Comments on: A Church Without Ears Sat, 26 Sep 2020 07:24:39 +0000 hourly 1 By: Shelly Fri, 29 Oct 2010 02:55:02 +0000 #comment-2186 Of my more serious friends on Facebook, I have often heard them share of their frustration at trying to share truth on that site only for it to be ignored or negative comments to be made. People can talk alot about nonsense and some get many posts over a funny video or similar but the truth is oftentimes ignored. You're right. It's only when gross darkness is upon people that they will begin to wake up. That has been my thought for years. People are still too comfortable.

By: Anonymous Thu, 28 Oct 2010 17:45:45 +0000 #comment-2185 Amen, brother Joseph. So few, even in church circles, have the burning desire to hear from the LORD.

My heart has broken on multiple occasions in a small group Bible study we attend when all the men want to talk about is sports and the women about immediate, personal concerns. Challenging them to bring the same passion to God's Word and Spirit seems not to have altered their priorities.

Still, the Spirit of God is a spirit of patience and forbearance along with the burning Truth. One can only begin to imagine what Jesus endured.

When you speak of great darkness, what comes to mind are images of ash (death) from the recent volcano in Indonesia, as depicted in this video:

In a similar vein, I find it interesting that the ash has covered the Buddhist temple Borobudur, both closing it to pilgrims and eroding it with sulfuric acid. See:

Grace and Peace. Keep up the good work!

By: Anonymous Thu, 28 Oct 2010 03:32:32 +0000 #comment-2184 Brother Joseph:

Amen! Thank you for posting this.

My great concern is that not only is the church distracted by many things and uninterested in hearing from God, but she is also, in my experience, almost completely uninterested in prayer. In light of the times we are in, this is very dangerous indeed.

I have to agree with you that we should not pray for the darkness to be delayed, for if we do we stand in opposition to the dealings of God.

By: Anonymous Thu, 28 Oct 2010 02:32:55 +0000 #comment-2183 Joseph,

Ah yes, how difficult it is to find a church that is interested in glorifying Our Lord and Saviour.

We finally gave up on the one we were attending. It was a gigantic social club, with people sitting slurping coffee and eating during service. They were getting ready to build some stores in the adjacent building so people could do some shopping! I am not kidding.

We ran.

By: Kevin Wed, 27 Oct 2010 22:54:53 +0000 #comment-2182 Dear brother Joseph,
Thank you for this timely message. God speaks and confirms. You met with us earlier this year and since then, even before you arrived, our home church group was been invaded by unwholesome teaching. Now, just in the last few days, my wife and I have discontinued the monthly meetings due to several falling away from the Truth of God's Holy Word. This is heart-breaking to us, but we followed the admonition of Christ to His disciples when he told them that if they were not received, they should depart and shake the dust off their feet. We exhorted our dear brothers and sisters to remain strong in the Truth, but they preferred to scratch their itching ears. We send prayers of encouragement that you remain strong in the Truth and experience the joy of God's Love. We appreciate you and your teachings, harsh as they may seem to some. We see the unutterable peace and fulfillemnt that awaits us and focus on that, giving little heed to these present "light afflictions." May our heavenly Father richly bless you in all your work, physical and spiritual. In the name and power of Christ, we pray. Amen. Kevin

By: Joseph Herrin Wed, 27 Oct 2010 18:33:18 +0000 #comment-2181 Dear Deirdre,

Andrew Strom is exposing these Hindu spirits which have gained entrance into the church under the guise of revival. Mr. Strom is not advocating embracing such spirits, but rather warning those who have discernment to recognize them as unclean.

By: Anonymous Wed, 27 Oct 2010 18:18:05 +0000 #comment-2180 Dear Mr. Herrin,
could you possibly post a little adendum to your recent post, maybe explaining a little what is going on in the videos. I am hesitant to watch any of them as I know the Kundalini spirit is from Hinduism (the snake at the bottom of the spine working its way up). I've watched stuff on others blogs and wham saw something I was not ready for or prayed up on before.
