Comments on: Come and Dine Sat, 26 Sep 2020 07:24:42 +0000 hourly 1 By: Kevin Wed, 27 Oct 2010 02:47:22 +0000 #comment-2187 Whew! I'm worn out! You must be as well. Your blog just seemed to stop suddenly, as if you had collapsed. Rest, brother. We are not as young as we once were. It looks marvelous, by the way. You do excellent work. I shudder to think what my efforts at carpentry would look like. Thankfully, He gave us all different gifts. My younger brother got all the carpentry skills in my family, passed down from our maternal grandfather. I got a blest ability to speak and a beautiful voice. Not bragging, except on Him. May our heavenly Father continue to bless your every endeavor, brother. Kevin, from the lighthouse near the town of light (Helen).
