Comments on: Expatriates – Part Four: You Can’t Take it with You! Sat, 26 Sep 2020 07:02:43 +0000 hourly 1 By: Joseph Herrin Wed, 29 May 2013 16:32:53 +0000 #comment-1111 Thanks Travis. I appreciate your desire to contribute something meaningful to the sister's comment. I appreciate your humility and patience.

By: anon Wed, 29 May 2013 16:01:41 +0000 #comment-1110 Flesh raising is explained in numerous sites as meaning "removal of the flesh." It is a macabre image. Imagine raising the flesh from the bone. I understand the sense of seeing it in light of Carnivale and raising the spirits of the fleshly. It seems to have a dual meaning. One for those who are in darkness and those who are in the light.

Not trying to be contentious either. Just sharing what I have learned.

By: Joseph Herrin Wed, 29 May 2013 15:00:42 +0000 #comment-1109 Hello Travis,

It is not my intent to be contentious about such things. I would not have commented at all had I not made mention of the etymology of the word "carnival" in a number of my previous posts. It may sow confusion to some readers to have a definition given that is quite the opposite of what has been previously presented.

If you use the search field at the top of the blog and look for the words "carnival" and "flesh raising" you will find a number of blog posts that have made reference to this previously.

I tend to favor the origin of the word meaning "flesh raising." If you have ever attended a carnival at a fair, you know that the show is all about titillation and thrills. This appeals to the flesh. Rather than being an end to the flesh, a carnival is designed to sate the flesh.

This understanding is consistent whether one takes a cruise on a Carnival ship, or whether one attends Carnival in New Orleans. They are all focused on the elevating of the flesh's desires, and offer many (often immoral and illicit) means to satisfy the flesh.

The mention of the word "Carnival" in this thread began with a sister's mention of a fire on a Carnival cruise ship. I would ask what is more appropriate as an understanding of the word in this association. Does Carnival Cruise Lines sell flesh raising experiences, or flesh ending experiences? I think one would have to conclude that Carnival is promoting the flesh, rather than denying it.

I did not assume you were Catholic.

May you be blessed with peace and understanding in these days.

By: anon Wed, 29 May 2013 14:36:54 +0000 #comment-1108 I am not Catholic by the way. You may have been prejudiced if you made that assumption.

The etymology of carnival is questionable. It all boild down to whiat one wishes to believe. Does the "val" part come from the latin "vale" meaning "fairwell"of "levare" meaning "raise". Seems to be that the more likely is "vale".

But it is like statistics.

By: Joseph Herrin Wed, 29 May 2013 13:08:36 +0000 #comment-1107 Hello Travis,

I find the definition and application of the word "Carnival" you have provided to be the opposite of truth. According to many etymology sources, such as the Online Etymology Dictionary, the world literally means "flesh raising."

Carnival: literally "raising flesh," from Latin caro "flesh" (see carnage) + levare "lighten, raise…
[Source: Online Etymology Dictionary]

The name has come to be associated with Catholicism, but it actually precedes Lent, and is not part of Lent. Carnival is quite the opposite. It is an orgy of sensuality and "carnality." Just go to New Orleans, Rio DeJaneiro, or other major world forums that celebrate Carnival and you will find that they are all about raising the flesh, elevating the sating of every fleshly desire to heights of wickedness.

Carnival Cruise Lines are also about sating the flesh. Cruise lines are renowned for their sensuality. They have 24 hour buffets, Las Vegas style entertainment. They appeal to people's desires to pursue pleasure, ease, and comfort.

I interpret the numerous cruise line problems as a sign from Yahweh that man's days of unfettered pursuit of pleasure and sensuality are coming to an end as He will unloose judgment upon the earth.

By: anon Wed, 29 May 2013 12:54:50 +0000 #comment-1106 "Carnival" means "fairwell to flesh". It is a reference to Lent. It can be interpreted as meaning giving up fleshly indulgences.

I interpret it as a message from the rulers of the darkness of this world. They are telling us that things are about to change.

By: Deirdre Tue, 28 May 2013 02:25:09 +0000 #comment-1105 Joseph,
Just saw this article on another carnival cruise ship catching on fire.
Even the comments were saying, "what is going on?" Seems like there is enough on going or two or three 'witness' events happening that maybe the masses are waking up.

By: gijane02 Mon, 27 May 2013 14:18:36 +0000 #comment-1104 I am really enjoying your series brother Herrin. I read this before bed and I wanted to comment this morning because the Lord brought something back to my mind that I looked at in a different way because of your post. I had a homebirth with my youngest daughter, and that is a freedom that is looked down upon in the majority of our culture. It is looked at as selfish and dangerous. In spite of that I was determined to have a more peaceful birth in the safety of my mother's home. I had mentally prepared for weeks, and for a moment during labor fear crept in my mind, but I immediately cast it down and the process continued and we were blessed that everyone was healthy. The midwife was caught in traffic and my husband delivered her by the way, lol! I thought to myself this morning, if I trusted in the Lord that fully on THAT wonderful day why can't I trust Him in ALL AREAS of life in that way? We can't take it with us as you said and the Lord has been showing me that, how I think about shopping has even changed! God bless you brother for bringing for the MEAT of His Word!

By: Unknown Sun, 26 May 2013 03:57:50 +0000 #comment-1103 I was just scanning through my Facebook and saw a pic of an acquaintance who just a got a big pool installed in her backyard. I've always wanted one. I hate the feelings it stirs inside of me and that she intended people to feel that way. You and your posts, in contrast, are uplifting. You are truly a gift from God.

By: Deirdre Sat, 25 May 2013 20:00:12 +0000 #comment-1102 Beautifully written and well said. Very encouraging.

By: Anonymous Sat, 25 May 2013 18:54:55 +0000 #comment-1101 Shabbat Shalom!
As usual a very insightful view on the parallels of scripture to our fast approaching destiny.
