Comments on: Dog Lessons Sat, 26 Sep 2020 07:05:20 +0000 hourly 1 By: Anonymous Sun, 19 May 2013 15:55:37 +0000 #comment-1303 Good post Joseph! Now I understand, in reading these 'older' articles which you have written, why you AND Champ liked my change to the Boxer image!

By: Bunny Oaks Sun, 20 Jan 2013 21:55:09 +0000 #comment-1302 I enjoyed your comparison to tying up champ and The Harness of the Lord– a favorite writing of mine as well.

By: Unknown Thu, 17 Jan 2013 05:37:48 +0000 #comment-1301 Oh Joseph! Your post has made me smile. I'm also a pet lover and that passage about godly people loving their animals was given to me more than once. I have two Siamese cats, and before my human son was born, I loved them as children. Now I'm buying a doberman for protection (we live in a house till the Lord says otherwise). Animals have taught me so much wisdom.
Watching a pet in his/her faithfulness and watching wild animals in their freedom gives us a glimpse of the awesomeness of God's created universe. I never cease to marvel at such things as a tree or a flower… all living things. But especially animals.
And yes, I can also relate to that thought about the Lord restricting us little by little. It's very hard! We rebel like the horse being tame. We don't seem to get it…until we do. But you know, I have noticed that even at the times when we don't seem much in contact with the spiritual life, when we don't really sense the voice of the Spirit saying Go this way, Avoid that… sometimes we follow His leading without realizing we're being led… I mean, we make decisions, which we think they're ours, and after a while we realize it was the Lord who gave us the idea to go to that place or go to that person. So even when the Lord's voice is not so clear to us, He does continue to guide us, keeps us out of danger and prepares us for good things. I'm not talking about clear cut situations when the Lord says NO to sth and we disobey. I'm saying, little decisions we make… which are not sinful but we think maybe they're not that meaningful… and the Lord is in those details too. Sometimes His leading can be harsh, sometimes it's very gentle and subtle.

And I take courage in the fact that everything that happens to us who know and love Him works out for good. Even our mistakes. Even our instances of rebellion, when the discipline comes, can get us to be submissive in the long run.
