Comments on: DECEPTION – Part 5 (Conclusion) Sat, 26 Sep 2020 06:53:39 +0000 hourly 1 By: Joseph Herrin Fri, 04 Jan 2019 15:58:56 +0000 #comment-727 Dear Phillip,

I am sorry that I don't remember you or your sins. You need not worry that I forget your sins for it is Yahweh that judges sin and He does not have a faulty memory like mine. You look to Samson as an excuse for your own trespasses. Doing so is not wise. Samson had his eyes plucked out, and was imprisoned by the Philistines with whom he was sharing a bed. His wife tormented him with her insistent nagging until he told her the secret of his strength. In his final act he pulled the entire house of the Philistines down on his head, killing more in his death than he did in his life.

I too can point to Samson as a man of great strength. His strength was supernatural, even as Solomon's wisdom was. Yet did Solomon's wisdom keep him from following after foreign gods in his old age, and losing ten tribes of his kingdom? You can justify that you have done no different than they, but why don't you justify yourself with the righteous? Compare yourself to Christ, who is our righteousness. Even Paul, a Christian of the New Testament said, "Be imitators of me as I am of Christ." (I Corinthians 11:1)

Brother, you too are called to judge righteously. I encourage you to read the article titled "The Issue of Judging."

The Issue of Judging

Joseph Herrin

By: Unknown Thu, 03 Jan 2019 21:12:05 +0000 #comment-726 Hi Joseph

i was just reading Hebrews 11 the other day. the great chapter on great men of God in the Bible. When i came to vs 32 I was somewhat taken aback that Samson was also mentioned as a great man of God!! Wow! Samson? You see, man is so good at seeing the faults (especially not their own, not so bro Joseph?) that we forget to see people the way God sees them! Not as a bunch of sinners with one fault after another but as a people HE loves and would do anything to perfect.

Oh yes, these guys may or may not be guilty of what you accuse them of (o even worse), but then am glad Jesus wrote that woman's sins in sand, not on moses' stones. My sins are not going to determine who I am. I repent of them and throw them by the feet of the cross.

the danger bro is you may still be judging me by my sins when God is already judging me by grace!!

then again, what logs would we find in YOUR eyes if you were on TV daily preaching and not hiding behind a keyboard looking for splinters in other preachers' eyes?? A BIG WONDER




By: Joseph Herrin Mon, 01 Oct 2018 15:59:50 +0000 #comment-725 Dear (Unknown),

As a Christian teacher my first responsibility is to the Lord Yahshua Christ. The diversity of opinions you have received is evidence of the teachers having their own set of thoughts that lead them to teach. These thoughts are not the same, nor are they scriptural. They come from the men's souls. I would advise you to read the book "Sabbath" for it looks to the Spirit of Christ to know what should be preached.

As a new woman in Christ I would also ask you to please read "Sarah's Children" to learn what Christ's counsel is to you. It will lead you to a death of the soul, as it does every one of His children.

Joseph Herrin

By: Eni Sat, 29 Sep 2018 21:08:16 +0000 #comment-724 Hello,interesting read.Thanks for the word.Please I need you to write a blog on how we can create a balance in our local church that does not overemphasize morality to the point of legalism and yet on the other hand does not fall into this corruption seen in the charismatic movement.I just concluded my New Believers Class training in my local church and I observed that even amongst our teachers there is diversity of opinion on the direction the church should go.I have previously been part of a congregation whose emphasis was on holy living but I noticed a lack of true love and an environment charged with so much criticism.For instance a lady must not do make up,must not put on earings,jewelry etc Such a one is judged a candidate of hell.I left because I thought that was too harsh and not the gospel.Moving on I went to a charismatic church only to be disappointed that my tongue talking cell leader didn't see any thing wrong in bribing invigilators for an exam so i could help him write it as he was not sure he could pass on his own.I also noticed same pattern with many members/leaders engaging in immoral activity repeatedly.Now despite these issues the charismatic church was growing massively and members were prospering.I thought the environment of faith teaching made this possible despite the moral failings.Now am in another assembly trying to avoid the two extremes.So how do we build a church with members who have cultivated the fruits of the spirit and still benefit from the freedom and growth that comes with the faith teaching associated with the charismatics.Thanks again.I will really appreciate your thoughts.

By: Quintin Fri, 10 Jun 2016 21:59:08 +0000 #comment-723 Good afternoon Joseph. As I read your post I was reminded of all the great people and not so great people in the bible. I was reminded of 1 Cor 10:1-13 God allowed us to know all of the foibles, slip ups, "issues" and just plain SIN so as to watch OUR OWN lives! I needed to read that post as I am about to launch out into some things and that post was a serious checkup!Kinda reminds me of how in high school at the last day of drivers ed they always show THAT movie that has you leaving out of there saying "I DON'T WANT TO DRIVE!! I DON'T WANT TO DRIVE!!" But you learn to to follow the safety rules and do what is right in order to avoid those accidents. It maps over into the spiritual. We have to remember the examples in scripture, cultivate an intense passionate relationship with Jesus, STAY in the Word of God, be filled with The Holy Spirit and REMAIN ACCOUNTABLE! One thing my pastor said many years ago. "You know you are NOT accountable when there is NO ONE that can come in and SIT YOU DOWN." Question, are you presently part of a local assembly of believers by the way?

By: Joseph Herrin Wed, 11 Jun 2014 20:57:09 +0000 #comment-722 Hello Susanne,

I do not doubt that it stings somewhat to have me write a response to your earlier comment that included some correction, even if it is spoken in love. It is difficult for most men and women to receive even a mild reproof that is given publicly. I have no desire to offend you. I would very much have preferred to carry on this dialogue with you privately via e-mail where there is less opportunity for you to experience any embarrassment arising from disagreements expressed in our correspondence.

When you pointedly asked me to publicly post your original comment, and did not provide me with your actual name, or an e-mail address, I was induced to make public what I believe would have better been discussed privately. When a discussion that involves a difference of opinion is made public, each party is tempted to try to have the final word, and this can lead to the destruction of the hearers. I desire to avoid tit-for-tat type of exchanges. It is a much better and noble goal to seek the welfare of the person with whom we are corresponding. When exchanges are made public, people often write with their focus upon what other readers (the public) are thinking, and this distracts them from seeking the welfare of the one they are speaking to.

When someone insists that I post their comment publicly, it does announce to me that they have a larger aim in mind than helping me to see where I may have erred. If helping me to perceive error was the aim, then a private e-mail would serve very well. Insisting on the comment being publicly posted reveals that the individual is seeking to teach, and have their voice be heard by the public readership of the blog. People often write differently depending on the audience they have in mind. A person is likely to speak to a person privately in a gentler and more gracious manner than if they are talking to the person publicly with an audience listening to them.

I share these words to encourage you to write to me via e-mail if you have further things you wish to share. I will listen to what you have to say, and consider your views, testing them against the Spirit and the Word. You will find my e-mail address listed at the top right of the blog.

May you be blessed with peace and understanding in these days,

Joseph Herrin

By: Unknown Wed, 11 Jun 2014 19:15:43 +0000 #comment-721 Hi Joseph
Thanks for posting my comment and lovingly responding. Unfortunately, some of what I said was misunderstood. I KNOW my identity is in Christ, not in any particular denomination. Also, I did not mention that I am currently in a non-denominational fellowship now, just because of how the Lord led me in how He wanted me to serve Him. Not once in my comments did I say 'I am a Pentecostal', simply because I already agree with you that our identity should be in our Lord Jesus. What I was troubled about is the generalised labelling, which I believe is wrong as I have already given example from my own experience that not every Pentecostal congregation leadership behaves like those who you highlighted, which you have chosen not to acknowledge. For example you stated in your reply about wrong emphasis on spiritual gifts & experiences such as 'imitating animals'! If someone imitates an animal, it's more likely they may have demonic oppression, so that has nothing to do with spiritual gifts. I have come across many intelligent believers who love Jesus in the Pentecostal 'movement' who don't 'imitate animals' or chase after 'angelic presences'. Anyway, may we all grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and I certainly do want to grow in His peace and understanding so amen to that. Thanks for your time.

By: Joseph Herrin Mon, 09 Jun 2014 21:19:14 +0000 #comment-720 Hello Susanne,

Thank you for writing and sharing your comments on this teaching series. You wrote the following:

“However, you seem to be labelling (sic) the Pentecostal and Charismatic denominations in general as at fault rather than just those various individuals within the movements.”

Your statement is true. I do believe there is a wrong emphasis on spiritual gifts and mystical or supernatural experiences (gold dust, angelic presences, falling on the ground, imitating animals, etc.) among these sectors of the church. The problem is much more than a few rotten apples being present. There are fundamental doctrinal errors that are being promulgated by these groups, and these false teachings are producing bad fruit.

Susanne, I expressed in these writings the Biblical prophecies that foretold of these things occurring in the last days before the return of Christ.

I Timothy 4:1
But the Spirit explicitly says that in later times some will fall away from the faith, paying attention to deceitful spirits and doctrines of demons…

My writings were not limited to Pentecostal and Charismatic groups. Although there is some overlap, many see the Prophetic and Apostolic churches as a separate entity, and I spent much time addressing the errors present there as well. In other writings on the Parables Blog site you will find Prosperity churches, Lutherans, Baptists, Methodists, Anglicans, Episcopalians, and various other denominations’ actions and doctrines addressed. I am not singling out any one group, but have been led to address error wherever it is found.

A fair and honest examination of the church at large does reveal that various groups or denominations have embraced errant beliefs that bear bad fruit. The Pentecostals and Charismatics have heaped up to themselves many false teachers and false teachings. The fruit is manifested in the lives of these groups leaders and church members. When we begin to see the same thing happening over and over among a group, with the same failings being manifested, we would do well to question whether there is not some error of belief that is leading to these results. An investigation into the root causes of the rampant financial covetousness, fraud, and generally debauched condition of the lives of leaders of these groups was attempted in the last two series I posted. It is my hope that what was shared with cause those who read these writings to exercise godly discernment, and to test all men and all teachings.

It is not uncommon for people who identify with a particular segment of Christianity to take offense when criticism is offered, sin is rebuked, or error is exposed. One thing this often reveals is that the offended party has embraced an identity other than that of being a disciple of Christ. When men and women identify with groups, or churches, or various leaders, they are doing the very thing the apostle Paul chided the believers in Corinth for doing.

Although you were introduced to Christ in a Pentecostal denomination in the UK, and spent many years there, your identity should not be that of a Pentecostal, or a member of whatever denomination you were affiliated with. Your identity should be that of a disciple of Christ. You should measure all things against Christ, for He alone possesses all truth, all righteousness, and all wisdom. I was raised in Baptist churches, but my identity was never that of being a Baptist. It was ever my habit to test what was being taught to me in the Baptist churches I grew up in, measuring all things against the Spirit and the Word. If the Baptist doctrine did not align with the truth revealed to me by Christ, then its doctrine was not my own. Neither would I have been offended if someone pointed out where the Baptists departed from the mind of Christ, for my allegiance was only to Christ.

I hope you will not be offended because I have pointed out error among the Pentecostals. Let God be true and every man a liar.

May you be blessed with peace and understanding in these days.

By: Unknown Mon, 09 Jun 2014 09:03:20 +0000 #comment-719 Yes there is great danger in thinking that our spiritual ability in the Lord means we don't need to apply restraint in our behaviour. If we are not letting the fruit of the Holy Spirit grow in us, through daily abiding in our Lord and Saviour and obeying His word, then we will abuse the God-given spiritual gifts and dishonour our Lord's holy name. However, you seem to be labelling the Pentecostal and Charismatic denominations in general as at fault rather than just those various individuals within the movements. I became born-again in Christ in a Pentecostal denomination here in the UK, and there was no promotion of sexual debauchery, love of money etc promoted amongst the leadership where I was (though there is no perfect church group). I really grew in the Lord in that church. I am not an exception from the Pentecostal 'movement'. Do you consider non-Pentecostal/Charismatic believers to therefore be more pious, as you have only focussed on those particular denominations in the Church? There is a danger for ANY believer in ANY denomination to backslide or fall away from our Lord through failing to obey His word. Surely there have been problems in leadership in ANY denomination, but we just may not hear about it! Each denomination of the Body of Christ has it's strengths AND weaknesses. Just because certain Pentecostal church leaders (Roberts Liardon etc) abused their spiritual callings in God through pride and sexual immorality, lack of self-control etc, that does not mean it is the whole movement of Pentecostalism that is at fault. Kevin O'Connell's comment to your posting also highlights the same unfortunate generalised judging of Pentecostals/Charismatics. I've never heard of any Iraqi diner investment from my Christian friends who are also from a Pentecostal background. Please post this comment.

By: Unknown Sun, 08 Jun 2014 00:07:07 +0000 #comment-718 Brother Joseph, Stand firm! You may well be attacked and persecuted for your truth-telling. I know you do not fear those things, but I write to encourage you to continue to speak the truth boldly. One thing I have not seen you address is the Pentecostal/Charismatic/Prophetic touting of the Iraqi dinar as an investment vehicle that will pay many thousands of percent profit to purchasers, who can then use the money to fund the building of His kingdom. As if He needs help! You may not know of this, but I suspect you do. If you choose not to publish this, I will write to you privately. Blessings! Kevin, near Helen,Georgia
