Parables Blog – Heart 4 God Wed, 19 Feb 2025 15:45:02 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Parables Blog – Heart 4 God 32 32 The Loneliness Of The Saints: A Road Less Travelled Wed, 19 Feb 2025 15:44:54 +0000 The Lonely Saint

Dear Saints,

Recently I have been in communication with two fellow saints, Charles and Sarah Faupel, who are long-time readers of Joseph Herrin’s teachings and also have their own Spirit-lead ministry Word For The Bride.

There is much of value on their website for the discerning saints in this hour.

Charles and Sarah have written an article entitled: ‘The Loneliness of the Road Less Travelled’, which they have kindly allowed me to republish here on the Parables blog.

They have told me that they wrote this article after reading my previous Parables posting, ‘The Loneliness of the Saints – A Call For Community’. Well, I am equally inspired by reading their own words concerning this crucial matter for the saints in these last days, and I am gladdened that the Father has allowed me to provide the article for readers here.

I would urge you to pay particular attention to the section in the following writing concerning Crucifying the Flesh. This is a teaching that has been very strongly placed upon my own heart also. It is, of course, what Joseph wrote about most often too. Hopefully with further original writings here on the Parables blog, both from fellow saints and my own, this sacrifice of SELF, of the flesh, on behalf of Yahweh’s Will – this Perfect Love which we must attain before we may yet be Perfect – will remain the central teaching of the ministry. It is the heart of our walks after all.

And as the following article points out, in relation to the Loneliness of the Saints, it is of fundamental importance to the matter of walking alone in Christ in this late hour, through the Shadow of the Valley of Death.

Here is the article in full:


By Charles and Sarah Faupel

Those who have been called apart unto God as ambassadors of His kingdom have always travelled a rather lonely road.  The great heroes of faith recorded in the eleventh chapter of the letter to the Hebrews, His representatives in their time, each in their own way trod this road.  Abram was called apart from his comfort in Ur to go “to a land that I will show you.”  That journey was filled with unknowns and ultimately separation from his family.  Moses, through his own impetuous actions had to flee to a lonely wilderness for 40 years where he was being prepared to lead God’s people out of their bondage in Israel.  It is estimated that Joseph, before he ever enjoyed the position of eminence that he was given in the land of Egypt, spent at least three years in prison after enduring, first, being sold into slavery by his brothers, and later, false accusations by Potiphar’s wife that he was making unwanted advances toward her.  Even Rahab, who is almost overlooked in the storyline of Christianity today, walked a very lonely road when she risked her life to give aid to the spies who were infiltrating the city of Jericho for purposes of taking over that city.  She betrayed her own countrymen in obedience to a God who was totally foreign to her culture and her experience.  And of course our Lord experienced the ultimate loneliness on the road to the cross where even his closest disciples abandoned him at that moment.  Indeed, His words while hanging on the cross, “Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?” suggest that in that moment of his death He has no sense of the Father’s presence.

The Father did not abandon Him of course.  Nor did He abandon any of those who have travelled this path throughout history.  Nevertheless, those who have been called apart unto God as His ambassadors in this day travel the same road that has been trod by our spiritual ancestors, often including, often, a sense of abandonment from God Himself.  Our experiences are varied in their details, but all share in the experience of separation and loneliness.

The Experience of Loneliness

 No one can be fully prepared for this road less travelled to which we are called.  Those who have grown up and participated in the organized church system have been given a blueprint for the Christian life that is quite different than that life to which the travelers on this road have been called.  Our prior church experience has been filled with activities—weekend and weeknight services, committee meetings, Bible studies, choir practices, and a myriad of other activities which leave us with a sense of busyness and accomplishment for what we understand as the kingdom of God.  In all of this we have interaction with dozens of fellow parishioners.  If our local church activities are not enough, we are given opportunities to attend conferences and other para-church activities.  This has given us a sense of fulfillment.  More than that, it has provided a model for us of what the dedicated Christian life is supposed to be like.  We get the message that if we are not active and in regular face-to-face fellowship with fellow believers there is something wrong.

Those who have been called to the lonely road less travelled find these supports stripped from them.  Those who have been called out of the organized church system altogether are usually misunderstood as to their motives.  It is assumed that they have been hurt by someone or something in their church experience.  Even worse, they have been accused of “backsliding,” heresy, or even losing their faith.  Even this is part of God’s unfolding plan for them, as He is preparing them for future misunderstanding and crosses which will be theirs to bear.  Those on this lonely pathway who have not received the call to “come out of her my people,” find themselves marching to a different drummer than the preacher or the church program.  Their intimacy with Christ is leading them down a path that is misunderstood by their fellow parishioners and by the leadership of their local congregation.  They find themselves disinvited from serving on committees, from participating in Bible studies and all of the other activities that once were so meaningful.  Their voice is no longer welcome because more often than not it disrupts the smooth-running bureaucracy that we call the church.  Their road is just as lonely as the one who has been called out of the church entirely.  They may struggle in this environment for years before they eventually receive a call to come out of the church system entirely, if indeed they are ever called apart from that system.

Those who travel this lonely road cannot share their experiences with but a small handful of individuals whom God has placed in their lives at any given time.  There are many who are not able to share the things that God is doing in their lives with anyone at least for a season because of the totally “otherness” of these experiences.  This was the experience of Mary, the mother of our Lord, who “kept all these things and pondered them in her heart.”  The Word that she was given that she, a mere teenager, would give birth to the Messiah, having never been with a man, was a Word that she had to bear alone, except for the witness of Elizabeth who experienced her own child leap within her upon greeting Mary.  When she did finally share it with the one with whom she was espoused to marry, we read that Joseph was ready to “put her away” until the angel came unto Him with a confirming Word.  Both Mary and Joseph were now travelling down a very lonely road less travelled.

The experiences that God takes those whom He has called apart to this road are varied, but they bear the mark of not being understood by the natural mind.  Our experience has been that we have been hesitant to share what is going on within us, sometimes even to each other, because the Word that we receive does not make sense even to us!  Furthermore, these experiences do not always come in the form of some verbal Word that is downloaded into our spirit.  These experiences may take the form of physical suffering, or actions that we know that we must take that we know will offend or which do not appear to be right or just.  It is very likely that we are not even given any freedom to explain this suffering or these actions to try to help others “make sense” of what is taking place.  We must allow others around us, be it loved ones, neighbors or co-workers, to think what they will, and in so doing, suffer their further misunderstanding. 

We are certainly left with the question of “Why?.”  Why is it that we are made to suffer in this way?  Why would God call me apart from my family, and fellow believers who I know have a love for God?  Why would God ask of me things that I know others will never be able to understand?  Why this lonely road less travelled?


The answer to these questions, of course, is as varied as the purposes that God has for each of us.  There are, however, a couple of general “themes” that have been impressed upon us as to the purposes of God in taking us down this road less travelled.

Crucifixion of Self

God uses this time of isolation and being misunderstood to accomplish His critically important work in us of stripping and purging us of all self-life.  This can be a very discouraging ordeal, as we come into this process having already surrendered our will to Christ.  We quite likely have the sense that because we have surrendered in this way that God is now ready to use us for the work that He has prepared for us to do.  Then we confront situations that challenge us in ways that we had never been challenged before.  We may meet someone who represents a hurt or violation of our person in our past that we thought had long before been dealt with.  We may have even forgotten about it.  We realize in this interaction with that individual symbolizing the source of our hurt that the offence has not been fully resolved.  We find ourselves reacting to this individual in a way that we did not think ourselves capable.  The ugliness of our unsanctified soul stares us straight in the face, and we are forced to once again take this issue to the cross and recognize our need of His healing and cleansing in this area. 

This work of cleansing is a progressive one.  There is still more that must be uncovered and exposed to the light of His presence.  This “unpeeling” of the layers of self that have yet to be fully surrendered is much like the peeling of layers of onion.  Just when we think that the Lord has finished His painful purging work, still another layer becomes exposed through some situation in which we find ourselves.  This is the progressive work that must take place if we are to become fit to rule and reign with Him in the age and ages to come.  This is because nothing of self, of our flesh, will take part in our co-reigning with Christ.  Our task in this process is to simply look that old self in the mirror and recognize it for what it is.  Only He can do the cleansing work that will then ensue, layer by layer.

It is important to clarify here that this recognition is not a capitulation to Satan’s lie that we are but “sinners saved by grace.”  This is a falsehood that has kept much of the church world in bondage over the past 2000 years.  We are much more than merely sinners saved by grace.  We have been created anew, and Christ now resides within.  Christ is now our identity.  We can acknowledge these strongholds of Old Adam freely and with no sin consciousness whatsoever because we know that that man has been crucified and his back has been broken.  Indeed, Paul has exhorted us to be dead to sin and alive to God in Christ Jesus (Romans 6:11).  Sin has been conquered; this process of exposure and subsequent purging and stripping is but the working out of that which has been accomplished millennia ago.  This process is much like a boyhood experience that I recall while growing up on the farm.  We had dairy cattle, and during the summer the barn was filled with annoying flies.  Every night we would spray the barn to kill the flies.  By morning the flies would be dead.  But they were still in the barn, laying on the floor.  Those pesky flies, though dead, remained there until they were swept out of the barn entirely.  So it is with the old nature that haunts our walk.  That nature was given the death blow on Golgotha’s hill some 2000 years ago.  But the remains of old Adam must be swept out of the barn of our lives daily as God exposes the carcass of that nature in the various areas of our lives.  So, rather than being defeated every time the ugliness of that old nature is exposed, we can now rejoice because we know that God is in the process of bringing to completion and perfection that work which He has begun in us!  That work is the perfection of the image of Christ within each of us.  What a glorious (though painful) process!

We are Prepared in the Secret Place

We find ourselves at this time in God’s great master plan in a place of preparation to rule and reign with Christ in that Kingdom age which is to come.  That is a bold statement, but it is the very witness of scripture (2 Timothy 2:12; Revelation 5:10, 20:6, 22:5).  Our training does not take place on grand stages to be put on display for the world to see.  It takes place, rather, in those out-of-the way places that appear as nothing, and possibly even disreputable.  Joseph’s preparation took place in the dank dungeons of an Egyptian prison.  Moses’ preparation took place in the back side of a desert.  David’s preparation took place on the side of a hill tending sheep.  There was nothing in any of these men’s experiences that would give any appearance whatsoever that they were being groomed for the leadership role that they would eventually assume.  Even they were not aware of that for which they were being prepared.  Nor were any of those around them.  When Samuel came to Jesse at the direction of the Lord for purposes of anointing the one who would take the place of Saul as king, David was at first completely overlooked by his father.  He was not even invited to the meeting of the brothers for Samuel’s review!  After reviewing all of Jesse’s sons, Samuel asked if there was not yet another son.  Only then did Jesse remember David and presented him after calling him in from tending sheep.  David’s training for this high and holy calling was on the hillside, completely out of public view, where he did battle with the lion and the bear.

So it is with all who are on this lonely road as they are being prepared for their place in the Kingdom which God is even now establishing.  Each of us is facing our own lions and bears in the wilderness in which God has placed us for this time of preparation.  These are not experiences that are deemed holy or even particularly spiritual, if they are even noticed at all by those around us.  Even we cannot often understand how our seemingly undignified and even humiliating experiences could possibly be the training manual that God is using to train us up for His glorious Kingdom purposes.  Indeed, the very process of purging that we have just described, ugly as it often is, is part of this preparation.  We must know that all of these experiences are being used to prepare us for the roles for which we have been destined in His kingdom.  We must walk confidently in that knowledge, even though this is often a solitary walk.

Public Recognition of Our Calling May Get in the Way of the Purposes of God

It is endemic to our old Adamic carcass to desire recognition for what we do, regardless if that is in the secular or spiritual arena.  We put together resumes so as to highlight our work and volunteer experiences in a way that places us in the best possible light.  Our egos are boosted when we are given awards or otherwise publicly recognized for our good works and accomplishments.  On the other hand, when a fellow worker who has less experience and (in our opinion) has less of a work ethic is promoted over us, we feel slighted and possibly even angry.  These are all natural responses originating from the haunting memories of our soulish Adamic nature.

These same soulish desires invade our spiritual lives.  Our flesh nature loves to be recognized as a “spiritual” man or woman.  We find great enjoyment in being asked to lead a Bible study, speak at a prayer conference or any myriad of gestures recognizing our spiritual stature.  We have observed this craving for recognition even among many of those who are a part of what some have called the “sons of God” movement.  They eagerly anticipate the manifestation of the sons of God, that glorious day for which the apostle Paul tells us that all of creation is groaning.  Many believe that this is a time when the sons of God will finally be recognized by the entire creation for the special position that they have as sons of God.  There well may come a time of such public recognition, but we would strongly declare that such acknowledgment will not take place until we have been thoroughly purged of all soulish desire to be recognized!

Those who have been called to this lonely road less travelled typically do not have the satisfaction of being recognized—at least by the world and most Christians—as spiritual giants.  They cannot be, because such recognition would get in the way of God’s ultimate purpose for calling them to this road in the first place.  These are called to do and to say things (or refrain from doing and saying things) that will never be understood by any, except the most spiritually mature who themselves have been taken down this lonely, undignified road less travelled.  In many cases, God has given revelation of truths through these experiences that are regarded as heresy by the church at large.  These are truths that must be carefully guarded and shared only as the Spirit of God so directs.  To do otherwise risks impeding or delaying the purposes of God in and through us.

There is possibly no clearer example of this in scripture than we find in the early life of Moses.  Moses was born of a Hebrew mother, but from the time of his infancy was raised as the son of Pharaoh’s daughter.  While he enjoyed the privilege of royalty, Moses came to recognize his Hebrew roots.  We are not told just how he came to recognize this, but that he did is made clear in an incident that took place when he was a young man.  He came upon an Egyptian beating one of his Hebrew countrymen.  In his zeal, Moses killed the Egyptian.  He no doubt believed that he was acting righteously, and his motive was to protect his countryman, one of God’s chosen people!  He did it in his own soulish zeal, however, not at the directive of God.  Unbeknownst to Moses, two Hebrew men observed the murder and confronted him about it.  Rather than applaud him for it, as Moses might have expected, his fellow Hebrew said, in effect “Why did you kill this Egyptian?  Who made you a prince and a judge over us?  Are you going to kill me as well?”  At that moment, Moses knew that he had been outed.  He fled to the wilderness, and he would be constrained from leaving that desert for 40 years until God had thoroughly purged him of all of his soulish zeal.  It was here that God now was doing His secret work.  Not even Moses was aware of what he was being prepared to do. 

While we do not know how long it would have been until God would have delivered the Hebrew people from Pharaoh’s clutches had Moses not been so impulsive, these chosen people of God would find themselves in bondage for another 40 years.  The point of this illustration from scripture is that God’s work must largely be done in secret even as it was eventually for Moses.  Even Moses was not aware of that for which God was preparing him during those 40 years in the desert.  Likewise, we are not fully aware of what He is doing or preparing us for.  To presume that we know, as Moses seemingly did when he killed the Egyptian, is to invite consequences that may only frustrate or delay the very thing for which God is preparing us.  We are learning to be content in this hidden place, not presuming that we know what God is doing, and certainly not announcing our presumptive notions to a world which could not possibly understand the purposes of God that He is sharing with us through the circumstances that He brings our way.

The Realm of the Spirit is by Nature Hidden

The realm which those who walk by the Spirit inhabit is, by its very nature, hidden from those who walk by the flesh.  Jesus established this truth with His disciples when they asked Him the meaning of one of His parables.  He said to them, “Unto you it is given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of God; but to others in parables; that seeing they might not see, and hearing they might not understand” (Luke 8:10).  Jesus did not intend for the realities that He was sharing with His disciples to be understood by those who did not have ears to hear.  These truths were not intended for them to hear.  Paul also understood this principle clearly:

For what man knows the things of a man except the spirit of the man which is in him? Even so no one knows the things of God except the Spirit of God.  Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, that we might know the things that have been freely given to us by God.  These things we also speak, not in words which man’s wisdom teaches but which the Holy Spirit teaches, comparing spiritual things with spiritual.  But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know [them], because they are spiritually discerned. (1 Corinthians 2:11-14).

The natural mind is simply not capable of understanding the things of the Spirit; as Paul says, they are foolishness to him.  Even more, the things of the Spirit are often anathema to the natural mind.  When one of Jesus’ followers responded to His call to follow Him by asking Jesus to allow him first to go bury his father, Jesus’ response must have seemed absolutely abhorrent:  “…let the dead bury their dead.”  How reasonable should it have been for Jesus to tell the man, “Surely, go tend to your father. Your family needs you. Then come follow me.”  Such a response would have made sense to one steeped in Jewish tradition in which family was regarded so highly.  Jesus’ response, however, defied the understanding of the natural mind.  Similarly, when Jesus said, “If any [man] come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple” (Luke 14:26), it would have been regarded as scandalous!  Family and lineage were highly revered in Jesus’ day—even more so in that day than in our own, and we know that this saying of Jesus is a stumbling block for the natural mind in our own day.  Jesus was calling His followers into an entirely different realm that is governed by, and can only be understood by the mind of the Spirit.

This principle is most vividly captured in the story of Hosea.  Hosea was married to Gomer who, according to the account was “a wife of whoredoms.”  She was unfaithful to Hosea.  Hosea’s agape for Gomer drove him to pay 15 pieces of silver to redeem her from the man she was living with—all of this, of course, at the command of the Lord.  Hosea’s actions would not possibly be understood by the culture around him, nor by the religious leaders of the day.  According to the law, Gomer should have been put away, possibly even put to death for her actions.  But Hosea was not operating according to the law of Moses; he was responding to the law of the Spirit, which bade him take back Gomer.  All of this, of course, was a prophetic intercession on Hosea’s part on behalf of God’s heart for His wayward bride, Israel.  God was using Hosea for a hidden purpose of reclaiming Israel, and ultimately His entire creation unto Himself.  Hosea’s countrymen, and the religious leaders of his day could not possibly have understood Hosea’s actions. 

God is calling a Hosea company in this day who are willing to walk in places that do not make sense to the natural mind, and especially not to the religious mind.  They will not be understood for it, and will probably be vilified for their actions and experiences.  Indeed, even they will often not understand it as they are going through these circumstances.  This is a company which walks by faith, not by sight or natural understanding.

Walking the Lonely Road by Faith

This road less travelled will not be understood by the world around us.  It will often not be understood by our closest friends—even and especially by those who have been indoctrinated by that system of religion we call “Christianity.”  Indeed, even we will not understand many of the experiences that we encounter on this journey.  We are called to walk this road by faith—not by sight; not by properly adhering to orthodoxy; not by studying the Bible and rigorously obeying all of its commands.  This rather lonely walk of faith will require listening intently to the Spirit of God within, and responding to Him, the Living Christ who dwells within us.  As we do, we will know the joy and the peace within that is abiding, despite the rejection and chaos around us that this obedience to the Spirit of God would seem to bring.  There is a purpose in all of this that even we do not fully understand with our natural mind, but can only grasp by the Spirit.  This knowing by the Spirit is what Abram experienced when he left Ur.  It is what Hosea knew when he took, and finally took back, Gomer to be his wife.  It is what the disciples knew when they left all to follow Jesus, an obedience that would take them to their own deaths.  It is what Paul knew when he was maligned by the law-abiding Judaizers, and when he was stoned because the message that he was preaching seemed so outrageously heretical to the Jewish power structure in the cities in which he was sent.  It is this same road to which we have been now called.  It will look different in the details for each of us.  But we can say with assurance that it will be misunderstood, probably maligned, and for much of the time a lonely road less travelled.

Charles and Sarah Faupel

February, 2025

Word For The Bride can be found at:

I will post another blog shortly concerning The Loneliness of the Saints, including some practical matters and some links I have been sent from brothers and sisters, and also perhaps a few testimonies. But for now I will leave you with this brief sermon by Tozer, entitled: ‘The Saint Must Walk Alone’.

I hope the words above, in both the article and video, will offer some form of solace for those who may be struggling with their own sense of loneliness as they continue to bear their crosses alone. Of course none of us are truly alone, we have the Spirit of Christ in our regenerated hearts, we have the guiding Light of our Father’s Love, and we have His angels – yes His angels! – sent to us at those times when we are most in need. For some of us, we can remember having an angel watching over us – most of all – when we were children in the darkest of troubles, hedging our souls in its wings of protection.

But as Tozer points out, in his usual poetic and truthful way, we were made by God for each other, and to be with each other. There is nothing wrong in feeling the sharp separation from others. For the saint, ‘His God-given instincts cry out for companionship with others of his kind’.

If you were not a true saint, a First Fruit of the Harvest, you would not feel this separation at all. A sense of isolation is an indication of how holy – set apart from the world – you have become. And it is an indication of the Glorious Blessings you are still to receive.

It is also profitable to remind ourselves how the early Christians DID have each other in spite of the dreadful times and tribulations they were living through. They had communities, which were so bonded to the will of God that they lived as the closest of families with everything shared amongst those in need.

Even in their isolation, separated by thousands of miles across the Roman Empire, these early Christian fellowships could remain in contact with each other by LETTERS, and by those Spirit-lead ecclesiastics like Paul who travelled between them. These letters and contacts were only possible because of the roads and mail networks established by the vicious tyranny of the Roman legions, the very same legions who so brutally put Christ to death upon the cross.

It is much the same as today with the Internet. Even at this hour, the Father has provided us a means to reach out to each other, and to share our hearts with each other.

I pray you are well.

With love,

Colin Buchanan

A Little Housekeeping

The Heart4God website is currently not displaying correctly due to our having to move it to a new webserver. We are working on rebuilding the site as quickly as possible, while adding some extra features for readers.

Also, the next posting will be one of Joseph’s articles, involving a very interesting dream he once had which relates to something I posted recently. See you then.

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They Flock To Kiss His Ring – Part 1 Fri, 07 Feb 2025 21:13:26 +0000

(JRR Tolkien’s Painting Of Sauron The Dark Lord)

Dear Saints,

A few weeks back, the self-styled President Of The Free World was attending his inauguration rally when I happened to be online watching a few videos on Youtube. Since I am not often on Youtube any more, save for when I sense there is something for me to see or hear there, I could not help but feel that I was meant to watch this momentous event that was being promoted so heavily alongside the videos that I was watching.

And as though I needed any more prompting, one of the videos I was watching happened to capture a screenshot from an American TV network, which had been displaying the most startling news headline I think I have ever read:

Trump’s enemies flock to kiss his ring’.

I include a snapshot for those of you who may doubt me – for those of you fuddy-duddies still residing in that ridiculously old fashioned world known as Reality, who may suppose I am only jesting:

For a moment I thought I was in The Lord Of The Rings, and they were referring to the crowning of The Dark Lord Sauron himself.

Flocking to kiss The Dark Lord’s Ring? How could I not have a quick look at such an occasion, even just a peek?

So I did.

Oh my.

Oh my, oh my.

It this a celebration, or a funeral for a nation?

For sure, it was only the Inaugural Parade and not quite the Signing Into Office just yet. But if you happened to watch the 60th Presidential Inauguration Rally, perhaps you sat in the same stunned horror as I did while a chill of recognition dribbled down your spine (or perhaps even your chin), of what has already been in the world and what is still prophesied to come. Forgive my humour in this. It is borne from the seriousness of what I see unfolding upon the world. For the entire show was clearly intended to be the Triumphant crowning of the Beast.

With the mass media highlighting all those famous faces flocking to Mordor on that momentous day ‘to kiss the Ring’, we were clearly intended to see how even America’s Princes of Power were bowing in obeisance to this Beast’s forthcoming Reign On Earth. For everyone who is anyone was there, if not the Parade itself then at the official signing into office, to bow the knee to Sauron. And I do mean everyone.

Incredibly, this included many of the wealthiest frontmen on Earth, including the Tech Lords of Silicon Valley, those bizarre geeko-lizards of High Sham Futurism (we’re gonna plant a flag on Mars, yeah!) and dreamers of Transhumanism Nightmares (we can rebuild you wholesale, and you’ll love it!).

Who can deny the Beast’s power, we were forced to wonder? Who can resist the might of his words?

Certainly not Hamas in the Middle East. Nor the Prime Minister of Israel, apparently (!) Nor social media platforms nor the robotoid CEOs of those social media platforms.

If they were not there on the occasion, then the media was promoting them as having already bowed their knee to their new master before he had even been crowned.

Not even the Pyscho-Architect-of-Global-Death-and-Destruction himself, Gil Bates, could resist this man’s irresistible might:

‘Bill Gates Becomes the Latest Billionaire to Bow Down to Trump’

(As though they were not all on the same side of things all along).

President Triumph

Triumph is what the world was intended to see with this event. Indeed, last week in my blog posting, ‘Preparing For The End’, I made a casual reference to President Triumph​. I was simply calling it as I saw it. I did not know at that time that the word trump originally came form the Old English word triumph. In 16th Century card games played by the ruling classes, playing a ‘trump card’ was initially known as playing a ‘triumph card’.

Trump literally means Triumph.

Hail To The Triumph Of The Black Sun

Perhaps if you are American, having lived in a Corporate Fascist State Masquerading As A Republic* for so long now, this event failed to reach the same level of impact as it did for this particular outsider looking inwards.

* (much like ancient Rome)

Though really? Have you ever witnessed anything quite like that ‘inauguration’ rally in your entire life? With its all-in-black, Boxing-Stadium-Gangsta-Royalty vibes and martial music clamour? Its massive, patriotic iconography? Its outright saviour-worship of an all-powerful Leader promising to lead his befallen, beleaguered people into a new Golden Reich of Prosperity and Glory?

Well, wait a minute, maybe you have witnesses this kind of thing before …

(Here is Elon Musk ‘Hailing Triumph’, known by occultists as ‘Hailing the Black Sun’, aka ‘Hailing Lucifer’, during the warm up).

For those of us who instantly gasped at Elon Musk’s obvious rendering of a Nazi salute given to the world in these last days, some of the media and alt-right media were quick to correct us simpletons – yes, us fuddy-duddies still stubbornly clinging to this out-dated thing known as Reality – that no, we were being horribly outdated and even, perhaps, just plain ignorant for thinking such a hurtful thing as that, for it was not actually, you know, a Nazi salute after all, but only an innocent Roman Salute instead.

I scratch my head in wonder at such gaslighting as that. At the fact that we are reduced to such depths of confusion by these Chaos Magicians and their spellcraft.

As though we were all not intended to see a Nazi salute in that motion, which Musk performed twice just in case we missed the first one. As though the Nazi’s did not model themselves entirely upon the iconography and occultism of the Roman Empire*.

* (’Seig Heil’ means Hail to Triumph. Though in the darkness of secrecy, the Mystery Religion occultists who ruled both the Third Reich and the Roman Empire considered ‘The Hail’ to mean Hail to the Victory of the Black Sun**, which is a reference to the Serpent, aka Lucifer. So when the Nazis hailed their leader in this way, they were hailing him as an embodiment of their god, Lucifer on Earth … Much as Caesar (Hail Caesar!) was considered a living god on Earth too. This is the Anti-Christ spirit of which the Apostle John warned us was already in the world in his time – the total worship of SELF embodied in human form).

** (Much the same as how the V hand-sign , as made famous by the Cabbalistic Gnostic Druid, Winston Churchill during WW2, actually refers to the Victory of Lucifer).

And as though a Roman salute would make it any better than a Nazi one! As though the very word fascism does not derive from the Latin word fasces, the Roman’s symbol for their power through order, unity, and discipline (read crucifixions and other diabolical tortures, and vast amounts of slavery).

The Roman’s were the ultimate fascists.

In the early 2nd Century, the Christian Bishop, Irenaeus, had this to say about the Last Kingdom in the Last Days as prophesied by Daniel, in relation to the AntiChrist and the number of man, 666:

Is this not of great relevance to us today? That in the 2nd Century, leading Christians considered the fourth kingdom in Daniel’s Last Day’s prophecy as being ‘The Latins’?

This is of particular interest when we consider how the Roman Empire never truly went away. At least not in spirit. For all fascist movements since then have styled themselves upon this Empire, and many a feigned Republic.

And of course, there is the lasting legacy of the Catholic Church of Rome. Though it is an error, I believe, to think that this means the Catholic Church of Rome is itself the final empire. Whatever the Catholic Church was or was not in the past, it is now only a front for the Cabbalists and Gnostic Magicians of the Mystery Religions, which is why so many famous Gnostics are flocking to its banner in these last days (for instance false prophets like Russell Brand). To see only the surface of these things, without seeing who is in fact ruling behind the surface, is to be mis-directed by the Father of All Lies.

There is yet more to this than meets the eye. But I will leave that for Part 2 of this writing.

The Golden Age of the Gnostics

After the fall of Rome in the West, those ruling families of the Italian peninsula were to merge with what was to become the Black Nobility of Europe, all of them Gnostics, all of them following some branch of the Mystery Religions which ultimately worship the Serpent in one form or another – a black sun or Jupiter or a god-figure like Hermes or whatever. Always the symbol worshipped represents the Snake to those initiated into the Mysteries. Always in their secret practices, they reveal themselves to be Luciferians, Satanists at core, haters of God.

For the occult understanding of the Gnostics is that the Serpent is the saviour of mankind, not the destroyer, and that Yahweh is in fact the evil one, enslaving our free will with his unfair Laws. They have chosen to believe in the lies of the Serpent, and they are rewarded richly for doing so, in direct proportion to the loss of their souls.

Banking and usury became their method of power and control. Which later drew them into alliances with the rising Khazar banking dynasties which now rule the world, those followers of the mystical side of the Babylonian Tulmud, the Cabbala.

Cabbala, wrought in ancient Babylon itself, is the very distillation of the Gnostic/Babylonian Mystery Religions.

The distillation of the Gnostic Mystery Religions is the worship of the Serpent. Worship of the Serpent ultimately represents the worship of the SELF, the Serpent’s ancient, first lie that SELF IS REAL when separate from God, and that the lie of ‘I’ can even dream its dreams into Reality through sheer force of will.

What is the ultimate aim of the Gnostics since antiquity?

A Golden Age! The very thing President Triumph is now espousing. The hubris of the ages, that the first lie of SELF, from which all other lies derive from, can equal God by creating its own Reality; these things they call their Tower of Babel, or their Utopian Golden Age. That the fallen world can be perfected by the will of fallen man, indeed by one man who believes himself equal to God.

And now it is here, at long last, with triumph-saluting American StormTrumpers leading the way.

Who was it who once predicted that if Fascism ever came openly to the shores of America, it would be wrapped in the flag and carrying the Cross?

The Beast, Ruler Of The World

Is it not astounding to watch the events foretold in the Scriptures unfolding before our eyes? And to witness so many believers, saints even, falling for this deception – because this man appears to say and do some good things? Were we not warned how the workers of darkness would come to us even as Angels of Light and the doers of good deeds, casting lying signs and wonders?

Even Irenaeus, that God-fearing lover of truth back in the 2nd Century who I referenced above, makes mention of how the AntiChrist ‘pretends that he vindicates the oppressed.’

There is much meaning in names, as readers of Joseph Herrin’s writings will already know. And as noted previously, the very name trump means triumph.

Yet it gets even stranger than that.

As pointed out to me by a fellow saint and long-time reader of this blog, the name Donald means World Ruler.

Again, I am not making this up.

Trump means Triumph. And Donald means World Ruler!

A week before the Inauguration of Trump as President Of The Free World, the same brother in Christ, from Australia, sent me the following words:

As I previously mentioned in the post ‘A Tale Of Two Nations: Part 3’, I also had similar thoughts when I first saw the picture of this man rising in Triumph and Resurrection after his faked assassination attempt before the election. I shuddered in revulsion as I saw that iconic image, witnessing it as I did in my spirit. For my spirit recognised who this Beast is.

It was in that moment that I realised I could no longer have this man’s name upon my tongue.

In that writing, I even made reference of the occultist’s much-vaunted Golden Age.

Thank you to brother Vincent Logan for sending those words quoted above. Vincent also sent the following remarkable Testimony concerning the coming tribulations which some have already had to endure:

Dumitru Duduman – Prophecy for America

I have more to say on this matter in relation to the President’s Inauguration. But as it is of a highly controversial nature (though perhaps not for readers of the Parables blog), I will end this writing for now and continue in Part 2 next week.

I pray you are well, brothers and sisters in Christ. I pray you are heartened in spite of these things we must bear witness to, and these times upon which we are entering.

Blessed Hope is coming!

May you be blessed with peace and understanding in these last days.

Colin Buchanan

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Preparing For The End Fri, 31 Jan 2025 03:07:48 +0000

Dear Saints,

How are you, brothers and sisters, in this late hour on fallen Earth?

Here in Donegal, Ireland, we are five days into a blackout that has cast many hundreds of thousands of homes into darkness and winter cold, wrought by the latest mega-storm to hit the west coast. Yes, another storm!

This one was so fierce, so gusting in its extremes, that somehow it knocked out the power grid across the entire country of Ireland, save for Dublin itself, the capitol city. As unbelievable as that sounds, other than a lone city the whole nation fell into darkness overnight.

This included the mobile phone networks all going off at the same time, and the internet.

Hundreds of thousands lost their tap-water too, and many are still without this most basic of necessities.

With such a sudden plunge into darkness and isolation, this latest event of weather warfare has caused much distress for those not prepared for the sudden loss of things only the day before they were taking for granted in the midst of a grim winter, things like heating, lighting, cooking, water, communications, television and internet. Few people in modernised houses, where chimneys have been blocked up and gas and oil heating replaced with newfangled ‘green-friendly’ systems entirely reliant on mains electricity, expected their homes to turn into uninhabitable caves of darkness and cold in the space of a night. Many have fled to relatives or hotels or even AirBnB’s until power is restored.

No one recalls such long-lasting outages as these, not even the elderly. No one recalls when a winter storm knocked out the power and water and communications grid of an entire country, from which it is still struggling to recover. Questions and suspicions are muttered by those who no longer take anything on face value.

In our little homestead on the northwest coast (more a rented country house-and-garden turned into a guerilla growing and chicken operation), we were a little more prepared than most, since we have been making what small moves we can to be more self-reliant despite our meagre funds. With gas heaters in all the rooms and a fire going constantly in the fireplace, everything lit with lanterns and battery-powered fairy-lights and some classic Reggae or Josh Garrells playing from a portable speaker and Walkman, the children laughing and mucking about as usual, my wife Joanna cooking on the gas cooker, it is actually quite cheery here in our isolation.

Though it is hard not to feel like we are experiencing some manifestation of the end-of-days which the world is now entering upon.

At the back of our homestead rise the hills of an uninhabited forest peninsula, once the grand estate of ‘landed gentry’, where over recent years the trees and their roots have been rotted so badly by endless chemical rains that every gale that rolls through here now either snaps or uproots them in noticeable numbers, so that you can see how sometime soon, parts of the forest are going to be resembling scenes from The Road. Through this once-thriving, now fast-failing forest park, trails weave all the way to beaches blackened by graphene, and seabirds still somehow surviving amongst all the nano-plastics in the waters, and sterile tidal pools with barely a speck of movement in them, like stark mockeries of the rock pools remembered from childhood which crawled with so much life you could bend down and catch it with your hands.

Hardly a day passes here when the skies overhead are not sealed in by the thickest of cloud cover, or criss-crossed by chemical trails which slowly spread into a thickening haze, all of it gradually falling to the earth, into the soils, into our lungs and our bodies. When a person knows what is in those chemical trails in the sky, and their young children are playing beneath them, it is hard not to observe these things without a sense of dread deep in your stomach, and silent prayers on your lips.

For the discerning eye, the front of our homestead offers a healthier-looking prospect, if only because the land before us is tamed by stone walls and fields of livestock, and surrounded by hills of rock and heather. From here, from the front of the house, we look out upon the straight line of a country road as it rears and dips past cottages far away and wreathed in the smoke of burning turf and logs, until it runs beyond sight towards the forested slopes of a mountain which dominates the entire region. On top of this mountain, at its very peak, stands a massive cross of Christ, erected by faithful locals and visible from all around whenever the days are clear enough.

The cross beneath which I was born again in Christ.

It is this rural area around us and in front of us, running right up to the mountain and the cross, which still remains without power since early Friday morning. Yet to our left the lights of the village a few miles off are twinkling again, their power having been restored. To our right, three or four miles distant, more lights twinkle.

With not even the radio working for us right now, it is as though we are detached from the modern world. As though we are becalmed.

I am writing these words on a laptop which I was able to recharge at a friend’s house in the village yesterday. The battery has a few hours of power remaining, though it is dwindling fast enough to hurry me along. Wifi has returned intermittently, and with our little wifi dongle* I should still be able to post this writing if the power remains out until the coming Friday, hopefully the day you are reading this.

* (the wifi dongle is plugged by a long lead into the computer and rests in a raised open cake-tin some metres away, in order to reduce the radiation exposure of 4G).

Preparing For The End

With our intentions for becoming more off-grid, my wife and I had already planned on running a mock blackout over the course of some weekend, so we could test out our basic preparations for a real event. Of course a real event has now overtaken our laudable plans, as is very often the way of these things. This very real blackout has provided the perfect time for testing and familiarising ourselves with the needs of a truly off-grid existence. For we do not believe we should even be relying upon such things from our SOG* as power and water at this late hour – not out here in the countryside anyway, where the Powers really do appear to be doing everything they can to make it harder and harder to survive – like removing fireplaces and banning the cutting of turf for burning on home fires.

* (for an explanation of SOG, see my post A Tale Of Two Nations: Part 1).

Some items we have found essential are gas heaters and cookers. And lots of battery operated lights. Not torches but strings of fairy lights and nice battery lanterns. Even better, kerosene lanterns for adding some authentic cheer to a room.

Essential too is an open fire or wood-burning stove, and of course dried wood to burn on it. For what if gas itself is no longer available?

Even more essential (by our own reckoning anyway) is a way to play some music. There is nothing quite like some soulful tunes to warm your heart while you are waiting for some soup to heat up on the stove and contemplating the end of the world.

But in this prolonged power outage, we find ourselves still lacking in what is really required for true off-grid living, – a way to replenish our electricity once the stored power is gone. A small portable generator is still required. Some proper solar panels and batteries. These are really the barest necessities for any truly sustainable off-grid living. Well, these, and a careless faith in God’s Promise to provide us what we need, when we most need it.

Of course, I have not even mentioned food in this discussion. But let me keep that for another day, as the laptop battery is running down fast.

With the fire lit in the evenings now, the candles burning, the lantern glowing, some music playing in the background, our small family gathers together in a way that I notice is more intimate and needed than before the blackout. Our play seems even more playful than before. Hauling in logs and keeping the fire going becomes a nine-year-old boy’s evening adventure. Time passes differently. More smoothly and slowly. Stories of the past are told. Deeper thoughts expressed. We reason about things together.

Last night, we were recounting how our boy, Sky, had gotten into trouble with his Primary School a few years earlier, before we made the decision to homeschool him (for fear he would dye his hair blue and declare that he identifies as being a pony). He had gotten into trouble because he had declared to his classmates, during Christmas time of all times, that Santa Clause isn’t real.

Yes, the gasps of shock, the horror of it all.

No such thing as Santa!

From an early age, we have been using Santa as an instruction for our son concerning the lies of this world, and how we have to stand against them in truth no matter what. So we were proud of the troubled email that we received from the school’s principle, asking if, perhaps, Sky could tone down the myth-busting for now as he was causing upset and division in the classroom. And last night I told my boy as much. I told him I was proud of him for standing up like that and telling the truth when everyone else was saying differently.

A while later, staring into the fire, he declared the strangest of things to the room – that ‘Satan is in the darkness!’, as though some understanding had struck a chord within him. I had never heard him mention the name of the Adversary before then. I was not sure where his line of thinking was running.

Though it brought to mind our previous conversation about Santa. I told my son that if you look at the name SANTA, and rearrange two of its letters, it becomes the name SATAN.

He was curious, but he did not quite see it until his mother wrote it on a whiteboard for him. And then he saw it!

Wow! he said. But why? Why is that? Why is SANTA really the same name as SATAN?

I held out my arms in a shrug. Well exactly. Good question.

Why is that?

For a moment he thought about it. And when he looked at me again, he declared, ‘Because the Devil made us believe a lie. The Devil made us believe in Santa!’

Hah! Exactly, I told him. Well said, my boy!

I was even more proud of him in that moment, seeing his excitement at having discerned some Truth for himself in this fallen world. At having glimpsed past the veil.

The False Light

We rarely see the stars from here any longer due to the constant artificial cloud cover. But right now the stars are coming out at night for a rare display, with the skies scrubbed clean by the storm. Planets align and a comet many are talking about rolls ever-closer somewhere just beyond our vantage. My children stare up in wonder just as I did as a child, just as I still do now. All of it a reminder of Yahweh’s fingerprints upon this Creation we live upon.

Looking at all the lights of the village and the other lights miles off to our right, I am given thoughts of watching Great Babylon from afar, or the Cities on the Plain, so close and yet so far away, so self-righteous in their wealth yet marked for utter destruction.

I wonder who it is that is really lying in darkness right now. I am reminded of the False Light of this world. The False Light which rather than illuminates us blinds us instead to the truths of our lives. Dazzles us with fantasies so we turn away from reality into the delusions of the SELF, that First Lie of the Serpent.

For behind the False Light lies the true darkness of Satan and the worship of SELF. Hearts blackened by the darkness of lies and selfishness. SELF turned so utterly inwards that it becomes in fact a black hole, always devouring, always TAKING and never GIVING, yet illumined by a halo of dying light cast from the destruction of all it consumes, leading all who follow that way to the same fate.

We Do Yet Realise How Bad It Really Is

Such darkness lies across the whole of the West now, covered by the False Light of media and our captured governments.

Above us, the man-made weather roars and rents and floods one portion of the world while scorching and burning another. Even daylight, sweet precious sunshine, has been diminished by at least 1/3 of normal by the daily spraying of the heavens, and few people even notice this remarkable loss to their lives. Decreasing light levels/increasing daily darkness, is merely the fashion of the day.

Elon Musk is hailed a hero even as he hails the Dark Sun of Lucifer and beams 5G radiation onto our heads, like some villain from a James Bond movie after the villains have taken control of the world. 5G of all things! A technology developed as a military Silent Weapon, a way of killings or sickening or effecting the minds of one’s enemies (or captive populations) without their knowing it.

If we chance to take a look at other data, we find that all waters are now toxic to life. Every stream and river, every ocean, is polluted with heavy metals, radioactives, nano-particles and nano-plastics. Our very bodies are awash with these toxic substances so that even Mother’s Milk is now poisoned. Everything is slowly dying. And all of this because of the wormwood in the rain, the poisonous concoction being sprayed across the skies of the earth and destroying all soils and roots and life and any hopes of a future other than death.

Meanwhile, all around us, black has becomes the new black.

And colour has been chased from our public spaces.

Look at any crowd now, and what do you see but a sea of black clothing? Even Africans and those from the Caribbean, people used to wearing many splendid colours, now walk around in shiny black coats that resemble bin bags. Look at any road and what do you see but black cars interspersed with occasional white ones, the masonic/satanic colours of duality played out in our everyday lives? And no-one mentions it. No-one seems to notice the intentional darkening of our cultures. It is merely the ‘fashion of the day’. And so in their wilful ignorance, people are fashioned into the Image of the Beast which they worship daily and devoutly upon their screens.

Truth, the understanding of Reality, is now entirely inverted. Anything that is not Nice is considered Hateful and Bigoted. For instance in England it is now an ‘Offence To Cause Offence ’. No. I am not exaggerating in any way.

People are being arrested in handcuffs, visited at 4am in the morning by Police Officers, for causing anxiety to another person on social media. It is now an arrestable offence to ‘cause anxiety’, or simply to offend a person’s feelings!

In Canada, lawmakers discuss a possible new ‘pre-emptive law’ enabling citizens to report other citizens who they consider likely to say bigoted or offensive remarks in the future, and to receive a portion of the monies from any resulting fine as a reward (up to 20k Canadian dollars). Is this real? Is this fantasy? Who can know any longer without the leadings of the Holy Spirit?

How can the true gospel of Christ be broadcast under conditions such as these? Indeed, street preachers are being arrested across all the Crown Nations for Hate Speech or other contrived illegalities. Individual saints are arrested for simply praying silently in the general vicinities of abortion clinics. Others are told by ‘Unpaid Volunteer Police Officers’ that they cannot sing gospel songs on the street, they must confine such things to churches or gain permission from an ‘official church’. In Ireland, teachers like Enoch Burke are imprisoned for refusing to use gender ‘pronouns’ in Christian schools.

Dog-collared, pink-haired dykes and Transvestites assume the pulpits of woke churches across the West, leading the congregations – leading Christian congregations! – even deeper into heresy. Deeper into the Great Falling Away.

The Devil walks our streets right out in the open. Satanism and 666 are broadcast everywhere across the media, openly before our eyes, straight into the minds of children captured by our Luciferian culture – by Demons in Drag in public libraries reading stories full of sexualised indoctrination, by schools forcing pronouns and gender-bending delusions that openly groom children for the predation of twisted adults. Everyone online seems to be showing a handsign of the horns or the V, or sticking their tongues out, or waggling their rumps in the faces of the youth. It is as though you must show allegiance to the Devil now if you wish to get anywhere within the public sphere.

Our countries are invaded by illegal immigrants invited here by our own treasonous governments, who have utilised the vast powers of the internet and social media to draw people from across the Third World. We are invaded not by aliens from space but by illegal aliens from abroad, a horde of locusts with the faces of men given authority from Apollyon himself, the fallen Angel of the Abyss, to torment and plague us for more than a season*. The majority of immigrants are single men of fighting age, holed up in every place the governments can shove them into, even Army Camps, single men with nothing good to do but to wait for whatever their free phones prompts them to do next, whatever social-engineering comes through their social media. Here in Ireland, rapes of native women and children are soaring. Knife crimes, robbings, burglaries. The daylight snatching of Irish children. Communities find themselves under siege in their own villages and towns and cities, and when they protest, are screamed at as being racists by the liberal neighbours amongst them. Nowhere is left to rent for natives, no accommodations any longer available for our young even if they should be going off to college or university, while illegal immigrants are given priority and awarded ‘Forever Homes’, social housing that cannot legally be taken from them. So many illegals are now driving around on the roads that there are no longer any used cars to buy. Hospitals, dentists, social services have become swamped overnight, with priorities again going to immigrants**.

