:15:22 +0000 #comment-1997 @ Deirdre;

I have just experienced a severe and painful swelling of the throat. During this trial, I was reminded of Bro. Joseph's daughter. I was very desirous of wanting to do only what the Father would have me do, just as she was.

I feel what you are saying about these type of trials coming to believers may be correct – we are very spoiled and we must be tested in all areas to see if we will still walk with the Father even during adversities.

Now, on the other side of the ordeal, I feel the Lord was using that (and a subsequent physical difficulty I am having) to purify me, produce patience and test my love and obedience.

I so long to have a better hearing ear!

@ Joseph;
As the Lord leads you, can you please speak more about the roll of the married woman in hearing the Father? I was very mindful during my ordeal to hear what my husband had to say about how to handle my situation. This question is not pertaining to areas of sin and following the written Word of God, but just everyday, general circumstances.

Shouldn't married women pray that the Father would speak clearly through their husband and then be confident in the council that comes forth from the man?

I know it seems like I am saying that there should be a mediator between me and the Father, but I am trying to understand clearly my role as one 'created for the man'. I have read your book on the daughters of Sarah but I guess I still have questions.

I know this is not your emphasis right now so if you can't really respond at this time I understand.

Thank you for your writings; they have blessed me greatly.


By: Anonymous Sat, 26 Feb 2011 01:01:11 +0000 #comment-1996 Dave Sandford from Auckland New Zealand said…

New Zealand's National Anthem is beautiful and "prophetic":
It starts – 'God of Nations at thy feet, in the bonds of love we meet, here our voices we intreat, God defend New Zealand'…
The earthquake death and destruction in Christchurch has brought everybody to God's feet. A lot of separated families and strangers are now living with each other creating bonds of love.
God promises to turn ashes into beauty. It's a hard road ahead for everybody in Christchurch and New Zealand. But I'm assured and confident in our God's love.
Thank you for your prayers.

By: Anonymous Sat, 26 Feb 2011 00:18:48 +0000 #comment-1995 Dear Bro. Joseph,
I had an experience last June. While having a gallbladder attack and praying for wisdom (should I go to the hospital, see if it passes….) I heard in my spirit, "If the pain never ended, would you deny ME?" I said 'no'. Since then, I have examined that experience and believe the Spirit was letting me know that indeed I (other believers too, but I will not speak for them) may experience all kinds of pain in the days to come.

I have watched both my parents die. I held my Mom in my arms. Though they were both believers, there was still intense pain with peace.


By: Stacy Fri, 25 Feb 2011 23:28:39 +0000 #comment-1994 Joseph,
I agree God speaks to us in many ways. A fews weeks ago, I fasted for a day, meditating on God and his word. I also read about what you had written about hurricane Katrina, and the significance of names. I was about to go to bed when I believe the Holy Spirit impressed upon me to find out the meaning of my name. I knew it came from Anastacia. I searched on the computer the meaning of the name Stacy. It is from the Greek name Anastacia, and means resurrection. In all my 41 years I had not known the meaning. I believe God wanted me to know this, now, for whatever reason. I believe it is these subtle ways that God speaks to us that speak volumes, and resonate in our spirit.
