Comments for Parables Blog – Heart 4 God Tue, 18 Feb 2025 17:39:52 +0000 hourly 1 Comment on Christmas Season versus Sabbath Rest by Colin Buchanan Tue, 18 Feb 2025 17:39:52 +0000 In reply to Tammie Martin.

Dear Tammie, thank you for your kind words. It means a great deal to know that these writings are of aid to fellow saints, especially in these troubled times. Please keep us in your prayers.

Yes the Heart4God website is not properly working right now – this is where all the previous articles and books are stored – as we have had to move it to a new webserver, and it is still undergoing reconstruction. Hopefully this will lead to some positive changes. Check back in a week or so to see if it is up and running again.

Peace and blessings sister.

Comment on Christmas Season versus Sabbath Rest by Tammie Martin Tue, 18 Feb 2025 13:55:24 +0000 Hello Mr. Buchanan,

I came across your website recently, and the few articles I have read so far have deeply resonated —they are an answer to prayer … and a tender, loving reminder from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ that His people are not alone, but they are partakers in His crucible of purification … thank you.

I have also been convicted regarding the Sabbath and Christmas. I clicked on the link to read the newsletter article “Removing the High Places,” but received a 404 error. 404 errors also appear after other links are clicked as well in other posted articles. I’m not sure if this is a problem with my device, but just want to bring this to your attention.

God bless you and your family as you labor to exhort and encourage the saints in the days before King Jesus’s return.

Comment on They Flock To Kiss His Ring – Part 1 by Colin Buchanan Thu, 13 Feb 2025 20:43:07 +0000 In reply to Shawn.

Dear Shawn,

It is very good to hear from your brother. Despite your not being Irish, you do bear an Irish name, so I will consider you an honorary Irishman anyway. 🙂

Yes, those pictures from the inauguration look more like something from a funeral than a celebration. I believe this was very intentional.

Here is the link regarding the ‘US being Babylon’:

I suspect this may be something that is more difficult to see from the inside than the outside.

The Abraham Accords are a signing, an open declaration, about ‘the shared values’ of the three Middle Eastern religions, Christianity, Judaism, Islam. As in – ‘they are all derived from Abraham’ … It is frankly another step in the setting up of a One World Religion, in which Christianity is merely one religion amongst many …

You mention J. Preston Eby. I cannot tell you how many times this brother and his writings have been mentioned to me over the last month or so in relation to Joseph’s ministry. These are clearly leadings of the Spirit. I was deeply impressed by Mr Eby’s writings on ‘The AntiChrist’ also. I will be contacting the web-owners of his website shortly to see if I may reproduce some of his works here for the Parables blog.

In truth I have not yet had a chance to properly explain my understanding of this matter in a proper blog posting, but hope to do so shortly. I believe the Scriptural prophecies of the last days are intended to be understood spiritually, not materially – BY THE SAINTS. However, I also believe there exists a material ‘counterfeit’ to the Last Days prophecies, as understood by those secretly in power who do not have spiritual eyes to see. Yes they are using the prophecies for their own ends, and in doing so, are creating a material reality to the deeper spiritual truths that are meant to be understood. Which is why the prophecies appear to reflect both spiritual truths AND a material reality. The Mark of the Beast is good example of this, alongside the spirit of antichrist, and also ‘The Temple’. So far I have only really covered the ‘counterfeit’ material side of these things. My emphasis next should be on the spiritual understandings. Particularly in relation to the Abomination of Desolation, and what is really meant concerning the Abomination of Desolation entering ‘The Temple’ and assuming the place of God. When understood spiritually, we can see that this is already occurring and indeed, depending on your definitions of the Body of Christ, has been occurring for many decades now – for WE are the TEMPLE, the Body of Christ.

You also mention Joseph’s book The Remnant Bride, and the chapter The Victory of the Bride. Ah yes, the Rapture! Only this week I asked a fellow brother if he could write an article concerning this matter for the Parables blog. I will also include portions of Joseph’s chapter in the forthcoming post on the matter. Many thanks for bringing this chapter to mind.

By the way, concerning your issues with posting a comment here – your comment DID go through despite the error message you received. Some settings on the site have now been changed in hopes this will correct the issue of leaving comments here. If you still experience problems, could you let me know?

And please feel free to send any further thoughts you might have. I would welcome further emails from you brother.