* (CERN is built upon the ruins of an ancient temple to Apollyon/Apollo. CERN just happens to be the birthplace of the World Wide Web, and the first

** (If these words provoke you, I would ask that you read one of my posts titled, The Fake Alien Invasion Of Ireland).

The cost of living skyrockets beyond most people’s means due to artificial inflation. Real food is becoming harder to source, harder to import, harder to grow. The bottlenecks of looming famines are already in place. The Great Hunger is almost here.

But none of this seems barely apparent to the millions of lost souls who babble and bubble their lives away across social media – that great altar upon which Love, SELF-lessness, is sacrificed daily to the serpent’s ancient lie of SELF. It is upon this loveless altar to SELF which the Liberals of the world have clearly lost their minds. Now many proclaim that it is Communist China that is the answer, the way to salvation. Communism, that slayer of millions!

Yet the Conservatives fare no better. They too have no love of truth in which to save them. And now, bearing the cross of Christ in open blasphemy, we see fanatical StormTrumpers hailing the Triumphant Beast as their world saviour.

It is the strangest times of all time.

Preparing For The End

Those who still remain without power here in Ireland are learning what it is to live without such luxuries of the flesh as power and social media. They are being prepared for what is now coming next, the breakdown of rural living. Some are turning in help to their neighbours, relying upon themselves and the blessings of their Maker for all that they need. And they are finding that their needs, in the eyes of God, are usually less than what they think they need.

This is something that Joseph wrote much about in his writings. The Father will provide for our needs if we trust in Him. But this does not mean He will rain material luxuries upon our lives. Far from it. He will more likely provide us with just what we need to get by and no more, and we will have to be content in simplifying our lives, and living within the means that Yahweh provides for us.

Those in the villages and towns and cities, who have had their power returned to them after only a brief period of time, have experienced only a short, sharp shock due to this crisis before having their modern luxuries restored to them. Few will have learned from such a short lesson as that.

It is those who have been spared the worst of the power outages who remain unprepared for what is coming. When the next major crisis knocks out the whole country’s power grid, most likely for reasons other than a mere storm*, reasons that will cause the power to stay off for a prolonged period of time (and no doubt in the midst of a fierce winter), people are going to start dying in large numbers. All hell will break loose as natives and immigrants fight to survive. We will enter into a darkness like never before.

* (such as war or hacking).

And the saints themselves will have to do more than merely survive through the social breakdowns that are already happening, and are only going to worsen. The saints will be called upon to be of service to others in these times. They will not only have to provide for themselves through the Grace of God, but they will also need to be able to help their neighbours too. And in their joyful walks of faith, they will have to shine like lamps on a hilltop for others to see. Some of us will be called to witnesses for Christ’s Light with our very lives.

Those who have endured the worst of this crisis are learning some vital lessons. Some are even turning closer to God in this hour, seeing the time in which we are in. Perhaps they will not be caught by surprise when the King returns in all His Glory upon this falling Earth in its final throes, just in time to spare what life is remaining, right when there is barely any real faith in Yahweh left on earth. For the return of Christ will not be like that of a thief in the night for those who are prepared for Him, and know what signs to watch for. Though before we may reach that promised Omega point of rescue, we must be prepared for what is still to come, what in fact is hurtling right towards us, what in fact is unfolding right now.

Brothers and sisters, are you prepared for the End?

A Little Housekeeping

It is strange to talk about more mundane matters after espousing the end of the world! But what else can we do but carry on faithfully with our missions, including all the minutia of details which they involve? We cannot simply stop and marvel and do no more.

So forgive me for this sudden change in tone.

You may have noticed that I missed posting a blog on Friday 17th. There were more emails than usual from fellow saints that week, and I spent most of what time I had responding to these communications. Thank you by the way to everyone who has offered feedback concerning my previous post, The Loneliness of the Saints: A Call For Community! I will be posting a part two shortly with some updates.

I did wish to post a blog today concerning the recent Inauguration of President Triumph. But that will have to wait now until next week.

There have been reports from long-time readers of difficulties subscribing to the Parables blog over the last few years. Along with some reports from readers who have not been receiving blog posts in their emails for quite some time too. As I am new to running the blog I am not certain why these issues have occurred in the past, though I have changed some things in the hopes of ensuring more reliability from here on. If you still have any issues then please do let me know at

And if you have missed any of the posts that have been emailed out so far, you can always catch up with them on the website itself.

I believe that is all I have time to say for now. I should add too, that regardless of what is coming, I will endeavour to keep publishing the Parables blog for as long as I am able.

I pray you are all well.

May you be blessed with peace and understanding in these last days.

Colin Buchanan

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The Loneliness Of The Saints: A Call For Community! Fri, 10 Jan 2025 22:52:14 +0000

Dear Saints,

Since assuming this writing ministry of Joseph Herrin, the Holy Spirit has been making it clear to me how there is a great need amongst the Remnant to come together in fellowship in this late hour.

Many believers are isolated in these days due to their walk in Christ Yahshua and their outspoken dedication to His truths. Many have been cast out from the organised Church or have chosen to leave its corrupted ways. We are a Remnant scattered around the world, with few communities in which we may belong.

Our fiery trials in the wilderness have burned away many impurities whilst also separating us from the fallen world. In being set apart like this by the Father’s instruction, we become increasingly holy.

Though inversely, many have also become increasingly lonely.

The Lonely Saint

The Loneliness Of The Saints

Perhaps you are blessed with a precious partner in your walk, or a handful of faithful friends, or even a small Fellowship of truth-loving saints (you are rich indeed!). Many however are not so fortunate in this hour.

I am reminded of the words of a brother who emailed recently:

Yes. When Elijah cried out in distress, there were only 7000 who had not yet bent the knee to Baal!

This is where many of us now are. Isolated in a wilderness which the early disciples of Christ Yahshua did not have to suffer alone, for they had each other.

They had community.

I do not write these sentiments on behalf of myself. My whole life I have been a soloist, and I tend to thrive when left alone. Like certain saints of old, I prefer being in the wilderness​. But I write this on behalf of all the saints who have not been created to be so odd as that, and who instead are crafted as people are normally crafted, with a need for community and faithful companionship with their fellow peers.

As a sister in Christ recently wrote in an email, concerning Joseph’s ministry:


Time and again throughout the New Testament, believers are exhorted to come together as a body, as a family of brothers and sisters in Christ, each with their own spiritual gifts in which to minister to each other. Of course these scriptures have often been misused as ways of ‘shaming’ believers into attending the Babylonian Church system (I have been told several times by fellow believers that ‘I am not a Christian because I do not attend a Church’). But despite those common misuses, these scriptures still apply to the ecclesia, the called out ones, of today. God wishes us to work together, and has given us gifts of grace for that very purpose!

Do you recognise the spiritual gifts you have been given, and are you using them to minister to your fellow saints in these last days?

‘I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one.’

In our scattered isolation, where is our collective glory?

Do not misunderstand me. Our isolation is for a purpose, and the Father has equipped us with all we need to endure it with patience, humility and joy. Yes, even joy.

In our separation from this world, in our drawing aside from the delusions and desires of the flesh, we shine even brighter to those who see us. And as the times become even darker, the brighter we yet become as an example of a better way, as a signpost directed to God. This is all part of Yahweh’s Plan.

Yet we are not meant to be isolated from each other – from our fellow saints, as Yahweh has also instructed us. And this matter needs addressing.

A Firstfruits Community

A Company of firstfruits has gathered around the teachings of Joseph Herrin. By simply being readers of Joseph’s works, you show the fruit of the Holy Spirit in you by your pursuit of Yahweh’s deeper truths. No one has ears for these teachings unless they have much courage, very little flesh remaining, and a deeply honest yearning for God’s understandings. And many have suffered greatly for this adherence to truth in their Kingdom walks.

Yet the Father loves you greatly for your faithful sacrifices, and He will give you everything you require when the time is most ripe for it. That time might be now. Or you may have to wait patiently for the conditions to ripen fully.

The other night whilst in prayer, I asked Yahweh how best to further Joseph’s writing ministry from here. The answer was immediate, and it was literally a single word.


And then the Father reminded me of all the ways he had been pointing this out to me over the holiday period. Community community community.

I understand that as believers scattered around the world we have many differences. And none of us will agree on every single matter. I have not encountered a single human being who I have agreed 100% with in all things. The closest to this I have ever come to is with Joseph Herrin’s teachings. And even then, I struggled with some of these teachings until the Spirit lead me into my own personal understanding of them. And still there are other minor teachings in which I do lean in a different direction of understanding from Joseph – simply because some understandings of scripture are not a simple matter of either/or, but rather a matter of emphasis. In other words, saints often emphasise different lessons from the same sources of teaching, and just because their emphasis is different from others, it does not necessarily make them incorrect.

For example: in the Old Testament, when Moses was barred by Yahweh from entering the Promised Land for striking the rock, was it because of a) Moses was disobedient to God, or b) because Moses was angry?

Do you see what I mean?

Yet despite our differences, our spirits are the same in Christ and we should be together as one body with Christ as our Head. And this ministry is one such place where we may come together in this hour, for we are already here!

In some way I hope to stir your spirit with these words.

If so, perhaps you yourself can help out in some way.


Do you have a faith website or ministry? It is getting harder to find Spirit-lead sites on the internet that are fully committed to truth come-what-may, largely due to the censorship of search engines and social media. Please send me your links, and I may be able to compile some resources for the saints to use in terms of community.

If you preach or minister on the streets, anywhere in the world, let me know! If you can provide photos then I can write up an article about your work here on Parables.

Get In Touch!

If you have missed any of the postings since Joseph’s retirement announcement, all of the articles can be read on the Parables homepage, where you are invited to leave a comment if you feel lead to do so. Comments are the least we can offer in terms of community.

(By the way, if you are experiencing any issues with subscriptions, emails or comments since the Parables website was moved last month, then let me know at

Most of all, get in touch! I would dearly like to hear from my brothers and sisters out there who are followers of Joseph Herrin’s works. I may take some time getting back to you, but I always reply to emails. Just use the email address provided above.


Before the arrival of the New Year, I directed all donations to go to Joseph as part of his retirement from his ministry. However, at Joseph’s request, I have finally changed the donation links so they direct to a new Heart4God Ministry donations page. You are invited to donate to the ministry at this time. Your financial support will not only allow me to continue this priceless ministry onwards, but will also enable me to undertake some of the ministry projects that are listed below:

* Meeting the call for community by creating a COMMUNITY FORUM, where saints may fellowship online. This would be a third website to compliment Heart4God &

* Publishing ALL of Joseph’s books as printed paperbacks, and then distributing them as widely as possible.

* Rebuilding Heart4God as a wordpress site.

* Updating the website to include such things as Pinned and Featured Articles in a new left sidebar (requires a redesign).

* Starting a Parables/Heart4God blog on Substack for Joseph Herrin beginners.

So your donations to this ministry are very much welcomed.

Donate to the ministry

Lend A Hand!

Even more than financial aid, I require volunteers in order to pursue these ministry projects further.

Alas, I cannot do all of this alone!

The ministry requires volunteer Admins for the proposed COMMUNITY FORUM. If you would be suited for this task, and can offer some time, perhaps a few evenings a week, please contact me at:

If you have experience in building wordpress sites and feel up to rebuilding the Heart4God website as a wordpress one, then let me know!

If you are techy, and wish to offer some regular tech support for the websites so I may be freed to do other ministry work, I would like to hear from you.

If you are a writer, and have any articles to share with us, send them in. If I consider them suitable for the Parables blog, I will post them.

If you are simply inspired in the spirit to share some words with your fellow saints, I will try to post them in the blog for all to read.

Furthering Joseph Herrin’s Ministry

Clearly the Good Father does not wish me to do all of this alone. That is why I have been given the directions yet still lack the means.

I will pursue only those ministry projects which are provided for. So furthering Joseph’s 25-year-old ministry is truly down to all of us now, under the leading of Christ.

I testify that the Holy Spirit is speaking strongly that we must draw together in this late hour.

Will you respond to the call?

With love,

Colin Buchanan

Sky, little Abigail, Colin and Joanna

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The Third Appearance Of Christ Fri, 03 Jan 2025 19:38:43 +0000 This particular posting is dedicated to Randy Simmons, a faithful saint and friend to this ministry.

Randy has featured in many of Joseph’s writings over the years, especially when they toured together on the road spreading Joseph’s teachings. I am not sure why, but something of my own spirit always connected with Randy whenever I read of him in these interesting accounts from the road. I sense we share much in common, perhaps in overcoming our troubled pasts. Joseph has always been appreciative beyond words for everything that Randy has done for him and this ministry over the years. He regrets he cannot travel long-distances any longer due to his eyesight, and so is unable to visit. But our prayers are with you always, Randy. Thank you, and walk in peace, brother.

Randy visiting Joseph’s converted bus, ‘The Dreamer’

(The following article, written by Joseph in 2008, includes a small mention of the ‘Joseph Company‘. This is a Scriptural concept highlighted by Joseph which the Lord wishes me to promote yet further in this late hour, so I will be posting some in-depth articles on the subject soon).

The Third Appearance Of Christ


John 21:14
This is now the third time that Yahshua appeared to the disciples, after He was raised from the dead.

I have been pondering this Scripture for the past couple days, ever since the Lord brought it to my attention in an unusual way. I have been camping the past month, first in West Georgia, and now on the Southeast coast of Georgia on Jekyll Island. I will be returning to Macon tomorrow. As those who have been receiving these mailings know, the Lord has used this time to give me much understanding of the ministry of coming days, and one of the methods He has used has been parables that have been observed through various events and incidents that I have encountered. I have written of a number of these parables, and they are posted on the new Parables Blog site that I recently began.

Following are the circumstances that led me to focus upon this passage. Before I left Macon to go to Jekyll Island I purchased a Georgia fishing license, and I brought along a fishing pole and some tackle. The first week here I did not attempt to fish due to the fact that I was fasting, and I didn’t want to keep any fish that I would not eat. After the first week I made a few attempts at fishing, but I was stymied in various ways. My pole was rigged for fresh water, and I did not have the proper tackle. I only had ten pound test line on the reel, and due to the ocean currents it is necessary to use a lot of weight when fishing salt water. This resulted in my line breaking repeatedly, until it snapped right at the reel after having cast out into the surf. I decided at this point that the Lord must not want me to fish, at least not at that time.

I was not angry at my inability to fish. I have learned to accept daily events as ordered by the Lord. Instead I prayed and I said, “Lord, if you desire for me to be able to fish then I pray that you will supply that which is necessary for me to rig my pole properly.” My money on hand was low, so I knew it would be necessary for the Lord to manifest His supply in order for me to fish. I had seen Him supply miraculously on many occasions in the past, so I did not doubt that He would do so if He intended for me to fish.

It was on the next day after Randy and I had biked around the Island, something I had been doing every day to aid my health (it being about a 14 mile round trip), that I took a nap and when I got up I found that Randy had been to the store and he had put heavier line on my reel and had purchased a salt water rig (leader, weight, and hook). He also had purchased some bait shrimp. He asked me if I wanted to go fishing. In my heart I thanked the Lord and off we went to the fishing pier.

Randy collected oysters and used a basket to try to catch some crabs while I fished. In a short time we had enough fish for a meal, having caught several nice whiting, and we took them back to camp. I told Randy that I would clean the fish if he would start a fire. I intended to wrap the fish in foil and lay them on the hot coals. I had never done this before, but it worked fine and the fish was tender and delicious when we had finished cooking them.

Later that night I returned to my camper/van and I checked my e-mail. A brother in Christ had e-mailed me and had asked me for any insight I could give him regarding the number 153 in Scripture. He said that the Lord had impressed this number upon him in a very definite way some years before, but he did not fully understand its meaning. He said that he knew that it occurred in only one place in Scripture, and this was when the Lord appeared to the disciples after His resurrection and He told them to cast their net into the sea, and when they did they brought up 153 great fish. Following is the account from the Gospel of John.

John 21:1-14
After these things Yahshua manifested Himself again to the disciples at the Sea of Tiberias, and He manifested Himself in this way. There were together Simon Peter, and Thomas called Didymus, and Nathanael of Cana in Galilee, and the sons of Zebedee, and two others of His disciples. Simon Peter said to them, “I am going fishing.” They said to him, “We will also come with you.” They went out, and got into the boat; and that night they caught nothing. But when the day was now breaking, Yahshua stood on the beach; yet the disciples did not know that it was Yahshua. Yahshua therefore said to them, “Children, you do not have any fish, do you?” They answered Him, “No.” And He said to them, “Cast the net on the right-hand side of the boat, and you will find a catch.” They cast therefore, and then they were not able to haul it in because of the great number of fish. That disciple therefore whom Yahshua loved said to Peter, “It is the Lord.” And so when Simon Peter heard that it was the Lord, he put his outer garment on (for he was stripped for work), and threw himself into the sea. But the other disciples came in the little boat, for they were not far from the land, but about two hundred cubits away, dragging the net full of fish. And so when they got out upon the land, they saw a fire of coals already laid, and fish placed on it, and bread. Yahshua said to them, “Bring some of the fish which you have now caught.” Simon Peter went up, and drew the net to land, full of large fish, a hundred and fifty-three; and although there were so many, the net was not torn. Yahshua said to them, “Come and have breakfast.” None of the disciples ventured to question Him, “Who are You?” knowing that it was the Lord. Yahshua came and took the bread, and gave them, and the fish likewise. This is now the third time that Yahshua was manifested to the disciples, after He was raised from the dead.

The Holy Spirit arrested my attention as I read this, for I considered how unusual it was that I had just cooked fish over coals, even as Yahshua was recorded as doing in this passage. I felt that the Spirit of Christ had a message in this for me, and I began to ponder what it was.

I have shared previously, that all of the works and miracles of Christ serve as parables. There are many different types of parables in Scripture, beginning with the first book of the Bible and continuing to the end of Revelation. The children of God should be mindful therefore that when they read of an event in Scripture, and specific details are provided, having been inspired by the Holy Spirit, that there is truth to be gleaned from the account.

John was inspired to be very specific in His gospel, even to recording the number of fish that were caught in the net, and the distance they were from the shore. He described Peter’s lack of dress while working, the fact that John recognized Yahshua and had to inform Peter, and that Peter cast himself into the sea. John mentioned the type of fire Yahshua was cooking over, and the time of day and that the meal the disciples shared with Yahshua was breakfast.

All of these details are significant, and those with eyes to see will be able to glean many truths as they unravel the parable here. I will simply focus upon those things that I have understood as they relate to the ministry of coming days.

The Holy Spirit inspired men to record very precise events of the life of Christ, and Christ Himself was perfectly yielded to the Father in all that He did. No activity was ever wasted, or simply performed at whim. All that Christ did was to serve as a perfect revelation of God and His work among mankind. We should therefore understand that it was with great deliberateness that Yahweh chose every appearance of Christ before His disciples after the time of His resurrection. These events serve to provide truth on many levels, including a prophecy of the works to be accomplished among the saints prior to their ascension at the great harvest resurrection to occur just prior to the Millennial reign of Christ.

Consider for a moment that the question of the identity of Christ is mentioned prominently in all of His appearances after the resurrection. It seems that there was some question as to who was appearing before them, for it is mentioned that none dare asked Him who He was, for they knew it was Christ. Is this not strange? If the disciples knew it was Christ, then why even mention that none dared ask who He was? I believe these words serve as a prophecy of that which is to come, for each of Christ’s appearances to His disciples after the resurrection stands for a specific way in which He would appear to His disciples in the next 2,000 years, and there would be some question as to whether it was truly Christ appearing in this way.

Let me remind you that before I went camping, the last writing I sent out was on the sign given in the constellation Bootes. This sign speaks of Yahshua coming to perform a very specific work of removing flesh from His children. It will be a work of fiery purification to prepare a Bride for His coming as Bridegroom. I believe it is also this same work that is depicted in the form of a parable in the Scripture passage on the 153 fish. John relates that this is the third, and final appearing of Christ before His ascension. The number three is a number denoting completeness. E.W. Bullinger, in his book Number in Scripture shares the following:

Three, therefore, stands for that which is solid, real, substantial, complete, and entire.

All things that are specially complete are stamped with this number three.

At the end of the age, the Lord will bring His body to maturity. He must have a Bride without spot or blemish prepared for the return of the Bridegroom. What is therefore depicted is a final appearing of the Lord to make complete all that has been lacking in this preparation of the Bride. We will see this further as we consider some of the symbols in this parable.

The first disciples that the Lord called were Peter and his brother Andrew, and James and his brother John. All four of these men worked together as partners in the business of fishing (Luke 5:10). Yahshua appeared to them while they were working on their nets and called them to follow Him, for He would make them “fishers of men.” Previously these men had sought to catch fish, but now they would devote their lives to catching men. The fish therefore became a symbol for man. If a person is a fisher of men, then is it not obvious that one serves as a symbol for the other?

This symbol of the fish has even come to serve as a common symbol for Christianity. It was reportedly used as a secret sign among the early church in days of persecution to identify those who were followers of Christ. The individual letters of the Greek word for fish, Ichthus, became an acrostic for the words Iesous Christos THeou Uiou Soter, which rendered into English is Jesus Christ God’s Son Savior. This, however, is a man-made acrostic, and I will stick with that which is Biblical in this account.

In John’s account the disciples, at the Lord’s instruction, cast their nets on the right side of the boat and bring up 153 fish. The right side is indicative of the righteous. In the parable of the sheep and the goats, the sheep are separated onto the right, and the goats go to the left. This haul of fish therefore signifies those who are righteous, the elect and chosen of God.

The number 153 is itself filled with revelation. The number 153 is related in many ways to the number 17. 153 is divisible by 17, being the product of 17 and 9. If you add up each of the numbers between 1 and 17, their total comes to 153. 17 is a number of perfection, being the sum of two perfect numbers, 10 and 7. 10 is a number denoting ordinal perfection and 7 is a number denoting divine perfection. When summed together they stand for that which is perfect both numerically and divinely.

Consider now the parable of the 153 great fish that were caught. Earlier in the ministry of Christ the disciples pulled a great number of fish up in their nets, but their nets began to break and their boats began to sink. Undoubtedly many of the fish escaped or were lost. At the end of Christ’s ministry the disciples pulled up a great catch of fish once more at the Lord’s command, but this time the nets did not break and no fish were lost. I believe this to be a symbol representing the fact that even as Christ did not lose any of those that the Father gave to Him, that His disciples would not lose that which was given to them.

The fish, of course represent men. The number 153 therefore has great bearing upon the men that the disciples were to catch. Being related to 17, which in turn is related to 10 and 7, I believe this number prophetically shows that the disciples would be fishers of men until the full number (10 – ordinal perfection) appointed by the Father (7 – divine perfection) should be saved. This truth is seen in many other places in Scripture. We are told that God has chosen His elect from before the foundations of the earth. He knows those who are His, and He calls them forth by name. So even as the number 153 is very precise, not being a general figure, this parable indicates that Yahshua will appoint His disciples to fish for men until the exact number determined to be saved should be accomplished.

There is another significant way in which this number relates to the elect of God. The Greek word for fishes used in this passage by John is related to the number 153. Gematria is the study of the relationship between words and numbers. In some languages letters also serve as numbers. For example, most English speaking people are familiar with Roman numerals. The Letter I is the equivalent of the number One; V the equivalent of Five; X the equivalent of Ten; C the equivalent of One Hundred, and so forth. In a similar way, each of the letters of the Greek alphabet are also numbers. When the Greek word Icthus used by John is rendered as a number its value is 1224 (8 times 153).

Eight is a number representing new beginnings, or the new creation man. Thus, these fish are a symbol of those pulled from the sea of humanity destined to be new creations in Christ. Remarkably, there are numerous other titles for the elect of God that also are multiples of 153. The phrase “Sons of God” in the Hebrew Old Testament is “Beni Ha Elohim” whose value is exactly 153. In the Greek of the New Testament the phrase “Joint Heirs” has the value 1071 (153 times 7). The expression “the creation of God” is 1224 (153 times 8), the words translated “the net” have the exact same value, 1224.

When pondering this parable I considered how it might relate to the ministry of coming days. I was immediately mindful of the fact that the Lord in this appearance has laid fish upon the coals. Fire is the ultimate purifier. I recently wrote of the following Scripture, and its application to this coming work of Christ among His people.

Luke 12:49
“I have come to cast fire upon the earth; and how I wish it were already kindled!”

This is also related to the following words of John the Baptist.

Matthew 3:11
As for me, I baptize you with water for repentance, but He who is coming after me is mightier than I, and I am not fit to remove His sandals; He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire.

The Lord did not show me these things until after I had cleaned the fish and placed them over the hot coals to cook. In a recent writing, Joseph – Preparing the Body for Burial, ( I noted that it was the work of the Joseph Company to minister in coming days as they guide the elect through days of fiery trial. I believe the Spirit has used this event as one more testimony during my days of camping to speak of the work to come.

I noted that it was on my eleventh day camping on Jekyll Island that we caught the fish, cleaned and cooked them over the coals. Eleven is a number pertaining specifically to Joseph, as he was the eleventh son of Jacob, and he lived to be 110 years old. The Lord prevented me from catching fish until this day, for I believe He wanted this to be a further witness and testimony of the quickly approaching ministry appointed to a Joseph Company who have themselves surrendered themselves to fiery trials intended to bring forth purity in their lives.

Some further details that are significant are found in the fish I caught and prepared. Randy and I caught and cooked three fish. As mentioned earlier, three speaks of that which is complete, and it is a work that will bring the Bride to complete readiness for the Bridegroom that will be accomplished through the fiery work ahead. As mentioned the fish were whiting, and the color white is indicative of the Bride who has made herself ready. The first thing I did in preparing the fish was to cut off their heads. I have written much of what this symbolizes in various writings, including The Remnant Bride. Cutting off the head symbolizes having no head of one’s own, but taking Christ as Head in all things. In The Remnant Bride I wrote of the fact that this was a characteristic that Vashti lacked. She was therefore removed from her position as queen, and Esther replaced her. The foremost matter addressed in selecting a new Bride for King Ahasuerus was to find one who would live for the King’s will and pleasure. This will also be a characteristic of those who will be included in the Bride of Christ.

I will mention once again that there was some question about the identity of Yahshua in John’s account. Peter did not recognize it was the Lord until John told him. I believe this also speaks prophetically to the truth that many will question that which will come to the church in days ahead. Some will observe the Lord with fish laid in the coals and will not immediately recognize that it is Him. Many will question whether the Lord could actually be the One who is subjecting His people to the fiery trials that are quickly coming upon the earth.

Please pray for Randy and I as we return to Middle Georgia. I really do desire your prayers, more than you can know. I have seen the Lord move mightily when the saints began to pray. Please pray for the Lord’s direction to be manifested to Randy and I. Pray for His provision to be loosed, and for doors of ministry to be opened. Please also pray that we might bear a special anointing to accomplish all that we are called unto.

I have much anticipation for those things the Lord will perform in coming days. What a glorious thing it will be to observe the Bride being readied for her Bridegroom. What a marvel to observe a glorious butterfly emerging where previously was the fleshly form of a caterpillar.

May you be blessed with peace and understanding in these days.

Joseph Herrin (04-26-08)

Heart4God Website:

Parables Blog:

Mailing Address:
Joseph Herrin
P.O. Box 804
Montezuma, GA 31063

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Operating In A Heavenly Power Fri, 27 Dec 2024 07:00:00 +0000


Dear Saints,

An hour is coming when the sons of God will walk in a manifestation of power that this age has not formerly witnessed. The general characteristic of the church at this time is one of fleshly strength. It is typical for churches today to have board members, committees, secretaries, treasurers, chairmen, and to incorporate following the pattern of the business world. The pastors and various ministers draw salaries. They have 401K plans, pensions, and insurance. Many are provided with a corporate vehicle, and they may even receive a per diem when travel is necessary. When decisions must be made, it is common for church members to “vote” in the same way that stakeholders in a corporation operate.

These external and visible signs of conformity to the system of business in the world reveals a tragic truth. The church is operating in the power of the flesh rather than manifesting the power of God. In the book, The Road from Babylon to Zion, I wrote the following:

Babylon and Zion – These names represent two groups of people that the scriptures have much to speak about. One group of people has the appearance of being very impressive. Their industriousness is legend. Their constant and unceasing labor  seeks to plan and to build and to enlarge themselves until their works reach the very habitation of Yahweh God. Yet with this Babylonian people, God is not pleased. He has rejected their righteousness as filthy rags. He has rejected their labor as being works of lawlessness. He has despised the offerings they have brought before Him.

This people is impressive and glorious in the eyes of man in the same way that the massive buildings of Herod’s temple awed the disciples of Yahshua the Messiah. Yahshua tempered His disciples’ misplaced enthusiasm by telling them that not one stone would remain upon another of all that appeared so magnificent to their eyes. Even so, Babylon the great, the mother of harlots, who has glorified herself and exalted herself in the eyes of all men, will be suddenly destroyed, and that with great finality.

There is another people whose outward appearance is not impressive. They are a people that follow the pattern of the One who was despised and rejected of men. They have no comely appearance that men should desire them, nor stately form that the flesh of man should be attracted to them. These people are not known for their industry, rather they are marked by their oddness. They do not fit into the systems of the world. They are outcasts and misfits and they dwell in wilderness places. Consequently many consider them to have been smitten and stricken by God, yet these Overcomers are the apple of Yahweh’s eye.

These people are not renowned for their building in wood and stone. Instead, they stand out because they have undergone a spiritual transformation. The things of the world have lost their luster in their sight. They do not work and plan and strive to accumulate the goods of a passing age. They walk as aliens and strangers in the land, seeking a city whose builder is God. A world that judges by external appearance sees nothing of value, nothing that impresses, nothing that demands a second look, in this people. Yet Yahweh God, who judges the heart, is captivated by these Overcomers, these citizens of Zion, for in them He sees the image of His only begotten Son taking shape…

Babylon always seeks to ascend to God through its own works and to thereby find acceptance and approval…

This is actually the key distinction between Babylon and Zion. Babylon initiates great works and then asks God to bless them. Babylon has the appearance of great industriousness and her progress seems evident to all, but Babylon’s works are the works of man…

This is a large part of the trouble of coming out of Babylon: Babylon looks good on the outside. This is the same struggle that those who followed Messiah faced when He said, “Unless your righteousness exceeds that of the Scribes and the Pharisees, you can in no wise enter the Kingdom of Heaven.” The Pharisees looked good. They prayed. They fasted. They tithed of all their substance. They meticulously kept the Law… Yet, they were relying on their own works to gain approval before a holy God…

The paradox today is that it is often the most righteous looking people who are the chief citizens of Babylon for they are working hard to find approval before God. They are striving laboriously to appear righteous. Many a minister has spent his entire life working to find the approval of God and of men, and he has yoked the people who follow him to the same burden of works. They may accomplish many remarkable things, but before God it is all striving and dead works…

This is the difference between Babylon and Zion. Babylon is a land of works where man must accomplish every task and fulfill every mandate. Babylon knows nothing of rest and faith. Oh yes, Babylon speaks very much about faith, but it is a faith that is rooted in man’s ability. Babylon’s faith is founded upon man’s ability to envision some end and to see it through. Babylon is built with blueprints, and planning sessions, and organization, and fund drives, and pep rallies, and the sweat of untold men and women. This is why when all is said and done and some project has come to completion, the people of Babylon feel justified to stand and proclaim:

    Daniel 4:30
    “Is this not Babylon the great, which I myself have built… by the might of my power…?”

Zion, however, is not seeking to build anything of her own will and initiative. Zion is a people of faith. Zion knows that salvation is of the Lord, as is sanctification, and as is glorification. Zion does not labor to build a city, for she seeks a city not built with hands whose builder and maker is not man, but God. Zion does not seek to work for the approval of Yahweh, she works because she is approved by Yahweh.

Zion is a city of rest. This does not mean that those who are of Zion are doing nothing, it means that they are doing nothing of their own initiative. They are doing those works that God prepared beforehand for them. They are not dreaming up their own works, nor are they stretching out their hands to labor in fields to which they have not been sent.
[End Excerpt]

For a season those who come out of Babylon have an appearance of impotence. Left behind is the drive to organize men into groups to accomplish some glorious human vision. Those who journey with their face set toward Zion must limit themselves to doing only that which Yahweh commands them to do. He leads them through a wilderness way where they are emptied. They see their absolute weakness and come to despise the flesh. This causes the people of God to feel very vulnerable. They are cast upon God lest they perish, or are overcome by the trials and the many adversaries they face.

Yet, in their weakness, a remarkable thing begins to occur. These pilgrims who have left Babylon behind begin to grow in confidence and strength toward God. They begin to understand that what Yahweh has purposed, He will accomplish. When Yahweh calls a man or woman, He does not need anything they have to offer for He sees that they are empty. The flesh profits nothing. Like Moses after forty years of stripping in the wilderness, these men and women come to confess, “God, I cannot even speak. I have nothing to offer you. No man will listen to me. Please choose another man.”

It is when a man has been thus emptied that Yahweh is able to begin revealing Himself in power THROUGH THAT MAN. Did not Yahweh do mighty things through Moses that the Earth had never seen before? Moses at the age of 80 standing before the burning bush was very different from that man who forty years earlier had sought to deliver God’s people from bondage by the strength of His own arm and eloquence of his oratory. Moses at the age of forty slew one Egyptian. He then fled for his life, rejected by His people and hunted by Pharaoh. At the age of forty, the height of his human abilities, he could not deliver a single Israelite from bondage.

My call out of Babylon occurred in 1999. Since then I have walked through wilderness places. I have been weak and vulnerable. Uncounted, yet abundant, are the times I have confessed to Yahweh that I am desperately dependent upon Him. If He did not come through my family and I would be sunk. I have confessed to Him that I do not have any power or wisdom of myself capable of advancing His kingdom one iota. The power is not present in me to convince a single human being of truth. Apart from God performing it, I have no power to open spiritually blind eyes, or to unstop deaf ears.

As we depart from Babylon, the land where everything is done by human power and according to natural reason, we are emptied. We come to see our impotence. Yet, God helps us. He give us a little strength that we might stand and continue the journey.

Revelation 3:8
I know your [record of] works and what you are doing. See! I have set before you a door wide open which no one is able to shut; I know that you have but little power, and yet you have kept My Word and guarded My message and have not renounced or denied My name.
[Amplified Bible]

When Ezra left Babylon with a ragtag group of Jewish men and women to return to Zion, they recognized their weakness and vulnerability. This did not deter them, however. Where they were weak they counted on Yahweh to be strong. Their faith was rewarded as Yahweh carried them through many threats and established them in Zion. There they took root downward and bore fruit upward.

Ezra 8:21-32
Then I proclaimed a fast there at the river of Ahava, that we might humble ourselves before our God to seek from Him a safe journey for us, our little ones, and all our possessions. For I was ashamed to request from the king troops and horsemen to protect us from the enemy on the way, because we had said to the king, “The hand of our God is favorably disposed to all those who seek Him, but His power and His anger are against all those who forsake Him.” So we fasted and sought our God concerning this matter, and He listened to our entreaty… Then we journeyed from the river Ahava on the twelfth of the first month to go to Jerusalem; and the hand of our God was over us, and He delivered us from the hand of the enemy and the ambushes by the way. Thus we came to Jerusalem…

Ezra did not appeal to the people’s pride. He held no pep rally to stir up the souls of the men and women who were bold enough to make the trek to Zion. He did not say, “Men, we are better than those men we will meet along the way. We are stronger, faster, more intelligent, and can beat any adversary who comes against us.” No! Ezra recognized the truth. They were impotent. They were leaving the strength of Babylon behind. They would not request an escort from the king of Babylon for the power of man could not bring the overcomers to Zion. They went in much weakness, in fear and trembling. Their only hope was in God.

Ezra showed forth the pattern for all who would journey to Zion. Those in the church age have followed the same course. The apostle Paul declared:

I Corinthians 2:1-5
And when I came to you, brethren, I did not come with superiority of speech or of wisdom, proclaiming to you the testimony of God. For I determined to know nothing among you except Yahshua Christ, and Him crucified. I was with you in weakness and in fear and in much trembling, and my message and my preaching were not in persuasive words of wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power, so that your faith would not rest on the wisdom of men, but on the power of God.

Where is our faith to rest? Not on man and what he can accomplish. Our power is found in God!

Before Paul was converted on the road to Damascus he was a true Babylonian. Sure, he was an Israelite among Israelites, yet his confidence was in the flesh. Like Moses at the age of forty, Paul looked to his own strength, his own wisdom and zeal, to accomplish things for God. Paul had to be humbled. He had to recognize his utter weakness so that he would begin to look to the power of Christ in man to accomplish the will of the Father.

Philippians 3:4-9
If anyone else thinks he may have confidence in the flesh, I more so: circumcised the eighth day, of the stock of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, a Hebrew of the Hebrews; concerning the law, a Pharisee; concerning zeal, persecuting the church; concerning the righteousness which is in the law, blameless. But what things were gain to me, these I have counted loss for Christ. Yet indeed I also count all things loss for the excellence of the knowledge of Christ Yahshua my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them as rubbish, that I may gain Christ…

Solar Panels on Roof of The Dreamer

Yahweh speaks through many means. Several years ago I purchased a set of solar panels. I was excited at the thought of being able to generate power from the Sun. I could run lights, fans, and various electrical devices without burning any fossil fuels, without consuming any earthly material. Free and unlimited power was available if only I could access it and store it.

My first attempts were very meager. I purchased a set of panels that were quite costly. They were fairly impressive at the time, generating 60 watts of electrical energy at peak hours of the day. In truth, however, this was only enough to run a few lights, or a small fan, or a laptop computer for a few hours a day. It was certainly not enough for air conditioning, or a microwave oven, a refrigerator, or other power hungry appliances.

About a year ago I installed the panels on top of my bus to keep the cranking battery from draining when I was parked for extended periods of time. These solar panels were quite adequate to do that, but not much more. This was my wilderness period. It was a time of humbling. Like these solar panels, I had only a little power, and that which I did have came from the heavens. Christ was my source, but I was deriving only a meager amount of power from Him. It was just enough to keep me going, even as the solar panels have served to keep the cranking battery charged up on my bus.

Yesterday I took steps to accomplish the final job I have had on my wish list to bring my bus’ transformation to completion. I ordered the necessary components to bring additional solar power to the bus. I installed two deep cycle auxiliary batteries in the bus when I first outfitted it a year and a half ago. They have been powered only by that energy I draw from the local power grid. Off the grid they would last no more than a few days powering some lights, or a small fan, in my bus. I purchased two 140 watt solar panels to charge them so I can run lights and fans and small appliances inside the bus when I am detached from “shore power.” This will give me a renewable power source that should permit me to run lights and a few small appliances indefinitely.

I also recently ordered a large deep cycle battery (153 amp/hours) to go in the trailer behind my bus. This will be used to power the freezer and the grain mill in the trailer. Yesterday I ordered two additional 140 watt solar panels to charge up that battery. In total, I placed an order for 560 watts of solar panels to supplement the 60 watts I already had. This is a power increase of approximately 1,000%.

The above picture is not of my bus, nor of the panels I have ordered, but it demonstrates the manner in which I plan to use them. I will set my four panels (larger than those pictured) on the ground angled at the Sun, and will use them to power appliances and to charge my batteries.

As I was pondering this final step in the job of completing the work on The Dreamer I was seeking to understand what the Father was signifying by these things. I believe a time is at hand when certain sons of God must walk in a greater divine (heavenly) power. This is revealed through many Biblical types. When Joseph was brought out of prison and ascended to the throne to be Pharaoh’s second in command throughout the land, he received power. This power was to accomplish a specific task which Joseph defined in the following words.

Genesis 45:7
“God sent me before you to preserve for you a remnant in the earth, and to keep you alive by a great deliverance.”

In this hour Yahweh once again has His eyes upon a remnant of His people. With this remnant a bride will be fashioned for the Son of God even as a remnant portion of Adam’s body was used to form a bride for the first man. When Yahweh calls people to a task, as He assigned Joseph to keep a people alive during a time of famine, He gives them the wisdom, authority, and power to accomplish that work. They are NOT called upon to use their own abilities and strength to accomplish divine purposes.

Genesis 41:39-43
So Pharaoh said to Joseph, “Since God has informed you of all this, there is no one so discerning and wise as you are. You shall be over my house, and according to your command all my people shall do homage; only in the throne I will be greater than you.” Pharaoh said to Joseph, “See, I have set you over all the land of Egypt.” Then Pharaoh took off his signet ring from his hand and put it on Joseph’s hand, and clothed him in garments of fine linen and put the gold necklace around his neck. He had him ride in his second chariot; and they proclaimed before him, “Bow the knee!” And he set him over all the land of Egypt.

The power Joseph received was given from above even as the wisdom Joseph walked in was not a terrestrial wisdom. When Joseph was summoned before Pharaoh to interpret his dreams he testified that the power to do so was not in him. It was God who would give Pharaoh the answer he sought. Those sons who have been in wilderness places have been learning this lesson. Every good and necessary thing comes down from above. The purposes of God cannot be accomplished by human wisdom and strength. They can only be performed by the power of Yahweh.

Zechariah 4:6
Then he said to me, “This is the word of Yahweh to Zerubbabel saying, ‘Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,’” says Yahweh of hosts.

Zerubbabel, whose name means (Called out of Babylon), was given a task by God. He was instructed to rebuild the temple in Jerusalem. He had only a small remnant of Jews who had returned from Babylon with which to accomplish this great work. Their strength, wisdom, and abilities were insignificant and insufficient for this great work. Yahweh, however, did not look to man’s ability to accomplish this task. He would provide the power, wisdom, and resources needed.

It is an awesome thing to observe what Yahweh can accomplish when His power is revealed in weak men. When He puts His Spirit in a man and causes him to work His works, that man can accomplish supernatural things. Yahweh stirred up Zerubbabel, and He stirred up the hearts of the people who labored with him.

Haggai 1:14
So Yahweh stirred up the spirit of Zerubbabel the son of Shealtiel, governor of Judah, and the spirit of Joshua the son of Jehozadak, the high priest, and the spirit of all the remnant of the people; and they came and worked on the house of Yahweh of hosts, their God…

Ezra 1:5
Then the heads of fathers’ households of Judah and Benjamin and the priests and the Levites arose, even everyone whose spirit God had stirred to go up and rebuild the house of Yahweh which is in Jerusalem.

There is a house that needs to be rebuilt in this hour. The sanctuary of God has fallen into disrepair. Yahweh will once more raise up a people to be a praise in the earth. These will become His habitation. Who is adequate for such a work? As Joseph stated, it is not in man to accomplish such a thing. Yahweh must bring it about.

I sense that there is great symbolism in this final work to bring this bus Yahweh has given to me to completion. It must be endued with power from above. The bus represents the people of God. It is forty years old at this time (signifying wilderness experiences), and it is stamped with the manufacturer’s ID “Body By Carpenter.” The bus rides on Power King tires, and the house of God must truly be powered by the King of kings.

The power supplied by the Sun will be used to grind grains and beans to feed a remnant that God has chosen. The battery I was led to purchase is rated at 153 amp/hours, and this number parallels the 153 fish drawn up in the nets by the disciples at the third appearing of Christ after His resurrection. This number signifies those the Father does not want to be lost. The nets did not break. It is the number of the righteous, drawn up on the “right” side of the boat. These ones will also have to pass through fiery experiences even as Christ instructed the disciples to bring of the fish so He could lay them in the fire He had already prepared.

The work ahead is such that only a heavenly power can accomplish it. There will be no participation by Babylonian churches and church members in this endtime work of Yahweh. The Father would have no flesh boast before Him.

Psalms 44:3
For by their own sword they did not possess the land, and their own arm did not save them, but Your right hand and Your arm and the light of Your presence, for You favored them.

The Father is setting an expectation in my heart for those things that lie ahead. As the earth enters into very dark days, the glory of God must arise upon a remnant of His people. These will do exploits in His name. As Moses performed wonders in the land of Egypt, Yahweh will have a people to show forth His wonders in the earth.

Isaiah 8:18
Behold, I and the children whom Yahweh has given me are for signs and wonders in Israel from Yahweh of hosts, who dwells on Mount Zion.

May you be blessed with peace and understanding in these days.

Joseph Herrin (06-03-2012)

Heart4God Website:  

Parables Blog:

Mailing Address:
Joseph Herrin
P.O. Box 804
Montezuma, GA 31063

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Christmas Season versus Sabbath Rest Fri, 20 Dec 2024 07:00:00 +0000


Dear Saints,

We are entering once again upon one of the church’s high holy seasons. Christmas and Easter have become the most pronounced and celebrated events of modern Christianity. This is in fulfillment of the words of the apostle Paul:

II Thessalonians 2:1-3
Now we request you, brethren, with regard to the coming of our Lord Yahshua Christ, and our gathering together to Him… Let no one in any way deceive you, for it will not come unless the apostasy comes first, and the man of lawlessness is revealed…

Paul was writing over 1900 years ago, and the time for the Lord’s return had not yet arrived. The Spirit and the Scriptures both testify that the hour is now very near for the appearance of Christ. Those prerequisites declared by the apostle have also been fulfilled. Visible Christianity has fallen into apostasy. A good definition of apostasy is “divorcement from truth.” A profound lawlessness has also gripped the mass of believers.

Such a statement confounds the majority of believers, for they do not have an understanding of Yahweh’s definition of lawlessness. Christ described lawlessness in the following manner:

Matthew 7:21-23
“Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven; but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven. Many will say to Me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name cast out demons, and in Your name perform many miracles?’ And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness.’”

Christ defines Kingdom law and Kingdom lawlessness in the following manner: Those who are doing the will of the Father are acting lawfully; Those who are not doing the Father’s will are lawless. That is to say, “They are out from under authority.”

The problem Christianity has in recognizing lawful and lawless deeds arises from their soulish judgment. They view things with the human senses and make judgments based upon what they see and hear. This is not the manner in which the Son of God, or those conformed to His image, judge matters.

Isaiah 11:3-4
And He will delight in the fear of Yahweh, and He will not judge by what His eyes see, nor make a decision by what His ears hear; but with righteousness He will judge…

How many Christians today could witness a person prophesying, casting out a demon, or performing a legitimate miracle, and resist forming a judgment based upon what they saw and heard? How many would automatically assume that such an one was pleasing to God and acting in a lawful manner? Yet Christ said “many” who do such works will be declared lawless on the day of judgment.

Christ did all the works referred to here. He cast out demons. He prophesied. He performed miracles. For Yahshua these were lawful acts because in every instance He did only what the Father showed Him to do.

John 5:19-20
Yahshua therefore answered and was saying to them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, the Son can do nothing of Himself, unless it is something He sees the Father doing; for whatever the Father does, these things the Son also does in like manner. For the Father loves the Son, and shows Him all things that He Himself is doing…”

Christ never acted apart from a command from the Father. He never performed any action arising from His soul. He lived to do the will of the Father.

John 5:30
“I can do nothing on My own initiative. As I hear, I judge; and My judgment is just, because I do not seek My own will, but the will of Him who sent Me.”

The hearing that Yahshua refers to here is not the natural hearing spoken of by the prophet Isaiah. It is spiritual hearing. Christ listened for the still, small voice of His Father, and He did precisely as His Father directed. He never prophesied a word of His own initiative. He never healed a person without a command from His Father. He never cast out a demon that He did not see His Father casting out.

If such an understanding is new to you, I would recommend to you the book Sabbath. In it you will find described the spiritual substance of Sabbath rest, which is for man to cease from his own labors, as God ceased from His.

Hebrews 4:10-11
For the one who has entered His rest has himself also rested from his works, as God did from His. Let us therefore be diligent to enter that rest, lest anyone fall through following the same example of disobedience.

Note that a failure to enter into this state of Sabbath rest is described as “disobedience.” To disobey is to practice lawlessness. This is the present condition of the majority of Christians. Rather than being submitted to the leading of the Spirit in all things, they are directed by the counsel of their soul.

Even if the soul counsels apparently good actions, like choosing a good paying occupation in order to support a family, pursuing the American dream so your family can live as comfortably and with as much worldly satisfaction as your neighbors, or participating in civic organizations that have charitable aims, they are lawless acts apart from the leading of the Father. One can even cast out demons and perform miracles and be lawless in the eyes of the Father.

This brings me to the subject of Christian holidays (holy days). The Father did give command for the twelve tribes of Israel to observe holy days. There were three main occasions for these observations every year. At the wheat harvest they celebrated the Feast of Passover. At the barley harvest they celebrated Pentecost. At the grape harvest they celebrated Tabernacles, which is also called by the Hebrew name Sukkot.

The early church was Jewish in origin. The twelve disciples which became the first 12 apostles were all Jews by natural descent. The church began in Jerusalem, and undoubtedly continued to observe these feasts of Yahweh. It took several centuries of creeping error to displace the feasts of Yahweh with the pagan feasts observed by the Sun worshipers of Rome.

Please note that I do not teach that Gentile believers today should observe the feasts of Yahweh in order to be declared righteous. There is benefit in understanding these feast days, for they are filled with symbols that serve as parables pointing to the coming of Christ (Passover), the gift of the Holy Spirit (Pentecost) and the coming fulness of union with God (Tabernacles). It is not the shadows observed in these festivals that are of utmost importance today, but the substance that is realized in Christ.

Colossians 2:16-17
Therefore let no one act as your judge in regard to food or drink or in respect to a festival or a new moon or a Sabbath day – things which are a shadow of what is to come; but the substance belongs to Christ.

It is important to understand the context of the apostle’s words here. He is not speaking of pagan festivals. Paul was a Jew, of the tribe of Benjamin. He was trained as a Pharisee, the strictest sect of his people. He was addressing Christians who were being told by some that they had to observe the Law’s many ordinances, in addition to having faith in Christ and being led of the Spirit. He was countering this argument, declaring that those things found in the Old Testament; namely ordinances relating to food and drink, feast days, new moons, and Sabbath day observances, were all shadows pointing to some spiritual substance which is realized in Christ.

What Paul did proclaim to the people of God is that they are to be led of the Spirit in all things, following the pattern of Yahshua.

Galatians 5:18
But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the Law.

Romans 8:14
For all who are being led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God.

I have often been accused of teaching lawlessness for declaring that the saints of God are not bound to keep the Law delivered to Moses. This is a false charge, for I do not teach lawlessness. I teach submission to the rule of the Spirit of God. If you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the Law, neither are you lawless. Will the Spirit of God ever lead a man or woman to an act contrary to the will of the Father? Absolutely not. The Law contained only a shadow of the will of the Father, but the Spirit reveals the substance.

What do these things have to do with the observance of Christmas and Easter? If lawful activity is defined as doing the will of the Father as He reveals it to us by His Spirit, then we must examine how the church has arrived at the celebration of these pagan holidays that have been adopted through the practice of syncretism. Has there been a command from the Father to observe Christmas and Easter, with all their pagan symbols and mixing of the holy and the profane? Is the fruit of the Holy Spirit manifested at this season when men and women are driven to excesses of material consumption? Is the promotion of the merchandise of the world a fruit of our union with Christ? Why does the carnal world enjoy this holiday as much as the people of God if it is actually a demonstration of spiritual life?

Some people at this season have written to me to inquire if I have any writings on Christmas. I have a teaching written specifically for those interested in the origins of this celebration. It reveals why this holiday has become such a sacred cow (golden calf) to Christians today, assuring that a great many will never separate from its observance.

I recommend this writing to you. It is titled Removing the High Places.

I recently put this teaching into the form of a newsletter, making it ideal to share with other believers. Following is the cover of the issue.

Newsletter Cover

This 24 page edition of the Parables Bookshelf Series is filled with images and Scriptures, as it addresses the church’s adoption of this holiday, revealing the origin of the dates, symbols, and practices associated with it. I am making this newsletter available in PDF format for any who should wish to print it out for their own viewing, or to share it with others.

Inside Pages of Newsletter

Some may ask, “Do not Christians have liberty to observe these holidays if they place the focus on Christ?” This is a question I have wrestled much with. I have desired earnestly to know the mind of the Father in these things. What I have come to understand is revealed in a prophetic utterance of Christ to Peter. This was at the third appearance of Christ after His resurrection, and shortly before He ascended to the Father.

John 21:18-19
“Truly, truly, I say to you, when you were younger, you used to gird yourself, and walk wherever you wished; but when you grow old, you will stretch out your hands , and someone else will gird you, and bring you where you do not wish to go.”

These words contain a parable. When we are young (spiritually immature) we go where we desire, and array ourselves in a manner pleasing to self. To arrive at spiritual maturity we must give up this soulish liberty, and embrace the cross. We encounter the cross as we surrender the thoughts, will, and desires of our own soul to be directed by the will of Another. This Other One is Yahweh. As we come into this place of Spirit submission, we will no longer be guided by the counsel of our own soul. Instead, we will live for the will and pleasure of another.

This change of headship, removing our own head to take Christ as Head, will always lead us into conflict with the world, and with a worldly church. We could continue to be self-directed, offering sacrifices to God of our own choosing, but He demands obedience rather than sacrifice. He does not want His sons, who are called to attain to the fulness of the stature that belongs to Christ, to remain spiritual infants. We learn obedience by the things we suffer. We are perfected (matured) through suffering. This suffering (the work of the cross) is entered into as we cease doing our own works, and surrender to be led of the Spirit who reveals to us the will of the Father.

This certainly applies to our participation, or lack of it, in the celebration of Christmas and Easter. I found my own surrender to the will of the Father in this matter eleven years ago to be quite a revelatory experience. Unsaved family members became my adversaries. Why did this occur? Why were they so adamant that I participate in a “Christian celebration” when they had never before been advocates of obedience to Christ? Why is the world so heavily invested in continuing this celebration when she has removed all Christian morality from society, and all Biblical influence from the schools and government?

The answer should be obvious. Christmas is filled with images and practices that appeal to the fallen nature of man. To copy a phrase employed by Sinclair Lewis in the book Babbit, Christmas season is “an orgy of commercial righteousness.”

Perhaps you would like to persuade yourself that this is a trivial matter and will not have any bearing upon your appearance at the judgment seat of Christ. I would counsel you against such a conclusion. It is in our willingness to walk separately from the world, and a worldly religious system, that Yahweh proves those who will stand as overcomers. Where else is persecution to arise in the life of a saint if it is not in our obedience to be led of the Spirit by walking contrary to the path of the masses.

Consider that Christ declared that the way is broad that leads to destruction, but the gate is narrow and the way is afflicted that leads to life. Few there are who find it. If you are following the herd how can you assume that you are that narrow path that ends at life? Barack Hussein Obama will be lighting the Christmas Tree at the White House this year. Will you be lighting one at your home?

May you be blessed with peace and understanding in these days.

Joseph Herrin

Heart4God Website:  

Parables Blog:

Mailing Address:
Joseph Herrin
P.O. Box 804
Montezuma, GA 31063

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Circe – Church – Harlot Sat, 14 Dec 2024 22:46:13 +0000

Dear Saints,

Another storm struck us last week on Tuesday 6th December, straight after the two in the previous week. While the house is holding up well to this endless barrage of winds, a few outside polytunnels and structures are not. Repairs have needed to be done to save what can be saved. Storms are normal here next to the Atlantic but never in this number and severity, and never from the late summer onwards. The weather in Ireland is now so unusual and challenging to the growing of food that it is hard not to see it as a deliberate attack upon the country’s food supply – especially when the spraying continues overhead daily, and you can see the manmade artificiality of the weather with your own eyes.

I mention this because – as an organic grower – it is a topic I am personally keen to share at some later point in relation to these Last Days, in the hope of gaining some feedback from fellow saints about their own situation wherever they are. In the north of Ireland here we rarely see the clear skies any longer for the amount of artificial cloud cover. In a very real way, the skies have been darkened. I can testify myself as a grower and life-long lover of the skies, that we are now experiencing 30-50% less light than normal. Those with experience of solar power are reporting the same noticeable reduction. And yet I literally know of no-one else who has even noticed that there is less light in our everyday lives. This is why I would bring the matter out into the open.

But as I said that is another issue for now, and I must resist from going off on a tangent.

What was most interesting about Tuesday’s storm was that Tuesday the sixth of December is a traditional Catholic holy day here in parts of Europe, in which people commemorate the historical figure of ‘Saint Nicholas’, who was the Catholic Saint known for giving out gifts to children during the holiday period. This is the saint most used by the modern, Babylonian, candy-striped ‘cult of Christmas’ to legitimise itself with a wrapping of tradition. However, many European Catholics still commemorate the giving of gifts to their children on December sixth because of this day, while largely ignoring the flood of Americanised pop-culture which gave us both our modernised ‘Christmas Day’ along with the yearly children’s worship of The Day Of The Dead, or Halloween.

On Tuesday 6th December, when many Catholics here were giving gifts to their children in honour of a Catholic Saint, the gales which hit Ireland were predicted to reach speeds of up to 66 mph, with temperatures expected to plummet to as low as 6 degrees.

I found these details most ironic, considering how I had just recently posted about the intentional deployment of this number in Ireland everywhere that you now look.

The Meanings of Names

What was also interesting, for myself at least, was that Nicholas, the Saint who is remembered on that day, is also MY NAME.

My full name being Colin Nicholas Buchanan.

When I was first born again, I was lead by the Spirit into looking into what my names actually mean. It was a surprise to find that my middle name, Nicholas, was derived from the same Saint I have already mentioned above, and that my first name, Colin, is also partly derived from Nicholas, and partly derived from Columba, the Irish saint and missionary. This was even more surprising because I had just moved across country, without knowing it, to the very place where Columba had been born, here in Donegal. I also discovered that even my surname, Buchanan, means an isle with an old abbey or church upon it.

My family are not Catholic, so why they named me Nicholas twice, in a roundabout fashion, I am not certain.

But yes, it was of some interest to me that this diabolically-numbered storm was hitting on that day of all days, and wreaked such destruction around the house while we were forced to harbour safely inside, relying upon our Father’s protection for the trees not to come down on our heads.

And when your own name is connected to that particular day, twice, it is hard not to take such things a little personally.

The Bug

My wife has noticed that sickness often follows these storms in our local community. We do not know why this is, if not merely some strange coincidence.

This time it was our own family who was struck with an illness after the storm had passed, a stomach bug which caused much sleeplessness and rushing about with basins.

So last week was largely wiped out in terms of doing any real desk work. Though I did accomplish a little before the worst of it hit us.

The Updated Parables Website

On Tuesday night, during the height of the gusts and just before we lost power, I was able to update the website with some new thumbnail graphics, which I think restore the older more graphical look of the website’s post listings. The graphics also add a little more detail concerning the topic of each posting, which I hope will make them even more accessible to newer readers. Check out the updated Parables site if you have a moment.

The Joseph Herrin Archives

Joseph’s entire archive of works has now been fully secured and backed-up here in Donegal. It was quite a remarkable thing to watch a folder on my hard-drive filling up with the entire body of Joseph’s vital works as they were transferred across the Atlantic via the Internet, including all his PDFs and audio files.

I already have most of Joseph’s books and articles on my Kindle. Yet I was astounded at how many hundreds and hundreds of files were filling up the incoming folder during the transfer, each file representing days and weeks and months of labour and prayerful study. it took over an hour to transfer the entire collection of files over. I sipped tea while an earlier gale howled outside and watched the files coming in one after the other. It was utterly astounding to see all in one location the sheer volume of work that Joseph has published over these 25 years! It made me think of the following picture:

What a massive resource of teaching he has created for the saints in this time.

Over the next few days I will make sure to backup this archive of Joseph’s work off-site as well!

From this archive, I would like to offer an Archive Search Feature in the near future, being a more personal form of the online search box available on the website. It any reader wishes to find a particular theme of Joseph’s teachings across his many books and articles, my dear wife has volunteered to undertake searches throughout Joseph’s archives for this purpose. Hopefully, we may also be able to use this as a way of compiling an INDEX of Joseph’s writings with a focus upon his major teaching themes.

Posting Joseph’s Writings

Since I am now a week behind my intended schedule, I have had to re-evaluate my postings over the holiday period. I am planning on taking a break from the internet over the last few weeks of December in order to spend some much-needed catchup time with my family. I had intended on auto-posting my introductory post, really a Testimony, in two parts over this period, but I will not be doing that now. Instead I will introduce myself properly in the New Year.

Yes, I know, this must be about the fourth time I have said I am going to introduce myself properly in my next posting!

I cannot explain the delay, other than this is how I have been lead to do things by the Holy Spirit. Ever since assuming Joseph’s ministry, the Spirit has been testifying to me that there is a ‘proper‘ way of doing things in terms of honouring Joseph’s retirement and carrying his ministry forwards from here, and has instructed me on how each of these things should be handled and when. Often this has involved me laying aside my own personal ideas. So it would seem the Father would have me offer a proper hello and testimony to my fellow saints at the beginning of the New Year, which will mark year eight of my walk.

In place of these intended, semi-mythical Introductory posts I planned to publish over the holidays, I will instead do something else instead.

It came to me in prayer last night that the best thing to do now is to post some of Joseph’s writings over the holiday period. This would of course be much better than anything I could write myself anyway, and much more familiar for long-time readers too. And there are three very old articles that Joseph has not posted on Parables for over a decade, which each had a strong effect on my own walk, and must have had a similar effect for many others, and which would be of much profit for new and older readers alike to read again at this time.

I believe this is the wish of the Father for the holiday period.

Future Writings?

At this point, I am reminded that I would like to ask for your input in this matter. When I first assumed Joseph’s writing ministry, I had not intended on doing much blog writing myself for Parables, partly due to time constraints, yet I appear to have been lead into doing just that. However the aim is still to largely publish Joseph’s teachings via this blog, though I plan to do so weekly rather than three times a week as it has been in the past. And in between each series of Joseph’s writings, I will publish a blog post written by myself, so there is also new content freely available for readers.

I have realised that it is Joseph’s much-older works which now need to be published. Writings which perhaps many readers have not encountered for years, if at all. So if you happen to have any personal favourites of Joseph’s writings – something that has not been posted on Parables for a long time, if at all – then please do let me know, and I will add it to the list of works to be published in the blog next year.

Which leads us nicely to the meat of this posting. Following is the first of those older articles written by Joseph that I just mentioned. This is the first of the three articles that will be posted leading up to the New Year. All three articles are of course relevant to the times, but they are also relevant to the series of posts I have just published called A Tale Of Two Nations, which can be read at

This first teaching of Joseph’s is called ‘Circe – Church – Harlot’.

May you be blessed with peace and understanding in these last days.

Colin Buchanan

Heart4God Website:  

Parables Blog:

Circe – Church – Harlot

Written by Joseph Herrin (12-02-2010)

Circe with Golden Cup in Hand

A brother in Christ (Lorin Smith) recently shared some thoughts with me regarding the origin of the word church. The online Catholic Encyclopedia begins their entry on “The Church” with the following:

The term church (Anglo-Saxon, cirice, circe; Modern German, Kirche; Swedish, Kyrka) is the name employed in the Teutonic languages to render the Greek ekklesia  (ecclesia), the term by which the New Testament writers denote the society  founded by Our Lord Jesus Christ.

I have written previously of the more accurate and revelatory meaning of the Greek word Ekklesia, and will not repeat that information here. For those who wish to read about it, you can find the post titled “The Called Out” here:

If you are unfamiliar with the word Circe, which is the Anglo Saxon form of our English word Church, it was also the name attributed to a goddess skilled in sorcery whose story can be found in Homer’s The Odyssey. The Odyssey tells the story of the hero named Odysseus (Ulysses) who sailed his ship on a remarkable ten year voyage as he returned from the Trojan War. Along the way he and his crewmen encountered many perils and adventures, tha majority perishing while a remnant obtained great glory.

Homer recounts an experience where Odysseus and his men land on the island of Aiaia. They draw lots to see who will explore the island, and who will remain with the ship. Odysseus remains with the ship while others go exploring. The men come to a clearing in the midst of a forest in which is a castle, the home of the sorceress Circe. As they approach they are met with lions, wolves and other wild creatures that are unusually docile, fawning on the men as if they wish to be friends. These are men who have been turned into animals by the sorcery of Circe.

Circe, invites the famished men into her home for a feast. The men do not suspect her treachery. She has poisoned the food, and they fall asleep as they eat. She then turns Odyssesus’ men into a herd of swine. Only one man had the caution to remain hidden in the woods, and observing the fate of his mates, he returns to the ship in great grief and recounts the matter to Odysseus who then sets out to rescue his men, aided by the counsel of Hermes.

When Circe finds that she cannot transform Odysseus into a swine, she invites him to her bed, plying the wiles of a harlot upon him, but he has been forewarned of this as well, and escapes her treachery there.

This story taken from Greek Mythology contains profound parallels to the story of the church (Anglo Saxon Circe). In the book of Revelation, the church is depicted as a Harlot and a Sorceress with a cup of abominations in her hand.

Revelation 17:3-6
So he carried me away in the Spirit into the wilderness. And I saw a woman sitting… The woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet, and adorned with gold and precious stones and pearls, having in her hand a golden cup full of abominations and the filthiness of her fornication. And on her forehead a name was written: MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND OF THE ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH.  I saw the woman, drunk with the blood of the saints and with the blood of the martyrs of Yahshua. And when I saw her, I marveled with great amazement.

This woman is no friend of the saints of God, though she will gladly invite them to drink of her intoxicating potions and revel in the bed of her sensuality and fornication. She delights in turning those who are called to be sons of God into bestial men. She casts many into a slumber from which only a remnant escape.

On another website I found the following description of Circe.

KIRKE (or Circe) was a goddess pharmakeia (witch or sorceress) who lived with her nymph attendants on the mythical island of Aiaia. She was skilled in the magic of metamorphosis, the power of illusion, and the dark art of necromancy. When Odysseus landed on her island she transformed his men into animals, but with the help of the god Hermes, he overcame the goddess and forced her to release his men from her spell.

Perhaps you are already aware that the English word sorcery is used to translate the Greek word pharmakeia in this same book of Revelation. It is employed in a passage describing the Great Harlot who is also called Babylon.

Revelation 18:23-24
“Because all the nations were deceived by your sorcery (pharmakeia). And in her was found the blood of prophets and of saints and of all who have been slain on the earth.”

There are such tremendous parallels between the Harlot of Revelation and Circe of Greek Mythology, that comparison comes naturally. In the presentation titled Parables I have written of the symbolism of swine. Yahweh employs many natural things in His creation as types and shadows to present spiritual truth to those who have eyes to see. I will include a portion here from aforementioned presentation that speaks of the symbolism of swine. This will bring understanding to the story of Circe turning Odysseus’ men into swine.

The Parable of the Pig

Comparing men to swine is a type of parable. In the old Testament Yahweh gave criteria for clean and unclean animals. For an animal to be considered clean it had to meet two criteria. It had to have a split hoof, and it had to chew the cud.

Both of these things stand for something spiritually. The split hoof is a picture of being able to divide between truth and error, between right and wrong. Chewing the cud is a picture of meditating on truth.

Another term for chewing the cud is ruminate, and we often use this word to speak of a person chewing on a thought or idea. Chewing the cud spiritually stands for someone who loves the truth and who will therefore chew on what they have learned, seeking to derive all the benefit from it.

The pig meets one criteria for a clean animal, but fails in the other. The pig has a split hoof, but he does not chew the cud. This is a picture of the worst type of person, for it speaks of a person who has the ability to discern truth from error, but they do not love the truth, so they do not derive the benefit from the truth they have received.

For this reason Yahshua told His disciples to not cast their pearls of truth before people who fell into this category.
[End Excerpt]

Further insight into this symbolism is found in the same article as it describes Christ’s miracle of casting the unclean spirits out of the Gadarene demoniac.

The demons entreated Yahshua to send them out into a nearby herd of swine, and Yahshua permitted them. The entire herd then ran down the hill into the sea and perished…

The swine are a picture of the kingdom of God during the church age. Remember that swine are a picture of men who are given truth, having a split hoof, but they do not love the truth, they do not chew the cud.

God is telling us that the church age will be a period when many whom He has given truth to will not love the truth. The church age has been a period when doctrines of demons have entered the church, and it has been a period marked by sin. Yahshua gave several other overt parables to reveal that this would be the nature of the church age. He gave the parable of the mustard seed where He said the kingdom of God was like this smallest of seeds, but it would grow up to be the largest tree in the garden until the birds of the air would nest in its branches. Today Christianity is the largest religion in the world, and it is also filled with much error and false doctrine. The birds of the air are a picture of Satanic influences resting among the various branches of the church.

Mark 4:4, 15
As he was sowing, some seed fell beside the road, and the birds came and ate it up… These are the ones who are beside the road where the word is sown; and when they hear, immediately Satan comes and takes away the word which has been sown in them.

Yahshua gave another parable where He compared the kingdom of God in the church age to leavened dough.

Luke 13:20-21
And again He said, “To what shall I compare the kingdom of God? It is like leaven, which a woman took and hid in three pecks of flour until it was all leavened.”

Leaven is a symbol of sin, and Christ is saying that the church age would be a time when sin was rampant among those whom He had called to be His children. For this reason we read that “Many are the called, but few are chosen.”

The majority of people who comprise the masses of Christianity do not love the truth. They do not submit to God’s purifying work in their lives, and they are pictured in the swine that rush down the hill and drown in the sea. This is a picture of the judgment that awaits those who fall into this category. It is the remnant who will be saved.

I have taken time to explain the condition of the church in this present age for I know some will be offended at the depiction of the church as a herd of swine, but you must remember that even in the book of Revelation which was recorded less than a hundred years after the resurrection of Christ, seven different churches were written to, and only two of them were not warned about judgment to come to them if they did not repent of the evil that was already present within them. Some of their evil was so reprehensible to God that He warned them that their candlestick might be removed.
[End Excerpt]

I want to bring understanding to the types and shadows relating to the Harlot in Revelation. It is evident that Christ was revealing to John important matters that had great bearing upon the people of God. We should not suppose that these spiritual types that are portrayed through such clear natural examples will be evident to the majority in the church today. Christ spoke in parables to seal the judgment of those who do not love truth, “that seeing they may see, and not perceive; and hearing they may hear, and not understand…” (Mark 4:12). The book of Revelation remains a sealed book to the majority of Christians today.

The Great Harlot, like Circe (Church), is depicted with a cup of intoxicating drink in her hand. Food and drink in the Bible are types and shadows for doctrines. We see this plainly in the following passage:

Hebrews 13:9
Do not be carried away by varied and strange teachings; for it is good for the heart to be strengthened by grace, not by foods, through which those who were thus occupied were not benefitted.

The soul of man feeds upon ideas as the flesh of man feeds upon foods. Not all teachings in the church today bring spiritual benefit. Indeed, a vast amount of that which is served up by the church (Circe) today will keep men perpetually carnal and condemn them to slumber and a beastly nature. Those who were called to walk as men created in the image and likeness of God will instead become swine. Having the ability to divide between truth and error, they loved not the truth and will reap the consequences of their actions.

There are many areas in which the people of God today have imbibed intoxicating drinks and eaten foods that have not benefitted them spiritually. I would mention just one area, as it is timely, and I wrote of it in the previous blog.

At this season you will find in the Church (Circe) a great amount of teaching on the birth and nativity of Christ. Most of this teaching is filled with error, for Christ was not born on December 25th. There were no wise men present at his birth. And there is a very good reason to believe he was not born in a stable, nor laid in a manger used by cattle.

I studied a teaching some years back that espoused the view that Christ was born at the Feast of Tabernacles, a view that has much support Scripturally, and in type and shadow. The life of Christ was very much in synch with the Feast Days of Yahweh. Yahshua was slain on Passover. He sent forth the Holy Spirit on Pentecost. It fits very reasonably that He was born on Tabernacles.

The Feast of Tabernacles occurs in the fall, in our months of September or October. During the Feast the Israelites were commanded to build booths (sukkahs) outside their homes, and to dwell in them during that time. It was to remind them of their fathers who wandered in the wilderness for forty years and dwelt in booths or tents.

On another level it is a symbol of Yahweh tabernacling with men in fulness. One of the names ascribed to the Son of God is Immanuel, meaning “God with us.” In the person of Messiah mankind observed the fulfillment of Tabernacles. God was dwelling in the tent of flesh, which we see as man’s body. Christ said, “If you have seen Me, you have seen the Father.” The apostles spoke of the human body as being a sukkah, a tent, or temporary dwelling.

II Corinthians 5:1-4
For we know that if the earthly tent which is our house is torn down, we have a building from God, a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. For indeed in this house we groan, longing to be clothed with our dwelling from heaven; inasmuch as we, having put it on, shall not be found naked. For indeed while we are in this tent, we groan, being burdened, because we do not want to be unclothed, but to be clothed, in order that what is mortal may be swallowed up by life.

During the Feast of Tabernacles the Jews would build these booths all throughout the cities in which they lived. In these booths they would live and eat. Consequently they had certain pieces of furniture in them. One of these pieces of furniture was to hold the food they ate while in the Sukkah. The word we have translated in our English Bibles as manger is derived from the following Greek word.

phatne (fat’-nay); from pateomai (to eat)
(Strongs’ Concordance)

Christ testified that He was the Bread of Heaven, that His blood is true drink, and His body is true meat. He stated that those who drank His blood and ate His flesh would have true life in them. How appropriate that He should be born in a sukkah at the Feast of Tabernacles and laid in a piece of furniture used to hold the food to feed those dwelling there!

Is it not a great indictment that the church today presents Christ as laying in a manger surrounded by animals? The Christ that the church (Circe) has fashioned is fit only for food to sustain the beast nature of man. Indeed, Christmas does not induce men and women to bear the cross by which they might be transformed into Yahweh’s image. It leads them to excesses of commercial greed and fills their hearts with dreams of material possessions. Christmas fills the mind with thoughts of a God who wants to bless men materially, setting their minds on earthly things. This is not the work of Christ whom Yahweh sent to earth.

Yes, Circe (the Church) is still casting men and women into slumber today and transforming those called to bear the image of God into beasts.

Below are images of Circe and the Great Harlot of Revelation. Can you not see the resemblance?

Is not the Spirit of Christ declaring that the Great Harlot has a name, and it is Church?

Addendum: Lorin Smith sent me the following quotation:

Quote from Witchcraft in Early Modern Europe: Studies in Culture and Belief by Jonathan Barry, Marianne Hester, and Gareth Roberts.

A metaphoric extension of the idea that witchcraft is seductive, pleasurable and unmanning is the use of the nexus of ideas for purposes of Protestant propaganda in sixteenth and seventeenth century England. Like Spenser’s Duessa, the Roman Catholic Church was often seen as explicitly Circean. The English translation of Bullinger’s sermons on the apocalypse call her “that great witch Circes” and William Fulke saw the Roman Church as “a Babylonicall Circe.” The Roman Church was seductive, glamorous, magical, bestially transforming, poisonous, enfeebling, effeminating. Here, as Spenser’s Duessa, Bullinger and Fulke show, part of the Circean configuration included an analogue from the Apocalypse, the Great Whore of Babylon of Revelation XXVII, with her magical and enfeebling cup.
[Pages 201-202]

May you be blessed with peace and understanding in these days.

Joseph Herrin

Mailing Address:
Joseph Herrin
P.O. Box 804
Montezuma, GA 31063

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A Tale Of Two Nations – Part 3 Fri, 06 Dec 2024 23:52:16 +0000

Dear Saints,

It has grown very cold very quickly here in Donegal, Ireland, with another two storms hitting us this week again. Now that December has arrived, it is a good time of the year to focus on family and cosiness, cheery fires and walks through the forest behind our homestead. Though hopefully, some work will be achieved too.

In next week’s posting I intend to finally introduce myself and my family to you properly, so you can put a face to the name. For now, I still have the matter of offering some words concerning the recent US election results, and what this may mean for the saints worldwide. Though in particular, I will be focusing on the trap I believe that American Christian Conservatives now find themselves within due to their following a false leader.


In the last blog article, I highlighted some matters in relation to the fake Co-Vid pandemic, and how they were enabled in the US by the then-President and now-returning President hailed as the saviour of America.

Yet did this billionaire, this graduate of a Jesuit University in New York, save America in that hour in which we saw the takeover of the world in the guise of a fake pandemic?

When all of that horror rolled over us without warning, how did the supposedly sovereign, supposedly Christian President of the US respond to the fear-mongering and factual lies of the billionaire-funded WHO, or what I simply referred to at the time as the WOO-WHO? Did he question anything fundamental about the panic? Did he stand for the truth in Christ in that desperate hour? Did he even call for a moment of calm in which to establish the facts?

No, he did not. Instead he suggested some alternative treatments for the ‘illness’ so the corporate media had some minor controversy to distract the public with, whilst pretending his own hands were tied in the matter.

Surely though, when it came to the ultimate high tide in all of that nightmare, when it was being proposed to jab adults and children and babies alike with ‘experimental’ devil serums which somehow modified their God-given genetics for life – serums which later were widely advertised in the press, and by the makers themselves, as being rushed and untested, with one Pharmakeia company declaring how it had created its own anti-Co-Vid serum ‘over a single weekend’ – surely then was when this super-rebel-President-against-the-Swamp was to step in and make a stand, before his people toppled into an abyss? Well, no, not exactly.

What he did do, because of his great love for mankind, and in particular for his fellow American patriots, was to rush through his State-sanctioned scheme to jab the entire nation with these devil serums even faster than had already been announced by the CDC – the medical arm of the US Pentagon. So impossibly fast were these ‘emergency jabs’ to be deployed that the scheme was even given a name from the most famous science fiction show of all time, because the nation was now entering into the wildest of science fictions.

And so Americans experienced Operation Star Trek, I mean Operation Warp Speed, in which this rebel President, supposedly in open insurrection against the Establishment, paved the way for the smooth deployment of the Establishment’s plans for the crowning of their New World Order.

And the majority of the Christian Right went along with it, because either they lacked a real love of truth, or they fell in their pursuit of truth into the enemy’s deceptions during the flood of Co-Vid propaganda.

The point at issue is this. If a different President had been in power during the Co-Vid Panic, say a Democrat President like creepy-feely-Biden or the Clinton Witch, and they had tried to push those Co-Vid measures upon the American Right – masking of adults and children, social-distancing, quarantine of the heathy, restrictions to Churches and religious observances, restrictions to small businesses and the self-employed, restrictions to travel, lethal experimental jabs, lethal experimental forced jabs for the military and other government jobs, and many other breaches of the American Constitution …

The Christian Conservative Right would have revolted, as many did in Canada, or would have simply refused to comply, had it been Hilary or Biden telling them to do these things in their lives and Churches.

But because it was the Christian Right-wing hero of the hour telling them to do these things, one of their own, the whole diabolical scheme was allowed to pass. And as a result, many of the Christian Right took in the devil’s serum, along with their poor children.

Here in Ireland, while the media was depicting the medical establishment as white-clad dancing superheroes, certain doctors and nurses were being paid to persuade pregnant women to get the experimental gene-modifying Co-Vid jabs for the safety of their unborn children, even though the medical advice at the time was that unborn children had no risk from the supposed virus.

These medical professionals, who have sworn to do no harm to their patients, hounded thousands of frightened expectant mothers with emails and letters and text messages right when the fear propaganda was at its highest. Using their positions as ‘experts’, they put terror and lies into these mothers’ hearts, quite literally using their unborn children as emotional ransom to persuade them to take a highly experimental and untested new medical technology which, we now know, results in life-long damage and even death.

These ‘doctors’ and ‘nurses’ should have been reported to the police and arrested for the crimes they were committing. Instead, they were hailed as heroes and rewarded financially by the very governments who should have been prosecuting them for their harmful and medically unethical actions. For every person they persuaded to take one of those toxic jabs, one of those snake bites, these doctors and nurses were paid a specific amount of money straight into their bank accounts.

And so school children, still forced to wear masks in the classrooms, were jabbed against their wishes so their genetics were irreversibly altered. Elders in nursing homes, those who had not yet been euthanised by the deployment of lethal new sedatives – it was the early, real deaths from these new sedatives in nursing homes which were used to first ignite the Co-Vid Panic – were jabbed without ever really knowing what was going on. And of course, the majority of those in between were likewise jabbed through fear and intimidation. Though I suspect the numbers of the unjabbed are much higher than reported.

And now, following all these experimental and untested jabs, one of which was ‘created over the weekend’, the deaths in our local area are far outstripping the birth rate, with funerals happening all the time. Turbo cancers and strokes are becoming the new normal here, even in younger people. You also hear constantly of younger people suddenly experiencing strokes and heart attacks – young men having heart attacks; teenagers even! Though it isn’t only the young. It is people of all ages and from all walks of life. Countless videos online show people on live TV and sporting events simply dropping dead without warning. One minute they are upright and fine, the next instant they go down like a felled tree.

Isn’t it interesting, in line with what we have read in the Scriptures concerning the Last Days, how men have rushed to get this jab largely out of fear, and now their hearts are failing them?

Now it is too late to turn back. With the crowning victory of the Corona Virus Operation, from which most of the world’s population are now juiced on the devil’s serum – a mysterious concoction that not only harms and kills but also appears to be sending out Bluetooth wifi signals from people’s bodies – we have already arrived at the intended destination, the New Order.

And one of the chief players of the Corona Virus Operation was the rebel President of the day.


With the latest US election results, the American Christian Right find themselves perfectly set up for the next trap prepared for them by the enemies of God. I use the word trap intentionally, because that is what I see from afar, looking inwards.

The first arm of the trap closed during Operation Warp Speed, and was, as already mentioned, lead by the then-President.

The second arm of the trap was lead by that very same man. Though he was no longer the President of the day. Instead he was the rebel ex-President now without a White House.

‘January 6th’ was not an insurrection at all, but really a media hoax perpetrated against an unsuspecting Christian Right who had been worked up into making a peaceful stand against obvious election shenanigans. It was yet another arm of the trap closing upon the conservative right, since it appears to have been a set-up from the very beginning, including paid political ‘antifa’ activists pretending to be part of the crowd as they enacted the destruction of property for all to see. Worse, it appears that the ex-President was himself responsible for leading his people into the trap, while feigning his innocence. Again.

Now conservative Christians are seen by the rest of the population as dangerous revolutionaries out to overthrow the government. This mis-characterisation of Christians has been broadcast around the world, to the extent that even my step-mother, a Church of England devotee who will not normally broach any conversations concerning politics or anything else really about the world, could not contain herself at the dining table during a recent visit, and declared out-of-the-blue her hostility to those Christian Patriots in the US who had tried to violently overthrow their government.

Meanwhile, poor patriotic Grandmothers and Grandfathers are locked away in solitary confinement for wandering around the Capital buildings at the wrong time with a little US flag in their hands, not knowing they were fodder in a Psychological Operation and corporate media ambush. May the Good Lord aid them in the trials they are now going through.


When the sound of gunfire rang out around the podium upon which the now-President elect was delivering a pre-election speech, how many people knew that within moments one of the most iconic images of our time would be taken by one of the most experienced photo-journalists in his field, a photo which would depict the super-rebel ex-President raising his fist in brave defiance to his people after he ‘survived the assassin’s bullet’, and which in that instant propelled his candidacy into certain victory?

His victory was so obvious at that point that even the Democrat Party knew it, and started to throw each other under the election bus like there were no longer enough seats to go around.

Perhaps I am imagining it, but it seems that a very subtle sea-shift has been occurring since his election victory, which is not yet all that visible to the eye. The corporate media’s incessant howling and loathing of their strawman President seems to be softening a little in some quarters. A mood of inevitability almost appears to be forming in the air. Though again perhaps I am only imagining it.

Regardless, with the recent election result, the final arms of the Trap appear to be in place.

Because of their faith and hope in their false leader, many conservatives have been tricked into taking the serum of the devil, while others have been framed into looking like violent fanatics. At recent Presidential election rallies, jokes which were in fact pseudo-racist – at least to any liberal who would later see them in video clips – were allowed to be told by comedian speakers, under the guise of freedom of humour. These pseudo-racist jokes at a Christian Conservative Presidential rally, which of course included many people who were not white, became the media frenzy of that day. Once again, the Christian Right was mischaracterised by the actions of its own leaders and influencers to the rest of the nation, and world.

Two important factors can be noted about the present situation. 1) The Christian Conservatives have been corralled together publicly and visibly under the flag of their charismatic leader. 2) They have been used to mischaracterise all Bible-faithful Christians as intolerant, racist misogynists who are willing to violently overthrow government.

In fact, to a certain segment of the population, to the particularly liberal woke segment who oppose the Right, these conservative Bible-believing Christians represent everything they hate and despise most of all.

These woke liberals have been worked up into a frenzy of hysteria against this false representation of who Conservative Christians actually are. The more hardcore members of the woke population are now talking openly of burning everything to the ground. Or killing people who voted for the wrong Presidential Candidate. Or of getting serially pregnant simply so they can murder-abort the resulting children of men …

Getting even is the spirit of their hearts.

These people, driven mentally and morally deranged by the Image of the Beast they so devoutly worship, are supported in their perversions of God’s reality by the liberal ‘Christian Church’, which is already an arm of the One World Religion multifaith. They truly do believe that Bible-following Christian Conservatives are the epitome of all that is evil in their worlds. Indeed, with their ‘intolerance and hatred and racism’ they are holding the world back from its destiny with a rainbow-coloured utopia of make-believe, in which all will be bubbles and joy.

This, by the way, is the traditional position held by Witches and occultists for centuries, and can be found in the writings of modern occultists like Alice Bailey: true Christians are holding the world back from progressing, from evolving, into the Golden Age, and need to be removed from society like a cancer for the good of everyone else.

When you see the murderous rage in some of these woke fanatics, when you watch videos of them violently attacking street preachers and anti-abortionists, you realise that without any law or consequences, they would be murdering their victims right there in the streets. Some of these people would be rejoicing in righteous glee as they ate out a Christian’s heart.

So where is all this heading? Why have these dynamics been so carefully and subtly laid into place? Why brainwash a segment of the population into becoming violent extremists bent on revenge, if they are not to be deployed as the weapons they already are?

Perhaps it is enough that they are already agents of chaos within our communities, fracturing families with their intolerance of contrary opinions, their anti-white racism, and their hatred of real men and women. The final fracturing of society is certainly fast underway.

But whenever I consider how these things are all reflections of the spiritual war, and so try to discern them spiritually, the impression arises that there is still much more to unfold from these dark seeds.


Let us first state the obvious here. The most deranged of these people are women. Or men who think they are women. Or men who are so emasculated they may as well be women. Women and feminised men who have usurped the God-given roles of authority and now stand proudly upon their own understanding.

It is no coincidence that the influencers of this crowd all appear to be Witches and Satanists. And that an undercurrent of witchcraft appears to run beneath the entire woke and global warming movements.

Witchy Woke Women are now the goddesses of the media and much of the world. Almost overnight they have been vaulted into positions of leadership throughout our societies and institutions and businesses, without any experience or qualifications beyond the ability to address an audience and spin the facts as a woke influencer. Often they are shown visibly leading men and men in uniform. It is difficult not to view these women, each time I see one and discern her spirit, as simply another Witch in the gang being awarded for her faithfulness to the devil.

Yes, woke women are now goddesses, supposedly, yet the champions of this rise of the woke woman cannot even tell you what a woman is.

And the only Women’s Rights they are ever interested in seems to be the ‘right’ to murder their own unborn children in the womb, and for the right of their daughters to murder their unborn grandchildren in the womb, alongside the ‘right’ to ‘sleep’ with whatever gender they wish to. They are never interested in any other women’s rights, like the right for a mother to stay at home to care for her children and husband, or the right of a mother not to have her child taken away from her because she disagrees with transgender ideology.

Only those rights which correspond with witchcraft are being promoted.

This is why LGBT is promoted like a religious requirement of the woke faith. In case you are happily unaware of the fact, real female witches are lesbians as a rule, though not exclusively, while male witches are homosexuals, though also not exclusively. Generally they will have intercourse with anything, but they lean towards their own gender. And they lean towards the young.

This is why those frightening hardcore trannies you see grooming children at ‘Story Playtimes’, and leading the way into women’s and girl’s bathrooms, are the most dedicated and frontline of Satanists. In fact they are operatives set upon a mission.

In the same manner, the issue of abortion is another pillar of the woke faith. And abortion, historically – though you will not find this spoken of almost anywhere now – was a practice traditionally carried out by witches, by the ‘women of the crossroads’, by the women of ‘the roadside dyke’. And this was largely because witches were often the prostitutes and ‘madames’ and suppliers of children of the day. And so they became adept at homemade measures for birth control, including physical abortions and poisons to kill the unwanted unborn.

Even deeper than those necessities, infant sacrifice was and still is very much a core ritual of their satanic beliefs. This is why you find Hilary the Witch sending emails about ‘worshipping Molech’. This is why so many Satanists are found in the frontlines of the abortion battle.

Returning to the general woke crowd of the hysterical left, their unhinged behaviour cannot be explained purely as the result of a media frenzy.

I suspect, unfortunately, that these intentionally freakish-looking people have all been broken in some way at an early age. Just as all real witches have likewise been broken from an early age, before they even had a say in the matter.

Forgive me again for having to raise another unpleasant subject here. Some things in this world are shameful even to talk about. Yet I believe this is something that needs to be stated:

It has certainly been my own experience that every person that has ever spoken with me about their homosexuality, male or female, has confessed to some form of early sexual abuse, often at the hands of a relative, even a father. Sometimes it was simply a friend of the family, or a teacher, or a stranger. In others words the predators can be anything.

The lesbians who I have spoken with over the years, all had horrifying experiences at the hands of men. Though the homosexual men are more reluctant to admit to such experiences. There is more shame involved for men. Yet time and again they would eventually disclose some terrible story. For those homosexuals who do not recall any such experiences, I believe many likely do not remember the abuse, since many more victims of abuse forget these traumas rather than hold onto them in their frontal memory.

Though again, this is only from personal observation. Whatever the true reason, somehow the demonic spirit of homosexuality has been placed into these unfortunate people at an early age.

For I believe that such behaviour as homosexuality does not simply arise from God, even if the media would have us think otherwise. In the fallen human being, this behaviour is generated by the forces of evil by acts of evil. That is why there is a massive wave of young people now flying the LGBT flag. It is not only that the culture is brainwashing them every way it can to be this way. Before this current offensive even began, massive levels of child abuse were already producing generations of children bent into the perverse androgyne of the devil.

It is for the specific purpose of creating a wave of open homosexuality, that increasingly massive levels of child sexual abuse have been a deliberate policy all along; a deliberate technique for modifying and creating patterns of human behaviour which pervert the image of God.

This is one of many reasons why I find the Pride Parades to be so distressing, knowing that these men and women are celebrating the very abuse which they suffered as children, at the hands of monsters who robbed them of their lives for the sake of the perverts’ own immediate gratification. These broken men and women are celebrating their own destruction as children at the hands of the devil, and encouraging the further corruption of children.

Perhaps, like many open Satanists, much of this angry woke crowd are simply getting their own back against a world that destroyed them before their lives had really even begun. Hence why they hate Yahweh and His children so much, even to the point of denying Him. Because they have been tricked into blaming their Creator for what they had to endure.

Such people deserve our compassion and ministry, not the laughter and mockery of much of the right-wing alt-media. This is not a circus freakshow to be enjoyed at leisure. To watch the breakdowns of woke people on internet videos is to watch people who are clearly mentally ill. I do not mean that to be offensive in any way. These people are obviously ill, and need tending to as all sick people do. They are the most damaged and lost of us all. They need the Good News, not our laughter.

I find this fact to be a useful one to remember whenever I struggle, as I sometimes do, to pray fully and whole-heartedly for the redemption of these poor corrupted souls.

It is wise, too, to pray for their deliverance, for they are clearly under the influence of the demonic. For it is the perverted feminine nature of Jezebel, in both women and men, that which presumes the authority of real man and our Creator, which most openly tears and screams at the traditional order of things today.

The spirit of Jezebel demands and expects to be given everything she desires, and stops at nothing in ensuring her will is met with submission. For years there has been a stream of this spirit running through many of America’s households. From afar, from a different country looking inwards, this has been dubbed by some commentators – or at least by myself when I still watched telly back in the day – as American Housewife Syndrome. Portrayed so positively across the media, this self-empowered American housewife always expects to have her way and her say in all matters, always expects to be treated to the very finest of possessions, and has a heart hovering always over the divorce button lest her desires and standards not be met for an instant. Lord help the husband who is insensitive enough to her needs to lose his job!

It is a spirit which has been imbued into real lives entirely through the examples presented by the media. And now this Jezebel spirit has spread and found its fullest expression within that movement known as Pride, or LGBT. These ‘self-empowered’ people also expect to get everything their own way, or they scream and fling themselves about demonically until they get it.

How dare we not submit to their innermost fictions of gender identity? How dare we stand in their way of killing their unborn babies so they may continue living as whores?

They are like a horde of gaggling, maddened blue-haired witches rising out of the sea to castrate and murder and spew forth the lies of their Father. And they have betrayed a spirit of violence right out in public time and time again, which now, with the recent election result, appears to be reaching some kind of high-pitched crescendo. As already noted, if it were not for the law, it seems obvious that some of them would be outright killing strangers in the streets by now.


I grew up in a civil war here in the north of Ireland, where people really were beating and shooting other people dead over their cultural differences.

More than 3000 died during the 30 years of The Troubles in Northern Ireland, which, amongst other things never spoken of about ‘the Troubles’, was in reality a Masonic/Jesuit dialectic laboratory for the study of the use of domestic terrorism against a captive population. For all that time, with the bombings and shootings and kidnappings and daily terror on the news, two camps of people hated and despised each other as much as any group ever could.

Yet never once in all those years did I witness people getting on like these woke neurotics now – with such deranged and murderous frothing-at-the-mouth hatred as to appear entirely unhinged. This is something far beyond the normal. Even the normal of a low-scale 30-year civil war where people really were killing each other over their differences.

It is impossible for me to convey, at least in a short amount of words, how much the hatred flowed in this small province of Ulster during those years, and how weird the ordinary daily lives of people became because of it. Instead I will simply offer a small collection of photos for you to look at. These things may be just around the corner for America too.


Now that the Christian Right have been corralled so effectively by the media away from the rest of the population, dividing the country into two opposing camps, will we now see a wave of ‘domestic terrorism’ aimed at Christian Conservatives and their families? All of it blamed on lunatic lone wokesters with blue hair and overly-large glasses or solo tranny fanatics?

Or could it become even larger than that? ‘Christian Conservative freedom fighters’ fighting back against these aggressions, whilst in reality being actors of the State?

Will domestic terrorism be used, as it was in Northern Ireland and other places, to physically get rid of the real undesirables in society? In this case, the truly born-again saints?

And in response, much like post-9/11, will the residing Administration then enact new laws which further curtail liberties and the Constitution? Do they then become the ‘Christian Right Dictatorship’ which the liberals have been bleating about for years now? A Dictatorship which will actually be part of the New World Order?

It is impossible to say without some form of revelation.

Meanwhile, the Image of the Beast continues to tell us how politicians and politics will save us, even after all these decades of non-ending let-downs and betrayals by the politicians we elect. Yet has a single one of them in modern times ever truly stopped the progression of the New Order? When the latest round of politicos and hopey-changey artists assume power in the White House, will they really reverse the invasion of millions of illegal immigrants, for instance? Or will it only appear to be done so, while in reality the vast majority of illegals remain within US borders as a horde of locusts with the faces of men, there to torment and plunder in the land of the free-for-all?

Will anything fundamental truly change?

Or will it all ultimately lead to failure and the revenge of the enraged and desperate woke population, so that many of the Christian Right find themselves rounded up and ‘separated’ from the rest of society for the sake of people’s safety?


These possibilities suggest a path of caution for the saints right now, a path of separation from the fallen church.

Yet as important as these considerations are, they still remain secondary to the next point I wish to make. Which is that this billionaire political leader, and his movement, are visibly bearing the banner of Christ.

Everything this man and his people do are a reflection of true Christians around the world and the Gospel they preach.

Is that not a sobering realisation? Is it not more sobering even than the fact that he will have his hands on the Nuclear Button, that he already holds, in his hands, the Image of Christ?

So far, this possession of the Image of Christ has enabled the media to paint Christians around the world as bigots and worse. And this has simply been the lead up to the main event.

What will the main event be?

How far will they drag Christ Yashua’s and His Father’s name and character through the mud? Until Yahweh is openly cast into the role of the devil, and the anti-Christ into the role of the world’s saviour?


(The rebel-President when he was much younger, on the right of the picture)

As readers will no doubt have noted by now, with perhaps a little scratching of the head, I have not mentioned the President Elect’s name even once in all of this article. It is not because I cannot spell it.

It is a difficult thing to explain.

I must confess that I have no personal animosity towards this man, beyond his unsavoury character. I understand why so many people follow him, and I do not recoil in programmed horror as so many others do whenever they see him.

I say this, because ever since I first laid eyes on that iconic photo taken after the supposed assassination attempt on his life, in which he rises up in fist-pumping defiance against the backdrop of an American flag, something in my spirit very severely recoiled from what I was seeing.

For a moment I saw something of the beloved John’s Revelation in that image.

I saw something dark and foretold by prophecy unfolding into the world.

And ever since witnessing that image, I cannot seem to say his name.

I cannot any longer abide having his name in my mouth!


The Book of Revelation by the Beloved Apostle John tells us very clearly what is happening and what is still to happen. It does not say anywhere that a politician will save us from tribulation in the last days. It does not say our nations will be restored before the end. Revelation tells us how things will continue to worsen – worse than the whole history of man – until the victorious return of our King, Christ Yashua.

And the Revelation of John tells us to beware of false leaders and prophets and Christs and even anti-Christs, for deception will be everywhere in the last days, and all will be blinded but those who have a love of God and truth.

Things are not getting better, not even in America, despite what the Image of the Beast would have us believe with its dark light occluding the truths of this world. The world falls faster than ever before into the arms of the Adversary, and no politician is going to stop that fall, or even slow it down. No politician can save us nor our nations.

Only a whole-hearted return to Yahweh’s will through His Beloved Son Jesus Christ can save us.


Who am to say any of this to you, Joseph’s fellow readers and supporters? Well of course I’m no-one. I’m a name on your web browser and little more. And I have no right nor wish to impart anything to you unless it be inspired of the Holy Spirit.

So next week I intend to finally introduce myself properly with something of a personal Testimony, written in the most spirited way that I can, along with some thoughts for carrying Joseph’s ministry forwards from here. I hope you will join me then.

May you be blessed with peace and understanding in these last days.

Colin Buchanan

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A Tale Of Two Nations – Part 2 Sun, 01 Dec 2024 16:31:32 +0000

Dear Saints,

In the last Parables posting, Joseph and I shared some words with you concerning the New Order that the world has entered upon, particularly as it relates to the recent US Elections. In this second part, my intent is to expand on this reasoning with some impressions I have been given concerning the new President Elect, including his role in the world takeover known as the ‘Co-Vid Pandemic’, before I end with some words of caution for those saints who are in the US with their families.

Though no doubt, these dangers are already much apparent to those with eyes to see.

But forgive me for starting with such a dark introduction! I hope you are well and of good spirit. And I must confess that I feel less drawn to offer the meat of this analysis today, and more drawn to first lead into these matters by sharing some words and experiences concerning events which effected us all, the whole world, deeply, and which cannot be ignored if we are to understand where we stand today. That matter is of course the fake Co-Vid pandemic. I do not wish to write a revel down the rabbit holes of world conspiracy right now, but more an effort to witness something of those recent times with my fellow saints, and to share my heart with you on these things.

By the way there is a reason for any humour you may find in my words or tone of writing. It is not that I take any of this lightly. The very opposite is true. Humour is simply my way of maintaining morale while I walk through the shadow of the valley of death in service to our Lord. Some of Christ Yashua’s followers liked to sing joyously whenever they were in dire straights.

I simply like to smile.

The Man With The Upside Down Smile

You can always tell a great deal about a person by the company they keep and the allies who support them. Consider for instance the US President Elect’s most famous of super-wealthy supporters, Elon Musk:

Let us ask in the spirit of truth, what is the real spiritual fruit of Elon Musk’s actions in ‘buying Twitter’, rebranding it with an occult name, X, the mark of Osiris Rising, and feigning a love of truth while he pursues the transhumanism goals of the Powers and openly signals to Satanists that he is one of them?

(Elon Musk with his mother)

Another way you can tell something about a person is by how they act with their supposed enemies, at their wedding.

Or by who they invite to their political rallies to offer prayers and spiritual support to the nation in its hour of need.

(Kenneth Copeland at ‘Save America’ rally)

Or who they listen to during an orchestrated World take-over masquerading as a global medical emergency.

These last few pictures paint a thousand words in reminding us of the response to the global Co-Vid scamdemic by the controversial American President of the day. Despite being branded as a super-rebel against the Establishment, this President enabled the global Establishment’s medical tyranny of lies to unfold across America.

The Invasion Of The Body Snatchers

The New Order of today – in which Satanists high and low cavort across the screens of the Image of the Beast in open gloating over their captured populations and planet – all of this was inaugurated by the crowning victory of the ‘Corona Virus’ faked pandemic. Hence why its very name Corona means ‘crown’. At the beginning of this decade, the Powers released a white horse bearing the white-clad rider of the medical apocalypse, armed with its bow of poisonous jabs.

It was the Image of the Beast, the modern screen media, which whipped the whole world into a frenzy of captive terror in a process commonly known as Trauma-Based Mind Control, putting the world under a spell from which many, many people are still in the grips of to this hour. It was the Image of the Beast which propelled a genius diabolical fantasy into the minds of man and made them think it was all real and about to kill them, so that they even turned on their own loved ones who tried to warn them of the deceptions, and likewise turned on poor strangers in the street just trying to go about their lives during a desperate time, lone survivors refusing to be masked because they would not go along with the Dragon Flood of lies.

In the front porch of our house, we have a handmade sign on display which can be read by anyone who comes to the door. It reads: This Is A House Of Truth. Leave Any Lies At The Door.

I will not tell a lie even once, no matter if the whole world should burn.

When the Co-Vid flood of propaganda rolled up upon our doorstep, it felt like an open declaration of war.

Right from the onset of this global deception, the saints were warned by the Holy Spirit that these things were all diabolical stirrings and that we were not to become embroiled in them, indeed we were to resist the collective madness by simply not taking part in it.

Though there were others too who were not saints, yet who also saw the wicked scheming of men in these unfolding events. What these resistors largely shared, I noted, was a dedication to knowing the truth.

What I also noted about many of these people who were not saints yet were resisting the deceptions of the devil, was that they generally were not against God or the name of Jesus. They did not tend to flinch when you mentioned God to them. They had not yet fully bought into the modern anti-Christ creed where they reject all things holy. And because of their adherence to truth, and because the scamdemic shocked them partially awake, many remain even now open to the Promises and Peace of the Good News. They can still be reached.

It was for the reasons stated above that a great separation could be seen occurring at this time between those who worship the Image of the Beast and those few who follow truth instead. A great gulf emerged between these two peoples which had been invisible until then.

Amazingly, most Christians in the Churches sided with the lies of the Beast and scorned those who did not. Even their fellow believers. Time and again my words to Church-goers about our need to have a love of truth rather than a spirit of fear were met with anger and derision. Even as the Holy Spirit witnessed how evil all of these devices of the devil really were in believer’s hearts, witless Church elders bearing devil masks were gently cajoling the congregations to mask up too, and to stay 6 fix apart from each other lest they catch a cold. Here in Ireland they even consented to locking up the Churches for a while under a pre-arranged order from the State. When they were finally reopened, or partially reopened, they refrained their congregations from singing hymns.

It was the first time in my early walk that I fully grasped how far from truth the Christian Church had fallen. And how the true ecclesia of God was in no way to be found within the manmade hierarchies of Organised Religion, nor should be found there. These places had become synagogues of the devil, leading people astray from the ultimate truth of Christ and the Gospel.

Saint or not, it took courage to make a visible stand in those days against the flood. And because of this, those who did make a visible stand were like shining suns walking amongst us down here in the fearful gloom. To see a fellow resistor in the street or the shop who was likewise not wearing a mask – a satanic slave device after all – was to see with great relief another thinking human being still here in the world!

There are others still out there like me!

Ageing grandmothers and quietly dignified gentlemen overnight became my heroes.

My wife too become one of those heroes in my eyes.

The Chalice

It was my darling wife, Joanna, who was to suffer greatly at this time. Though it is a difficult story to relate I feel called to share some of the details with you, as they draw attention to one of the arms of the New Order’s victory over the earth, the medical profession. It was the medical profession which, perversely, wrought the most physical harm and death during the faked pandemic. Rather than dispelling the propaganda myths being used to terrorise the public, which many of them knew to be false, if not outright dangerous, the majority of doctors largely went along with these lies for the sake of their careers. Some even profited from the deceptions. Very few made a visible stand, though many nurses were to leave the medical industry during this period because of their conscience.

Early on during Joanna’s second pregnancy, after a nightmare experience with her first, it was found that our developing unborn child had a rare heart defect, which meant the muscle mass of her heart was growing too fast and that she was not ‘viable for life’. Our unborn child was dying from too much heart.

Because of this awful development, we were required to visit the nearest hospital a great deal during the very height of the Co-Vid madness. Of all the terrible timing.

We were still under some illusions about the medical industry and its motives, because we were still not yet leaning fully upon our Father’s understanding of this world. Though the experience of Co-Vid and hospitals at that time was to change all of that.

Here in those days, travel was being limited in every subtle way, so that even getting to the hospital was something of a challenge. Public bus services were cut to almost nothing. Even just getting onto the rare bus without wearing a mask became a revolutionary act. Sometimes the bus driver would be convinced enough by your confidence, and would say nothing as you stepped on board without a mask on your face, in contrast to the sea of masks that would then confront you. Sometimes he would have something of an attitude, and you would have to state that you were ‘exempt’ without any doubt in your voice, with perhaps a few more words of explanation concerning the legalities of the matter, and that would be enough to get you past too.

Other times though, the bus driver would be a raving lunatic, obviously hopped up on the latest frightening cycle of news, and you would be schooled by the Spirit in how to deal with such things as poor demonised bus drivers standing in the way of your pregnant wife’s hospital appointment because they are deathly afraid of catching a cold, while the rows of passengers watches on in bleak and passive silence, and the whole bus seems to groan beneath the weight of the lies.

Once onboard, if you did get onboard, you would meet the eyes of your fellow silent passengers just to show that you were not cowed by the fear propaganda, and neither should they be. The most common expression I saw in return, other than hostility, was one of simple frightened bewilderment.

It is an expression I still see in people’s faces daily.

When we would finally reach the hospital, where dying people were being refused visits from their families right unto their mortal end (for fear that they might catch a cold and die), and where a full-on pretence of quarantine procedures was very visibly in place throughout the buildings, we also were not willing to go along with the deceptions.

By that time, we also knew the medical evidence that masks were not remotely effective in this supposed crises. Worse, long-term mask wearing can cause health problems such as hypoxia, especially for pregnant women, and even brain damage. Mask wearing was a dangerous fraud, yet demented people were driving around alone in their cars wearing three of them just to be safe, because Fauci had told them so with a straight face.

This knowing the truth of the matter liberated and emboldened us yet further. Whenever I walked through the corridors of the hospital without a mask on, no-one ever bothered me at all. Perhaps sometimes I was mistaken for a doctor. Or perhaps the fixed, agonised exhaustion on my face was also a factor at play. But by that point, I was so neck-deep in warfare that nothing and no-one was going to turn me aside from doing what I felt commanded by my Father to do, which was to resist the flood of lies – and I believe this faithfulness could be seen in my manner, even to unbelievers.

Things changed when we had to start travelling to Dublin on gruelling five-hour drives to the Children’s hospital there, in order to undergo crucial scans.

Our unborn child, little Eve, had the rarest of heart defects, which meant she would not survive the pregnancy for long. Her life was not viable. For some reason, the medical experts seemed fascinated by the rarity of her condition.

In Dublin, in the maternity ward of the specialist hospital, we entered a scene like a contemporary Luciferian horror movie on Netflix.

I still vividly recall the gloomy waiting room crammed full with expectant women, not a man in sight for we were largely banned from entering hospitals by then. Every expectant mother was sitting there shoulder to shoulder in rows with all the others expectant mothers, each one of them gagged behind a mask, and each staring down upon a phone that spilled a sickly light across the obvious bulges of their bellies. Not a single one of them was speaking to their neighbour or even acknowledging their neighbour’s presence. It was not the bubbly excited feminine atmosphere of maternity waiting rooms of the past. No sense of life existed in that room at all. It felt lifeless. The fact that many of the room’s lights were off – for some unstated reason – only added to the effect. Each of these women were alone in a darkened machine that had no use for them nor their unborn children as humans.

When a few of the women looked up to see us standing there in the doorway unmasked and human, they blinked and stared, startled by the sight of us, like people gazing from a different world. And then they returned to their phones and their silence.

It was this foul place from where I was to eventually be thrown out for politely refusing to put on a mask. At first when we refused in the corridor, they escorted us to a private room where we thought we were going to be seen by a clinician attending to our scan. Instead we were ambushed by a Doctor Fauci lookalike in a medical mask, who again asked us to put on ‘our’ masks. My wife explained her circumstances. She did not wish to restrict oxygen to her unborn child by wearing a mask. It was not medically safe for her to do so, since the child was already struggling to live and … As she spoke, Joanna started to cry. She had much more on her heart just then than this nonsense with masks. The doctor listened, then he gently tried to persuade her once more to put on the mask.

At this point I lost my peace.

It was in a rather loud and shaking voice – which I wish had been much calmer – that I explained how we knew the truth of the matter, how medical studies showed that masks were ineffective and that they were a sham. I can be a persuasive fellow at times, as Joseph has testified, and when I told the doctor that since he was a professional medical clinician, he must also clearly know the truth of this too, he flat out admitted it, rather than lose face.

This fellow, this Fauci-lookalike, then explained to us how the real reason for wearing masks was to make people feel safer. My wife and I were causing people to feel unsafe by not masking up in the hospital. So would we just go along with the lie so that people might feel safer? What is the big issue anyway? Just do it this one time. Just put on the mask, and you and your wife can go for the scan you have travelled five hours for her to undergo at the hands of the country’s leading expert, so that you might see your living child in the womb for the first and possibly only time.

Just do it.

This was when they threw me out because I would not budge, and because I demanded rather loudly that this doctor get away from my wife.

After five minutes out in the street in prayer with the Good Lord I calmed down some, and went back inside anyway, because my wife and child were still in there alone. I was calm and determined enough that no one stopped me or protested. But still I politely declined to put on a mask when offered one. While my wife was finally allowed to proceed to the scanning room without a mask, I was not. So I did not get to see my little girl while she was alive.

After this, we refused any longer to travel all that way to the hospital in Dublin. We hadn’t quite reached the point of giving everything over to Yahweh, and He alone. But we knew we did not need any more scans ‘for the safety of the child and mother’. We knew our child was dying from a heart defect and no scan was going to change that fact.

And the mother’s safety? We engaged the local midwife, a kind and considerate woman, who came out for regular health checks to make sure that Joanna was doing fine.

Upon advising the doctors we would not be travelling to the Dublin hospital again for another repeat performance of the Phantom of the Opera, the local hospital changed their tune and told us we did not need to go all that for those sophisticated scans after all, we could do everything locally instead. Why this was suddenly the case now, and not before, was not explained to us.

But we politely told them we wished for no more scans. And that we wished to be left in peace and privacy while we underwent this ordeal of losing our child.

Little Eve survived and grew for many more months than the experts expected after we made this decision. They were visibly surprised that she held on for so long. Joanna cherished what time she had with her. But then one day, Joanna knew that the living child within her was gone.

The Delivery

When it came to the long drawn-out hellish experience of delivering our deceased child, we were already spent. We did not wish to return to the hospital but we did not see that we had any choice. The only safe way it seemed was to deliver the child in the local hospital. We had asked midwife after midwife in the region if they would help us do it at home, but none would even consider ‘taking the risk’. Since Joanna had already almost died delivering our first child, we were both cautious too.

The process of induced delivery involved some four days of waiting in a hospital room under partial ‘quarantine’, because we refused to be tested ‘for Co-Vid’. Under these conditions, the doctors would only appear before us, at a distance, in fully helmeted costumes right out of the movie Quarantine – as though we had the plague. We had the sense they viewed us as the crazed members of some cult. The worst nurses and doctors alike showed their displeasure at our refusal to be tested for their fantasy virus or to wear a mask, for our unwillingness to co-operate with the lies.

It was December, and little glass-boxed nativity scenes were dotted about the building, beneath all the Yoga and New Age and Flue Jab posters adorning the walls (Get Your Flu Jab Or You Might Die). Yet the baby Jesus always seemed to be missing from the manger in all of these nativity scenes. I began asking playfully where the baby Jesus had gone to? I was told it was a Catholic tradition not to include the baby Jesus in the nativity scene until Christmas day. But by that logic, I wondered, why include anyone who was there at all before Christmas day? It seemed to me another strange aspect of the spiritual war, another subtle trick to hide away the Truth of the World.

Seldom during the entire experience did many doctors really actually look at me, let alone address me, the man and father in the equation. Indeed few men were allowed into the building as visitors. I would have been excluded myself from most of the procedures and appointments had our plight not been so unusual. It was as though the medical industry was purposely excluding the man from the process, in an attempt to remove his authority over his wife and child.

After these four days leading up to the delivery, my wife was taken to the delivery room to deliver our child. Joanna describes the most agonising delivery she ever had, made even more painful than normal due to the artificial contractions caused by the drug that she had slowly been administered over the previous few days. During the agony and torment and distress of this induced delivery, the midwives tried to persuade my wife to wear a mask, even though it would have constricted her breathing.

My wife refused rather hotly! And in the midst of all this, Joanna experienced a blessing of the Father’s Presence and Love which she talks about to this day.

But the delivery did almost kill her, again.

The Homecoming

(Painting by Peter Muzyka)

When we finally returned home, fully shattered and still needing to go back for our child’s remains, we found a letter from child services informing us we had been reported to them by the hospital, for no longer attending those useless scans. The child services informed us that they had thrown out their complaint. But still, the timing of the letter shook us.

These days we no longer take part in the medical industry at all. We believe after the Co-Vid madness that it can no longer be trusted. And unless someone breaks a leg in the family, we have no plans to engage with it further. Now we lay ourselves upon the promises of Yahweh.

For many others, the Co-Vid Panic was also something of an awakening. Though the vast majority sank to the new low, and are still falling.

I should mention here that I do not mean to disparage anyone who did comply with the lies. I am not writing this in a spirit of judgement towards each other, only in an effort to share with you the experience of a few fellow saints. I fully understand why many people believed they had no choice in the matter, if they wished to remain in their job so they could provide for their family. Many others were in such a state of frightened mental confusion that they did not seem to know what they were doing. They simply went along with the flock, at a time when they were equipped to do little else. The reality of what was really occurring in those days was so tremendous that the truth was simply too impossible for them to believe, even when loved ones tried to warn them.

If you were not already armed with a love of truth by the time the flood hit, you were likely carried away by it.

In Memory Of Life

I have ended up writing much more about this personal experience of ours during Co-Vid than I had intended. So much so that I have already used up most of the space of this posting. Before I continue to the main point I wish to make, in relation to America and the President Elect, I would like to take a break with this post, and to end it here for now.

I am quite wearied by this particular writing!

My wife and I do not have a remembrance every year for our child’s passing. In a way we do not consider her to be gone. Eve is life and our little girl will somehow be with us again when all our tears will be wiped away, and all things in the New Heaven and New Earth will be of joy, righteousness and open wonder, and this previous life will be only a shadow from which we awakened into light.

After I sat here doubting whether I should post this writing as it is, and asked of the Good Lord for a sign, my wife had the opportunity to read what I had written. It was of some surprise to me, in all my present busyness, when she then gently reminded me how this weekend is the fourth anniversary of little Eve’s passing.

Therefore I would like to dedicate this short writing to the memory of our precious daughter.

For all of you who have shared a similar loss in your lives, I pray you may find some peace and comfort from these words I offer from my heart.

With love,

Colin Buchanan

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A Tale Of Two Nations – Part 1 Fri, 22 Nov 2024 20:12:16 +0000

Dear Saints,

I am a little late with this post, and it is not the Introductory posting I had intended to publish either. Recent events in the US Elections have instead spurred me to write some words of support and caution for those readers living in the US. But I will return to that in a while.

The reason for the delay in posting has been partly due to much work needing to be done behind the scenes, in terms of website migration and finding service solutions. I have just finished migrating the Parables wordpress site to a different webserver, and it appears to be working fine. So I am almost there!

With this extra time to consider and reflect, a clearer plan for continuing and also promoting Joseph’s writing ministry has emerged these last few weeks, based on the two most obvious aims:

1) Preserve Joseph’s priceless teachings as a free and open resource for all, despite the storms of censorship coming our way (think of the anti-Biblical ‘hate laws’ being passed across Europe).

2) Propel his writings into an even larger readership while it is still possible to do so.

Before I go into the details, or at least the interesting details, of how I hope to achieve these aims, I would first like to address this issue of coming censorship here in Ireland, for it is a critical one. It leads us into the wider issue of where we are now in these last days, and also, therefore, into the matter of the recent election results in the US, which will occupy much of the second half of this post.

First, let me tell you a story about the small nation I am from.

Ireland, Where The Snakes Are Back

Patrick driving out the snakes from Ireland

Before the Gospel arrived on these shores, Ireland was once an island wreathed in spiritual darkness. Raiding and tribal warfare were never-ending. Slavery was the norm. The gnostic-pagan religion of the Druids, which worshipped the forces of nature and sacrificed adults and children alive to those forces, was widely practised. Even today, some of the altars where these bloody offerings took place can still be found. The very city of Belfast, where I am nearly from, and which is the capital city of the north, means Bel Fast: fast meaning stronghold, and Bel being another name, of course, for baal.

Belfast was, and is again, a stronghold of Baal.

Of course it was not all bad back then. Far from it. Life is life and Yahweh has provided us many graces in this fallen world. I am only highlighting the darker aspects of our past in relation to the ongoing spiritual war we are still fighting.

The interesting point that I am trying to make, is that all of this changed with the introduction of the Gospel to these shores. The legend goes that ‘Saint Patrick’ of the early Christian Church drove out all the snakes from the land in the 4th century. Hence why there are no snakes to be found in Ireland. This is understood to be a metaphor for how Patrick, an ex-slave, who as a boy had escaped these pagan lands only to return years later on a mission to set the captives free, effectively drove out the serpent-worshipping Druid religion from the Isle.

And it is true that for many centuries a particular form of Christianity did flourish here, much removed from the politics of Rome and in some ways more akin to the practices of the Eastern Orthodox Church, flavoured with Celtic motifs. And it grew so abundantly that the church they established in Ireland even sent out their own missionaries to neighbouring lands, spreading the gospel throughout Scotland and Northern England. So hot was the zeal of some these believers that they would even cast themselves adrift into the Atlantic in tiny coracles, to carry the seed of the gospel wherever they may or die in the trying.

For centuries the Christianised island of Ireland became something of a beacon of light and preserver of the gospel in times of worsening darkness across the European continent. Beautiful Bibles were handmade and broadcast and preserved while across vast swathes of the continent no Bibles existed or had been lost. It even reached the point where the last place in the West where the ancient Greek of the New Testament could be understood was Ireland. Imagine that!

To read of this history is to read something that sounds like the plot of a movie, or an act of God. The tide of the ‘Dark Ages’ flowed right up to the shores of Eire, last piece of land before the Atlantic, very edge of the known world – and then stopped, and finally retreated, as Irish and English clerics went to Europe to restore the knowledge that had been lost.

A more romanticised-sounding account of history I cannot imagine. Yet it does appear to be what occurred.

And because of all this, because of the spreading of the gospel here in this green isle, baal worship was banished and the last witches and druids in Ireland had to remain in the shadows for sixteen-hundred years.

Now though, the snakes are back.


In the 20th Century, after long centuries of Occupation, genocide and modernised white slavery, Ireland was to become a young Republic. Though unlike many of the older Republics of the world which were mostly Masonic efforts, Ireland’s Republic, being founded in a largely Catholic nation, appears to have had a more complex foundation of competing factions. Some few influencers may even have really been on the side of God. I do not know. All I do know is that somehow, our Constitution ended up holding that rare distinction of being the only Constitution in the world (that I know of) which begins, on the very front page, with a dedication to our Lord Jesus Christ.

Not a dedication to ‘God’, whoever that may be in the minds of the men who crafted other Constitutions, but to Jesus Christ in name.

Perhaps, maybe, this is one plain reason why the Powers That Be so powerfully hate this country. Because they so powerfully hate Christ most of all. And perhaps this is why they appear to have focused much of their efforts on this tiny island of three million natives in order to destroy us.

For it can be said without any exaggeration or attempt at being dramatic, that in recent years Ireland has become wholly captured by a Satanic Occupational Government. Satanists are now clearly in control of the nation, and they wish other Satanists to know of this startling achievement. Hence why Satanism and its symbols are flaunted everywhere today as mocking victory symbols to a population largely blind to their meaning, and mentally enslaved by the spell-casting media.

An example would be the number of babies murdered after the first year that abortion was recently made legal here in Ireland. The number of babies murdered in the first year was widely reported in the mainstream press – like a celebration – as being6666.

What a curious number to have simply just happened by chance.

Since any intelligent mind will recognise that the odds of the number of murdered babies being 6666 by chance are astronomical – Coincidence Theory gone mad – we then have to ask ourselves, why did those in Power choose to deploy the number 6 so publicly in this fashion?

If you take a glance at the media on any given day in Ireland – which I do not, not even on any given year, thanks to the Good Lord – you will likely be exposed to some article or ‘news’ item contrived to flaunt their Satanic victory symbols in your face, while also initiating you a little deeper into their kingdom of unwitting mind-slaves and devotees.

For instance, you might spot a fitness article called the 666 Method, where you do a certain exercise for six minutes every six days for six weeks. Why 6? Why not 4? Why not 5?

Or a travel article where some intrepid modern-thinking hipster skateboards 66 miles through mountains for a children’s charity, and gets to look cool while he’s doing it. Why 6?

Or how about keeping 6 feet apart during a scamdemic, and only allowing 6 people into your isolation ‘bubble’, and 6 months or older to get a jab? Why 6?

Indeed, wasn’t the Resolution that was passed in the United States, which enacted all the scamdemic measures of social distancing and masks and so on upon the unwitting population, also numbered #666?

Again, why 6?

Since in Ireland we haven’t quite gotten the picture yet, the Powers have even given us an openly Satanic Eurovision Song Contestant to represent our country and its values in that long-running international song contest watched by millions. The contestant is a fine, upstanding, fierce-hearted Witch who looks like she wants to eat our children, and who wraps herself in our nation’s flag as though she now owns it, which of course is the point.

They do.

No doubt, it will not take much time before they decide to ‘update’ our Constitution, so it no longer begins with its statement of faith in Christ. They will say it is divisive (some will say hateful), and no longer representative of this nation. And since they have been flooding us with the Third World to the point where we no longer have anywhere to live in our own country, this is not far from the truth.


Along with a host of other diabolical measures designed to silence all dissent in Ireland, Anti-Biblical ‘hate-laws’ have just been passed which may have rendered some of Joseph Herrin’s teachings illegal here. Yes, perhaps that is worth reading again.

Despite a supposed watering-down of this new Anti-Hate law, it still contains powers of censorship and imprisonment should someone – anyone – decide that their feelings have been hurt by what another person has written. Most of all if the complainant is LGBT and the writer a Christian. And the same or worse laws are being passed or have been passed by governments throughout Europe.

This is not including what anti-Biblical powers already exist here in Ireland. Only last month, the young saint and school teacher Enoch Burke has been sent to prison for a third time, having already served 400 days in Mountjoy Prison for refusing to call a boy pupil ‘they’ rather than ‘he’.

Last year at his first court appearance, Enoch explained to the Judge how he had been commanded by his school – supposedly a Christian school – to use transgender pronouns with his pupils, and how the same school had then suspended him for refusing to do so, even though he repeatedly stated that it went against his Christian faith, and theirs!

A more gentle saint you will not encounter. He firmly believes that the transgender ideology is one of evil and that our children must be protected from it, most of all in the schools. Yet when he tried to return to the school after his illegal suspension, the school principle called the police and had him arrested as though he was some dangerous criminal. Upon hearing this account in court, the Judge sent young Enoch to prison.

(To put that in some perspective – we have illegal immigrants charged with trying to kidnap and rape Irish children who have been released on bail back onto the streets).

Clearly, the Powers expected this saint to buckle in Mountjoy prison and to bargain some compromise of his beliefs for his release. But he did not do so. When he was finally released, Enoch Burke was not cowed by fear. Instead he came out fighting for God.

And so they continue to imprison him.

Such are the lights now shining here. May Enoch earn a wealth of treasure in Heaven for his sacrifice.

And such is the darkness here too.


If you try to look into the case of Enoch Burke via the internet, you will be met with endless articles from the mainstream media and nothing else. Even if you try a ‘Christian news’ search on the subject, you will be met with ‘pink news’ (a militant LGBT site) first before you encounter anything Christian. When you do finally encounter an article from a ‘Christian’ news site, you quickly notice how the supposed Christian news site is actually another Satanic news site in disguise, and still tilting the facts at you.

They will have you believe it is all young Enoch’s fault, since he chose to make a stand against transgender ideology being forced into his Church of Ireland school. It is his fault for trying to hold the line against evil, alone. I have read even supposed Christians say this about his actions. The Church of Ireland does not stand with him, nor the vast majority of its parishioners, nor the ‘Christian’ media. His own ‘Christian’ school works actively against him. Those few who do stand with him, his gentle Christian father and family and supporters, are targeted with slander, threats and fake news making them out out to be ‘fanatics’, angry and intolerant people, trouble-makers.

It is a useful case study in how the modern media – which I am convinced is The Image Of The Beast of Revelation – smothers all zeal and certainty in those who believe in it.

This is the reason why the vast majority of Christians are now tolerating the New Order, for all that they offer objections over ‘pronouns’ or ‘gay marriage’. They offer a token resistance, at least publicly, yet by continuing to believe and follow The Image Of The Beast like everyone else – while perhaps watching some ‘Christian’ media for good measure – they continue to believe and think like everyone else. And so, like everyone else, they end up worshipping The Image Of The Beast. For we worship who we follow and believe in, God or the Devil or the flesh.

The minds of these fallen-away Babylonian Christians have been ‘modernised’, ‘Masonised’, so thoroughly that they are no longer Christian at all, if they ever were. They want all the benefits of faith without any of the costs. They wish to remain in the comfortable fairytale of the world’s dark light, where the modern State is ultimately good, or where saviours come in the form of suited mega-wealthy politicians, and to do so, they must allow themselves to be seduced by the world. Without even being aware of it, they follow the adversary in their spirits, not Yahweh. Even to the extent that here in Europe, they are now helping the New Order to eradicate the very last vestiges of true Christian resistance to the Satanic regime, by providing cover, and by sniping at those few real saints still doing anything in real service to the Kingship of Christ.

And by all appearances, this is now the condition of the vast majority of Christendom worldwide. They have fallen away from all truth, for they never had a love for truth to begin with. And so they never truly had a heart for God.

We live in a time when there are very few real saint left alive.


The US is no better off than Europe, for all that recent events in the election might suggest otherwise.

Though I hesitate in saying this, knowing how the spirit of Hopey-Changey is once more in the air after the result of the latest US election cycle.

At times like now it can be difficult to speak in any contrary way to the emotionally desperate, especially when their memories have become so impaired by long-term media exposure. However, I like to think that the general readership of Joseph’s writings are an enlightened bunch of saints, and that none of this will be in any way news to you. Joseph has already written much about these matters in the past. No doubt, many of you would have much to teach me on this issue.

Really, I am only speaking in an attempt to offer some support to my brothers and sisters living over there in the States right now, while you no doubt are surrounded by Christians getting high once again on the hopey-changey spirit-gas pervading the air.

I am not making light of the matter. The matter is already a sick and twisted joke to those in Power. How incredible that we fall for the same old trick, the same old caper, time and time again? We fall in this way because we wish to believe in it, we are desperate to believe in it, and so we allow ourselves to be seduced by lies. And who is the Father of those lies?

Of course it is all fairytales, La-La-Land, the deluded fantasies of those allowing themselves to be further lead by the Image Of The Beast, to believe that some anointed politician is going to step in at this point to stop the tide.

Our Father has already declared what is to happen in these Last Days, and it is not that.

These Christians fail to understand how the enemy controls both sides. How most of the seeming-opponents to the New World Order, and the so-called ‘Alt media’, are still working for the enemy, whether knowingly or unknowingly. Neither the world, nor the USA, has became a more Christian place because another new US President has been elected who is saying all the right things at the right time. The Kingdom of Christ has not been advanced in any way. Rather, the United States continues to step deeper into the Kingdom of Darkness, following the false light.

I recall in my first year after being reborn of the Spirit. My zeal was aflame and I was given many ‘visions’ at this time, understandings of truth in a visual form.

One of these visions involved being shown the whole race of man through God’s eyes. It was centred upon Palestine, the heart of the world, but it also encompassed the entire planet. I was shown how the Father views the human race. I saw millions of people, but I did not see them as I would normally see them, upright and in order and busily getting on with their lives, their true selves barely glimpsed through facial expressions. Instead I saw them crouched down naked and raw, millions trembling in fear of the darkness around them, with all the inner sins of their hearts made visible, their petty jealousies and disputes, their provocations and lies … so that what I saw was how broken and wretched we really are as a fallen race.

I was shown – and this was a most startling thing to finally grasp – how we are not ‘good’ at all. Whatever ‘good’ we may seem to do, is merely a reflection of how we are cast in God’s Image, a foreshadowing of the good that we become when we are born again and start walking after Christ into the Kingdom.

There are no good people on this fallen planet. Yes there are ‘better’ people, and ‘worse’ people – certainly people you would rather spend the weekend with than others. But we are all fallen, we are all sinful and lost, unless we restore ourselves wholly over to the will of Yahweh in a humble spirit of repentance.

Likewise, there are no good nations in this world. Some are better, some are worse. All are fallen and corrupt. There is no such thing as a truly Christian nation on this earth – only communities. Even Israel was allowed by Yahweh to be scattered to the winds for her whoredom, her continual turning away towards false gods and idols.

Likewise, the Babylonian Christian Church of today is marked by God for her whoredom.


When I told Joseph that my next blog posting was going to cover the US Election results, he offered the following words. They are taken from one of my favourite of Joseph’s books, Dragon Flood (which of course if free to download from the Heart 4 God website):

Joseph begins by quoting scripture:

Romans 3:9-18

Both Jews and Greeks… are all under sin. As it is written: “There is none righteous, no, not

one; There is none who understands; There is none who seeks after God. They have all

turned aside; They have together become unprofitable; There is none who does good, no,

not one.” “Their throat is an open tomb; With their tongues they have practiced deceit”;

“The poison of asps is under their lips”; “Whose mouth is full of cursing and bitterness.”

“Their feet are swift to shed blood; Destruction and misery are in their ways; And the way

of peace they have not known.” “There is no fear of God before their eyes.”

f you accept the words above as divinely inspired, accurate, and a true statement of man’s condition, then does it follow that the men who formed the government of America, being a large part Freemasons, and most of the remnant Deists who embraced the empty philosophy of The Enlightenment, could establish a political system that was based upon truth and righteousness? Is it possible that men who “have together become unprofitable,” who “with their tongues practice deceit,” and “the poison of asps is under their tongues,” men “whose feet are swift to shed blood,” with “destruction and misery” being in their ways, could establish a governmental system that is so amenable, harmonious, and compatible with the Kingdom of God that churches throughout the land would display the American flag alongside a flag representing the rule of Christ? Is it not more probable that Satan, the great deceiver who deceives the whole world, has hoodwinked Christians in America into believing that theirs is a “Christian nation” whose founding fathers were guided by the hand of the God of the Bible?”

Following is an excerpt from the Wikipedia website that provides historical information on this event.

The Boston Tea Party (referred to in its time simply as “the destruction of the tea” or by other informal names and not celebrated until half a century later,) was a political protest by the Sons of Liberty in Boston, a city in the British colony of Massachusetts, against the tax policy of the British government and the East India Company that controlled all the tea imported into the colonies. On December 16, 1773, after officials in Boston refused to return three shiploads of taxed tea to Britain, a group of colonists boarded the ships and destroyed the tea by throwing it into Boston Harbor. The incident remains an iconic event of American history, and other political protests often refer to it.

 I would have you note two things in particular in the above paragraph. The dumping of British tea into Boston Harbor is ascribed to a group known as the Sons of Liberty, and no mention is made of Freemasons. The entire article is silent regarding the involvement of Freemasons. Doing a search on the same Wikipedia site to discover who the Sons of Liberty were, we are provided the following information.

The Sons of Liberty were made up of American patriots that originated in the pre-independence North American British colonies. The group was formed to protect the rights of the colonists from the usurpations by the British government after 1766. They are best known for undertaking the Boston Tea Party in 1773, which led to the Intolerable Acts (an intense crackdown by the British government), and a counter-mobilization by the Patriots that led directly to the American Revolutionary War in 1775.

Once more there is no mention of the involvement of Freemasons in this group. This is in keeping with the history books used in the public schools in which I was educated. As a child I was led to believe that the Boston Tea Party was a spontaneous event by a group of American colonists who were incensed at oppressive taxation imposed by the King of England. The history books led one to believe this was a grass roots movement, and that there was no central group involved in its planning and execution.

The truth is the men who participated in the Boston Tea Party were largely, if not entirely, members of St. Andrews (Masonic) Lodge of Boston. The event was planned and organized at the Green Dragon Tavern which was purchased by St. Andrews Masonic Lodge in 1764. The lower floor of the two story building was used as a public tavern. The upper floor was the Lodge’s meeting hall.

Green Dragon Tavern

 Note the inscription at the bottom of this drawing. It states, “Where we met to plan the consignment of a few shiploads of tea. Dec 16 1773.” It is signed by the artist who was evidently a Freemason and member of St. Andrews Lodge. Note specifically the square and compass of Freemasonry in the upper left corner. This drawing is signed and dated with the same year.

To be fair, there are other articles on Wikipedia that make mention of the role of Freemasons in the Boston Tea Party, though these articles are somewhat obscure. For example, Thomas White was an American patriot who took part in this event, and later served with George Washington (also a Freemason) in the American Revolution. The following statement is found in the short article located on Wikipedia under the listing Thomas White.

On December 16, 1773, members of the St. Andrew’s Lodge and others boarded British vessels disguised as Indians, and threw shipments of tea into the harbor to protest the Tea Act. Thomas White was among the participants.

The Green Dragon Tavern took its name from the emblem of a dragon that was mounted over the entrance. The dragon was formed from copper, and due to weathering it had turned green.

The Green Dragon Tavern was also referred to in its day as the “Freemason Arms.” Although American history books frequently make mention of the role of the Green Dragon Tavern in the formation of the nation, its Masonic ownership, and the lodge that met upstairs, is largely ignored. Daniel Webster, a leading American statesmen who lived from 1782-1852, and served as a senator for the state of Massachusetts, referred to the Green Dragon Tavern as “the headquarters of the American Revolution,” a statement that has been echoed by numerous historians.

The association with Freemasonry and the Green Dragon is not merely circumstantial. The men who met there to plan the revolution were not a random group of colonialists who found the tavern to be a convenient meeting place. These men were to a great degree Freemasons, and many of them members of St. Andrews Lodge. Among the members were John Hancock, Paul Revere, and Joseph Warren (Master of the Lodge, killed in 1775 at the Battle of Bunker Hill).

Is it not of great importance to know that the headquarters of the American Revolution was a building owned by Freemasons and in which a Masonic lodge held their meetings? Why is such an important detail not deemed pertinent to the discussion of America’s foundation? Is it not significant that Freemasonry is Luciferian in its doctrines and the symbol for Satan is a dragon?

Revelation 20:2
And he laid hold of the dragon, the serpent of old, who is the devil and Satan…”

The above quote is taken from the book “Dragon Flood”. The book further goes into the history of propaganda. It lists several quotes by Edward Bernays, who is cited today to be the father of “Public Relations.” He is cited as saying:

The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country.

We are governed, our minds molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which democratic society is organized…

Whatever attitude one chooses toward this condition, it remains a fact that in almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons – a trifling fraction… who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind, who harness old social forces and contrive new ways to bind and guide the world.

This was written in 1928. There were hundreds of independent newspapers in that day. Today there are five main broadcasting networks in America.

In 1983, 50 corporations controlled the vast majority of all news media in the U.S. At the time, Ben Bagdikian was called “alarmist” for pointing this out in his book, The Media Monopoly. In his 4th edition, published in 1992, he wrote “in the U.S., fewer than two dozen of these extraordinary creatures own and operate 90% of the mass media” — controlling almost all of America’s newspapers, magazines, TV and radio stations, books, records, movies, videos, wire services and photo agencies. He predicted then that eventually this number would fall to about half a dozen companies. This was greeted with skepticism at the time. When the 6th edition of The Media Monopoly was published in 2000, the number had fallen to six. Since then, there have been more mergers and the scope has expanded to include new media like the Internet market.

In 2004, Bagdikian’s revised and expanded book, The New Media Monopoly, shows that only 5 huge corporations — Time Warner, Disney, Murdoch’s News Corporation, Bertelsmann of Germany, and Viacom (formerly CBS) — now control most of the media industry in the U.S..


Joseph’s writings will always say much more, and much better, about these things than I will ever be able to. But I still do have some things to add to these words in relation to the US election results. Most particularly about the trap I now believe the American Christian Right now finds itself in. If it is a true warning of the Spirit, then I would be in error not to share it with you.

But I have taken up much space here already, so I will post the rest as Part II next week.

May you be blessed with peace and understanding in these last days.

Colin Buchanan

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Thank You Tue, 05 Nov 2024 17:48:47 +0000

Dear Saints,

Thank you for the many kind emails and donations that Joseph has received so far. Joseph likes to take care in thanking every person personally, but we also wish to share our gratitude here on Parables for all your blessings.

I am going to hold off from changing the donation buttons for a while longer yet, say until next week. So all donations will continue going to Joseph until then. Due to this, I am also going to hold off from posting my introductory blog until next week. This way readers will have a chance to catch up with the previous blog posting, and my request to send Joseph your testimonies regarding his teachings and whatever else you would like to send him now that he is retiring.

For non-US readers like myself, you can always send Joseph a retirement donation of thanks through Paypal:

And Joseph also has a postal box where he can receive letters and gifts:

Just don’t go sending him your old socks or a jar of wrinkly dry worms. 🙂

Many thanks again for your kind words and blessings.

May you be blessed with peace and understanding in these last days.

Colin Buchanan

P.S. I am considering setting up a subscription newsletter for the Heart4God website, to accompany the long-running Parables blog. This newsletter will be for readers who do not wish to receive the normal three emails a week from Parables, but still wish to keep up with the occasional news and commentaries concerning Joseph’s ministry. Perhaps only one email a month.

Let me know your thoughts by comment or email.

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