Comments on: Drowning in Deception Sat, 26 Sep 2020 07:15:17 +0000 hourly 1 By: CurshDude Fri, 21 Sep 2012 18:11:17 +0000 #comment-1692 This is very interesting to me. Especially the link you provided on here.

I have to admit that I was raised as an atheist who believed in nothing but my own ambitions in life. Much like many others. I soaked up pop and rock music idols like a sugar addiction. Self absorbed I was. It seemed like no matter what I went after, I never got where I was going. I was never very materialistic. My heart had a need to be filled and "right and wrong" was extremely important.

Every time I got confronted with achieving a goal, my moral principles were threatened. Sometimes even, my ego was fed. I am a modest person and never could stand flattery or being admired. My years of standing on a big stage, playing guitar, taught me a lesson. There was something sickening about a crowd looking up at me as if I was a god. It never felt like they appreciated me as a human. It was more about my song and dance routine that made them get off on themselves. And I was paid in admiration. But I knew the moment I lost my talent, they would turn their backs on me. That's a prime example of the world we live in. It is so easy to see blindly.

Somehow, I managed to gain clear vision before I found GOD. I knew there was a higher purpose above what society was dishing out. And I knew that many people were overlooking it. But I didn't actually realize that GOD was the light at the end of the tunnel until more recently. The wisdom I get from the Holy Bible is sobering. It describes all the things that have gone through my head over the years. It isn't hard for me to see that the words written are the Truth. No matter what happens in the world, the Bible tells about it. Evil is constantly evolving it's image in the eyes of man. And it's to maintain the lost.

Not only am I pleased that I have gained the knowledge needed to gain the strength to live a life more satisfying to God and to myself. But I am also disturbed by the amount of influence evil has over society today compared to when I was a kid in the 70s and 80s. It is so easy to be deceived. Even many today who recognize how immoral the current generation has become, they look back to early Hollywood for "moral" lessons from TV shows. But they fail to see that those shows are evil as well. GOD has higher standards than many know. It is very possible I don't even understand fully. But no one can take away my credit for trying to know. That's a journey I will make till the day I die.