Comment on They Flock To Kiss His Ring – Part 1 by Dimitri Berlinsky Thu, 13 Feb 2025 15:10:12 +0000 In reply to Colin Buchanan.

Yes, I hope you, and all who fear YHWH will find The Lord of The Rings as insightful as I did to the Spritual Battle of Good & Evil. It is a Parallel to OUR DAYS.
I hope you & your Family are safe & sound. We are experiencing troubles far and wide in our Country as well, but YHWH Almighty is our Dwelling Place and Refuge!

Comment on They Flock To Kiss His Ring – Part 1 by Moose Tue, 11 Feb 2025 10:15:26 +0000 Per Lance Wallnau and Hank Kunneman on the TV program “Flashpoint,” DirecTV, Channel 366, God has “reset” America by giving Donald Trump four more years. It is the fulfillment of a prophecy given to Hank Kunneman during the 09-11-01 tragedy in which God stated He would “raise up a future president out of the towers of New York City” (Trump towers) and that he would be “a two-term president.”

These prophecies for the future were given to the late Kim Clement, January 24, 2015:

o “A man (Trump) will be raised — a noble president.”

o Prayer can make a difference: A global awakening and outpouring is about to happen.

o There won’t be another 09-11-01 on that level, but there will be an attack on the Hyatt Regency (possibly Chicago) coming in the future.


God told someone during their recent NDE that we need to pray for Elon Musk as he is at a crossroads regarding his future for good or evil in regards to technology. In addition, I have received two reports from two different sources stating Elon Musk accepted Christ at a meeting in the northwest before the election which is why he seemed so happy, jumping for joy at Trump’s rally. These are interesting times and developments, to say the least.

Some have the opinion that Trump is the antichrist, but someone asked God during their NDE who the antichrist was and God replied, “He’s a Jew who will be like King Solomon by rebuilding the temple and reinstituting the animal sacrificial system.” Even now the Israelis have found a descendant of Moshe Dayan who helped to liberate the temple mount in Jerusalem, who, like Moshe, is a direct descendant of King David. He is being prepped now to become the King of Israel under a monarchy system. Link:

  In one of his speeches, Trump described the assassination attempt as a pivotal moment in his life.  He noted a profound change in his spiritual life, stating more conviction in his faith than ever before.

    “Honestly, it changed … something in me,” Trump said.  “I feel even stronger.  I believed in God, but I feel much more strongly about it; something happened.”

    His narrative included reflections on the unpredictability of life and the mysterious ways he believes God intervenes.  “I turned to the right to look at the chart, and I said, ‘Wow.  What was that?  So, you never know, but God did that. I mean, it had to be,” Trump explained. Source: Excerpt from:

Comment on They Flock To Kiss His Ring – Part 1 by Colin Buchanan Mon, 10 Feb 2025 14:25:29 +0000 In reply to Dimitri Berlinsky.

This point you raise is very interesting Dimitri: ‘It is very remarkable in The Rings of Power Series how I found out how SAURON came to be so DECEPTIVE…
Do you know what his “claim was”… It is laughable(soberly)…He wanted to “BRING PEACE TO MIDDLE EARTH” and unite them all under one BANNER, “so they wouldn’t keep fighting with each other”

I was also struck recently when I saw the banner of Sauron/Mordor – it is the Gnostic’s ALL SEEING EYE …

Comment on They Flock To Kiss His Ring – Part 1 by Shawn Sun, 09 Feb 2025 06:25:28 +0000 Greetings – from a small town here in Massachusetts in the US.

First of all, thank you for sharing a bit of you and your families dealings and the happenings in Ireland. Though there is certainly a contingent of Irish people in this state (my boss at work and his wife told me recently they used Gaelic names for their kids- Maeve and Owen), I am not Irish myself, and do not honestly know much about Irish ways. And yet hearing of the things you share, the similarity of the darkness of these days in many ways is exactly the same here on the other side of the Atlantic.

Thank you also for sharing these spiritiual insights in this post and in your previous posts. I did not watch or follow any of the inauguration events, but even just looking at the pictures you posted, I am reminded that “a pictures speaks 1,000 words”. Those still frame pictures reek of occult symbolism, as well as the death and destruction you describe. In every sense of the world, they are depressing.

In your post, you mentioned leaving an attachment with some notes regarding the U.S. being ‘Babylon’, but I don’t see it posted on my end. Am I looking in the wrong spot?

Also you mentioned the Abraham Accords being the potential start of the clock leading to the tribulation. I am not familiar with the Abraham Accords, other than the little I found online regarding the current president’s first administration working with Israel to sign agreements with a few other nations. What exactly are these things?

Finally, regarding your commentary on prophesy and the anti-christ spirit and the ‘beast’ etc. – thank you for sharing. Though God has given me some personal insight over the years on spiritual symbolim and has also directed me to the teachings of Mr. Herrin which has been a great blessing, I do not claim any revelation from God in prophesy. It seems rather that the Spirit more or less gives me a check in my spirit to let me know if something is ‘off’. Over the years Mr. Herrin has written some on these matters. I have also read “The 70 Weeks of Daniel” and “The Anti-Christ” by J. Preston Eby which over-all has been helpful. Nevertheless, realizing that anti-christ fully means ‘in place of’ rather than just ‘against’, I can see how the current president of the US is probably the full embodiment of the Adamic/Satanic nature of man trying to be ‘God’ and all those that are following him his ‘body’, as opposed to the full nature of Christ, being the head, will be fully manifested in a remnant body of His at this coming time of maturity.

For those who haven’t read it, or haven’t recently, I also would highly recommend Mr. Herrin’s book ‘ The Remnant Bride’, particularly the chapter ‘ The Victory of the Bride’.

Comment on They Flock To Kiss His Ring – Part 1 by Dimitri Berlinsky Sat, 08 Feb 2025 06:56:59 +0000 Oh Wow! Oh Wow!

I had no idea what was coming to day, in your quickened way.

To hear you speak of these things brings Joy to my heart, for the same warning has been in my heart for these past 7 yrs. or so with all of The TRiUMPh Cards being played.
It’s almost impossible to speak of this to anyone, b/c after all, how could this be a bad thing that This President(KING OF THE WORLD OF MAMMON OF UNRIGHTEOUSNESS) Donald J TRUMP is restoring our Republic, Peace & Li erty to ALL???

Because IT IS ALL ABOUT THIS WORLD…that is why it is BAD!

Why is it that those who preach Christ Yashua Crucified Suffer Persecution?
…b/c it is not about THIS

Some will say, but he is suffering persecution in his endeavors to restore our Republic, etc, etc.
…well, my friend, that is THE GREAT DECEPTION!

The Satan’s all appear as ANGELS OF LIGHT/GOOD/PEACE, but they are known by their fruits.
He is suffering for what he believes just as anyone in this world, good or evil.

Good men suffer because they are not of this world, and are adversaries to The Satans.

Evil men suffer because they are
of this world and adversaries to

The Jesuit(Society of Jesus)…aka…The Synagogue of Satan Agenda is marked by one
common trait, and that is…
They ALWAYS PROVIDE A VILLAIN & A HERO(“saviour”). They always Divide & Provide!
They have funded both sides of every war since Napoleon Bonaparte who was a servant of the Jesuit Order who were newly created by Ignacious(whoever that guy was from Spain), who went to the Pope to bring all the
world into one warfighting Machine against YHWH Almighty.
They have succeeded thus far, and we are in the GATHERING
final “HURRAH”(sound familiar Marines?)against YHWH.

Here is The Word that came to mind tonight when I read your REPORT.

1 John 4:4-5 KJV – .
5 They are of the world: therefore speak they of the world, and the world heareth them.

I always encourage everyone to read The Lord of The Rings, or at least watch it(including The Hobbit), and The Rings of Power which are a new series(and I hate series, so that is saying a lot for me…Lol).
They are a Paradigm YHWH has sent us in this last hour, to consider that we are IN THAT SAME SPIRITUAL BATTLE AT THIS VERY MOMENT.

Many just see it as fantasy, sci-fi, or whatever, but when YHWH opens one’s eyes to see the Parable…IT IS STUNNING ACCURACY.
It was by no mistake JRR Tolkein wrote this story for US who live at this time of Great Deception.

It is very remarkable in The Rings of Power Series how I found out how SAURON came to be so DECEPTIVE…
Do you k ow what his “claim was”…
It is laughable(soberly)…He wanted to “BRING PEACE TO MIDDLE EARTH” and unite them all under one BANNER, “so they wouldn’t keep fighting with each other”

Anyway, Sir Colin, I read your reply in February just now, and I don’t have the literature with me on the Joseph(Ephraim/Manesseh)Ireland, Great Britain(Stone of Scone), and USA/Great Britain/Europe Hebrew Tribes Division. Nor the Literature on what’s happening with The Tribe of Dan(Dnepr/Danube/Danske/Denmark, etc. etc)…but they are EVERYWHERE, and they really are EUROPE ITSELF IN A NUTSHELL(along with Judah of Course).
This was The Blessing of AbraHAM) on all NATIONS OF THE GENTILES because of his Faith.
From what I understand Great Britain[British Empire]= Ephraim=Multitude of Nations),

& USA(Manessah=A Great

If I can find some of the stuff I will send it, but the point on my deep digs were to understand the Prophecies about how some out of every nation, language & tongue are saved, and were there in HEAVEN singing Praises to YHWH which lives forever & ever.

It is so comforting that at the end, THE ISRAEL OF YHWH is believers out of every nation, kindred, tongue & language, along with 144,000 out of all 12 Tribes mentioned(excluding Dan, which is The Continent of Europe, (many small countries) who have intermarried with the other Tribes of Judah. YHWH is SO MERCIFUL, and finds a way to redeem a believer even if his tribe was cut off initially. Hence, all those that believe in Yashua are justified from all things
Could you, and I and many of our acquaintances, and friends be a part of his Wheat Harvest?
I Do Hope So Fervently!

Comment on The Loneliness Of The Saints: A Call For Community! by Colin Buchanan Fri, 07 Feb 2025 21:32:27 +0000 In reply to Dimitri Berlinsky.

Thank you for your kind words Dimitri! I am heartened by your zeal and fear for God, brother.

I was also struck when you used the following words: ‘No Souls are precious to these Servants of Sauron out of Mordor.’

This leapt out at me, as this is the very topic of the blog I have posted today, They Flock To Kiss His Ring. I believe there is something in today’s writing which the Father wishes you to see, brother.

You also mentioned how ‘Ireland has Strong ties to the Prophecies of Ephraim & Manassah’. Yes, with spiritual eyes I have been seeing the real Spiritual war that has been occurring for all these centuries, and how certain nations are indeed in the crosshairs of the Enemy. How amazingly different history looks when perceived spiritually. Have you any links or references you could email me concerning the prophecies?

With blessings.

Comment on The Loneliness Of The Saints: A Call For Community! by Dimitri Berlinsky Wed, 05 Feb 2025 01:32:15 +0000 In reply to Colin Buchanan.

Dear Colin!
So Happy you are continuing Joseph’s ministry.
Concerning The USA, and the political/religious climate here, I have a note.
President Donald J Trump has been inaugurated a 2nd time(though he never left office).
It was not a mistake he “didn’t put his hand on the Bible for his swearing in”.
That is another story.
However, now that CENTRAL CASTING/HOLLYWOOD/CIA is being exposed for the Satanists and Deceivers they are, many are realizing g they have been hoodwinked/mind-controlled/deceived by what they see on MSM/Tel-aVision propaganda machine.
It is through deep & prolonged searches that I have come to understand that we are in a major PsyOp(worldwide).
Judgment is here, and everything hidden is being brought to the light(as Jesus said it would be).
Though Politics & Religion(along with their tentacles of entrapment)have divided our Nation, many are waking up through Our President’s persistence in taking down the corruption everywhere, starting at the Highest Offices in the land.
Many are divided on his account as well, not knowing if he is Good or Evil.
However, he is a vessel being used by YHWH to bring about an Awakening, so vast, that no one will be exempt from it’s reach, nor have excuse to not know the Truth.
In a nutshell, The Political arena is the TWIN TOWER of the Religious arena. They Both went down together, as we all saw.
However, The Religious Tower is being exposed alongside The Political(they are entwined together by the Snake).
The Spiritual Judgment on The Great Whore is being seen in this physical realm daily, especially with the Airline Catastrophes.
To many DJT appears as a saviour to mankind, but to those that Trust YHWH, he is just an instrument of judgment in our land(and worldwide).
I do believe he is executing YHWH’s SWIFT judgment on this land, and even the Evil Powers that be, in their Resistance are also bearing out judgement on themselves, as well as destroying many people and land in the process, with their HAARP & SORCERIES that they DEW.
The atmosphere here in USA(now that our Republic has been restored, and USA INC. has been taken down), is one of mixed emotions.
Those that have been awake & following the TAKE DOWN of The Evil Cabal, are CAUTIOUSLY HAPPY, but those who are fighting against The Restoration of Our Republic are going full ahead Steam to destroy EVERYTHING in their path. No Souls are precious to these Servants of Sauron out of Mordor.
What I am cautioned to do is remember what Jesus said, about, WHEN THEY SAY “PEACE, PEACE”, then sudden destruction shall come…
Destruction shall come upon the whole Earth, but those that Trust in YHWH shall be kept safe from the Evil.
We all will go through the Valley of The SHADOW of Death, but HIS Rod & Staff(by which he died upon) shall preserve those that trust in HIM.
(I just learned about THE STAKE/STAFF in Hebrew). The Cross is really “The Stake” upon which he died, which is also interpreted “THE STAFF”.
One doesn’t have to be a scholar to see the SYMBOLISM(The Cross) that pagen religions have
incorporated into their one-world Religion.
This will come as a shock to most, but it’s true. The Cross(in all it’s different forms) is used worldwide in ALL ITS TWISTED FORMS OF
True believers/called out ones/eklessia, don’t worship ANY IMAGE or SYMBOLS, but Worship YHWH in SPIRIT & IN TRUTH. So, it doesn’t matter that some call it a Cross & some call it a Stake. It only matters that we believe YASHUA’s Testimony that he gave us of Abba Father, Our Elohim.
We must all take up his reproach(The Cross/Stake/Tree) & follow him to the Death of The Flesh!

I hope this is acceptable to share!
I’m Thankful, Colin, for you, and Pray that you would be kept safe from The WATERS OF DECEPTION that the Dragon is pouring out of his mouth upon the earth. I also Pray that you, and yours, would be given a little sanctuary amidst the Terrible Troubles enveloping your Country.
Remember The Plagues of Egypt(The Children of Israel were SPARED The Wrath of God, and had light in their dwellings during the Plagues.
Now That is Hopeful!
I Also hope Joseph Herrin & Randy Simmons will be kept safe as well as any who read this blog, and Hope in Our Great Shepherd.
Note: Ireland has Strong ties to the Prophecies of Ephraim & Manassah, so be hopeful, that there are faithful among you, as well as The USA & Great Britain, and indeed in every Country, Nation & Language upon the face of the earth.

Comment on The Loneliness Of The Saints: A Call For Community! by Dimitri Berlinsky Wed, 05 Feb 2025 00:45:15 +0000 In reply to Randy Simmons.

Dear Randy Simmons!
It is SO GOOD to hear from you.
I am merely a tag-a-long fragment of a believer in YHWH & YASHUA his Son, hoping to be A True Believer through & through.

I have been reading along(arriving late to the party, obviously),starting at where the blog began back in 2008. I jumped ahead to know what would become of Joseph your brother and friend. I am comforted in knowing he is ok on his path of retirement, and that YHWH has provided a brother to continue his ministry.
I always could associate with your trials & tribulations, being a very hard “nut” to crack.
I am so happy to hear your comment about Moses (not) entering the Promised land.
You are absolutely 💯 % correct.
Dad told us kids this many years back(I always cried for Moses on that story), that “The reason Moses COULD NOT ENTER The Promised Land was because of the truth of the Gospel(later to be revealed through YASHUA), that THE LAW CANNOT ENTER I to the Promised Land.
It is The Faith of YASHUA that any can enter, not by keeping the TORAH.
Anyway, So good to hear you preach that truth(YHWH showed you that by his Spirit).
God Bless You, my friend, and Joseph, as well. His Understanding & Humility have been a priceless treasure for me through my troubles these past few years. His teachings(most of them) have been such a source of strength, hope & comfort to me, though many were strong rebukes to me & my ungodly ways. I hope to be forgiven for all(and I am forgiven when I believe his Gospel of Forgiveness & Repentance).

Comment on Preparing For The End by Colin Buchanan Tue, 04 Feb 2025 20:30:46 +0000 In reply to Colin Buchanan.

And of course, ‘Closer Than A Brother’:

