Comments on: Two Writings from Readers Sat, 26 Sep 2020 06:59:43 +0000 hourly 1 By: JAD Tue, 15 Oct 2013 13:46:08 +0000 #comment-942 I too am being tested as some of you are. It's almost a relief for me to read other trials and testing, because 99% around me are sleeping or in denial. It's difficult. A back and forth pull from worldly comforts to overcoming the world because we are not of it. No one said it would be easy….and it isn't.

This post reminds me of "The Obsolete Man", a Twilight Zone episode that is kind of a foreshadowing/foretelling of some of what we believers are experiencing today or soon will be. It's really good and one of their most popular episodes:

By: Unknown Thu, 26 Sep 2013 23:57:21 +0000 #comment-941 Joseph,
Indeed these two writings are very encouraging and challenging. I'll have to pray over this and make decisions as the Spirit leads.
I loved the part about Saul's armor. This is so true! I believe Organized Religion is all about Saul's armor. I've seen through it and it's disgusting. I honestly do not want to be a part of any human system.
Lately I've been reflecting on what a poor substitute is human mediation as opposed to the mediation of our One True Advocate before God. I've discovered how prevalent and subtle the religious spirit is. The person may speak against empty religion and give specific examples which are correct, and yet be completely oblivious to the fact that their brand of teaching is just another flavor of the same poisonous food. Therefore, I have come outside the camp of institutional religion and seeking God's counsel on how to come gathered in His name. My husband is also a believer so already we have a church at home.

Kathy, you're so right about the Amos passage. The reason for the famine is that we're going to and fro to seek someone who will speak for God and have forgotten the Scripture which says, in former times He spoke through the prophets, but these last days has spoken to us in His Son.
Jesus has been appointed by God the heir of all things, through whom also He made the world. If we will not lift His Name up, if we will not understand in CHRIST and in Christ alone we are complete, God has nothing more to say to us. If we won't hear the message of His preeminence, if we won't accept that we have to decrease and He has to increase, no teaching from God will do us any good.
The so-called church wants many things, but doesn't really want Jesus. We've left Him out and tried to serve Him and Mammon, Him and our self-interests, Him and the flesh. Can't be done!

By: Deirdre Tue, 24 Sep 2013 05:51:37 +0000 #comment-940 This was super encouraging! We are without a job and once again finding ourselves on the brink of homelessness. So be it. We have learned that there is purpose in pain.

A few years ago, I had a gallbladder attack. We had insurance and a good job. I had surgery to remove the gb. However, right before the surgery, FATHER told me, "no pain meds." I was sad and didn't understand why, but I was lead to obey. I had NO IDEA how much pain I would encounter. It's a simple surgery, but my pain and recovery were great. I questioned whether I had heard correctly, but my husband supported me, prayed over me. And long story, I endured till the end of the recovery.
In olden times when there were not these big pain killers available, pain was very much a part of life. Sick people were quarantined and it took 'time' to heal. We are in such a rush for everything, we are missing everything: people being able to serve (when its their turn to serve), settling down and really praying for others. While one is in a lot of pain, you can be praying for others who are in a lot of pain!
And you are right Joseph, we don't like pain (especially physical) but there is plenty of spiritual, emotional, financial and other kind of pain that we too must endure.

By: Randy & Kathy Furman Mon, 23 Sep 2013 20:26:16 +0000 #comment-939 "We are called to be consumers of wheat.." A further spiritual parallel can be seen in the genetically modified wheat and grains (GMO's) that have infiltrated the food supply.

The bread that the Church is serving is a GMO gospel, one that has been modified from the true Gospel. People eat of it and the body becomes sick. The people think they are full, but what they have eaten is destoying them.

We are living in the days that Amos spoke of in (Amos 8:11) Behold, the days come, saith the Lord GOD, that I will send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the LORD:
