Comments on: Feed My Sheep Sat, 26 Sep 2020 07:28:24 +0000 hourly 1 By: Joseph Herrin Fri, 23 Apr 2010 13:31:23 +0000 #comment-2477 Dear Sister Dalene,

Thank you for your very gracious and uplifting words. I am familiar with the the writing by Bill Britton. In fact, I sent it to someone yesterday. It is an excellent writing. For any others who may be interested in reading it, it can be read at the following link:

My Beloved Enemy:

By: salt4yah3 Fri, 23 Apr 2010 03:42:08 +0000 #comment-2476 Dear Brother Herrin,
We want to give you some encouraging words and let you know that you have the prayers of the remnant saints here in North Ga. It is only a "few" but they are fervent.
Reading of the warfare that you are encountering lately reminds me of an article that Brother Bill Britton wrote, about 15 or 20 yrs ago. It was called "Dear Enemy" It was how the hate, antagonism, slander and anger will only work to purify the saints and do a deep cleansing and purifying on us. If our flesh allows the spirit to do its work, It is beautiful.
My husband use to tell me when we were undergoing heavy spiritual attack. "Uh Oh Honey, we better pray up!" We knew that something good was getting ready to happen.

Brother Herrin, We are praying up!!!

We are excited to hear what the Father has given you to share with the saints.

May Yahweh bless you as you strive to be obedient to what the Spirit tells you.


By: Anonymous Thu, 22 Apr 2010 18:16:55 +0000 #comment-2475 Joseph…this is not a walk you do by yourself…you do need the covering prayers of many brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus. I am a simple person, no higher education and not good with expressing myself…but am sealed with the Holy Spirit and can, will, and do pray as the Spirit leads. Thank you for stepping forward with the need for prayer…in our weakness He is made strong! Love you dearly in Christ Jesus.

By: Lisa Thu, 22 Apr 2010 13:18:53 +0000 #comment-2474 I read your blogpost (last night) and didn't leave a comment then. But I prayed for you – and for the ones who sent you those comments/messages. Yaweh's Kingdom come, HIS will BE DONE, on earth as it IS in Heaven. May He lead you into all [HIS] Truth.

Each person can only walk in the Light He has shown us, and remain contrite and broken hearted to receive more Light. It grieves my heart to see people who claim to love Him (and maybe they do, but are stumbling with pride) devour others who are not walking in the same measure of Light.

We need to love, exhort, reprove (when necessary and ONLY as guided by the Holy Spirit! not of our own vain doing!!) brethren. Not go around tagging people as non-brothers. The heart is deceitful and wicked above all things. And it's ONLY by His Grace that we can identify the fruits of anyone's spirit and know the wolves from the sheep.

Yah bless and keep you as you continue to diligently seek Him first in ALL things.

By: gibby62 Thu, 22 Apr 2010 12:24:53 +0000 #comment-2473 When I read the "stone" that you are entrenched in secular Chrsitianity, my first thought was "are they delusional!?!". Your posts regarding how what I call organized or corporate Christianity has been infilitrated with the pagan and occultic were AWESOME (well, okay–all your posts are)!! In fact, my hubby and I were just discussing this morning before I read your blog how the world sees Christians and what a TRUE Christian really is. Is it no wonder that the world looking from the outside in sees the hypocrisy and lies better than those on the inside. I am ashamed to use the term Christian to define my faith. Not because I am ashamed to be a follower of Jesus, but because I am ashamed to be associated with an organized, corporate religion that resides at a building and not in our hearts. WE are the church, not the buildings that have addresses.

I have often wondered about the loneliness of your present situation. You do have people that care deeply for you, it's just that for many it's through electronic means that it can be expressed when it's really physical company that is craved. You are in my thoughts and prayers, brother!!

By: Anonymous Thu, 22 Apr 2010 11:37:54 +0000 #comment-2472 Father Yahweh, Yahshua the Christ, glory be to your name, for you alone are worthy to be praised. Father I join with your sons, in raising brother Joseph Herrin before you. Father we pray that you fill him with your continual peace that passeth all understanding. Give him the strength needed to stand in the day of adversity. Father pour out a greater portion of your Holy Spirit on him, a greater anointing to be able to accomplish your will. For we know that without you were are nothing, without your Spirit we can do nothing. Though we know he already has your Spirit with him, Give him a greater outpouring of your Spirit, a greater outpouring that we all so desperately need. Father we know, just as in the case of Job, that nothing of the enemy can touch us, or even come against us, unless you allow it to do so. And we know that you only allow these things, to test us to see what is in our heart, not for you to see what is in our heart, because you know all things, but for us to see what is in our heart, and you also allow them, so that we can become refined and we can be made overcomers through your blood Yahshua, that was spilled for us and for many. Refine us Lord, let us come out of the fire as pure gold. Let him and everyone else who is called according to your will, and walking according to your will, always be ready in due season to do your will, and your will alone. Empty us of all the spirit of self, destroy all the flesh that is within us still. and let us all come out and reign victorious with you. In the authority and name of Yahshua the Christ I pray. Amen

By: Anonymous Thu, 22 Apr 2010 03:20:20 +0000 #comment-2471 Brother Herrin,
I can not imagine what it has been like to have walked the journey you have been required to walk. I have only been aquainted with your teachings for a few weeks, but I do know that God led me to them. Just prior to coming across your teachings I sensed that God was calling me to do some things that I have heard very few talk about. After reading about your journey it became clearer to me that there are some who are being called to leave all behind in order to follow Him. I'm sure the enemy is working overtime to stop what you have been commissioned to do in this late hour. Thank you for sharing this with your brothers and sisters in Christ. I will definitely be praying for you and for the meetings. Looking forward to what the Lord has in store.
In Christ Alone My Hope Is Found!
Your sister In Christ, Melissa

By: Joseph Herrin Thu, 22 Apr 2010 02:20:20 +0000 #comment-2470 Dear Clint,

Thank you for your encouraging words, and for your prayers.

There have been seasons when I have had someone to walk with, but in recent years it has been the Father's will for me to experience much the same things as Joseph did in Egypt. He was separated from his brethren.

Such experiences are meted to us according to the Father's wisdom and purposes. He has blessedly fashioned me where I enjoy a large amount of solitude. It is beneficial to my studies and writings and also has encouraged me to press into the fellowship of Christ.

It may be that He will appoint me companions on this journey in the future, but there are times when we must all walk alone. Even Paul did so for significant periods of his ministry.

II Timothy 4:16-17
At my first defense no one supported me, but all deserted me; may it not be counted against them. But the Lord stood with me…

Philippians 2:19-21
But I hope in the Lord Jesus to send Timothy to you shortly, so that I also may be encouraged when I learn of your condition. For I have no one else of kindred spirit who will genuinely be concerned for your welfare. For they all seek after their own interests, not those of Christ Jesus.

God's grace is sufficient for all things.

Thank you again for your gracious words and sincere concern.

By: Anonymous Thu, 22 Apr 2010 01:48:46 +0000 #comment-2469 Joseph:

I have been praying for you and your upcoming meetings. I will continue to do so.

Is there no one you can share with face to face? Even Paul through all his struggles had companions with him and I am sure they helped and encouraged him. I pray that the Father (if it is within His will) may provide you with those who will encourage you and help you. I pray that you will continue to be an example of one who only does what the Father shows him. I pray that many (including myself) will be encouraged by your example to also do only what the Father shows them.

Sometimes the enemy is louder, but remember that there are those who are praying for you every day even if you don't hear from them regularly.


By: Joseph Herrin Thu, 22 Apr 2010 01:37:24 +0000 #comment-2468 Dear Dee,

I do thank you for your words of concern. I do think it is well to share such struggles. Although it may encourage some to continue their attacks, I deem the prayers of the saints far greater than the attacks of the enemy. Greater is He who is in us than he who is in the world.

Let us be courageous and not show fear to the enemy.

May you be blessed with peace and understanding in these days.

By: wendyworn Thu, 22 Apr 2010 00:50:05 +0000 #comment-2467 Dear Brother Joseph!
Wow! Count it all joy that you have been attacked for the strong stand you have in Christ. Satan must be feeling very threatened by you! I pray for you often but I will be praying all the more. There are some of us that I know are hoping and praying that you will come to Oregon and teach us too! Thank you so much for all your books and blog posts, they are such an inspiration to us! Please don't get discouraged! May Yahweh bless you abundantly and fill you with the Holy Spirit during your upcoming meetings!
Your sister in Christ!

By: Anonymous Wed, 21 Apr 2010 21:58:19 +0000 #comment-2466 Dear Mr. Herrin,
Sorry to hear of your struggls. I pray the Lord helps you and blesses you.
I would like to reommend that you not ask for prayer publically as there are so many who practice witchcraft who might be reading your blog and could be fighting against you.
