Comments on: Foundation Two – The Body as a Temple Sat, 26 Sep 2020 07:32:20 +0000 hourly 1 By: Unknown Sat, 12 Nov 2016 15:12:03 +0000 #comment-2788 Great article!

Which leads me to believe that just as when a Jewish baby is born they circumcises him and are suppose to bury the skin which is removed. I can see the connection to Christ as he is buried and we are circumcised of our old bodies to a new body not made with human hands.

Also just as when the high priest comes out of the holy of hollies we can see because HE DIDN'T DIE, that God has accepted the sacrifice of the Israelite. We can see that when Christ comes out of the tomb that God has accepted His perfect sacrifice.

By: Anonymous Sat, 26 Sep 2009 08:39:53 +0000 #comment-2787 One thing I notice is the connection between covenant and fruitfulness. from the beginning GOD commands men to be "fruitful" and to multiply. As mentioned the woman in her menstruation (cycle of 28 days) was to be set apart for the 7 day period of its course but ALSO as Joseph touched upon an ADDITIONAL 7 days of purification followed AFTER that, and also a sacrifice was required. So when the whole period of separation and purification were accomplished – the man and his wife were blessed in coming back together. What happens exactly 14 days after the beginning of the "mense" cycle? It is OVULATION, of course. And so the very HIGHEST opportunity for "fruitfulness" (impregnation)would be on the day that GOD's covenant requirements blessed the man and his wife in coming back together…smile

By: Anonymous Fri, 25 Sep 2009 14:14:43 +0000 #comment-2786 Bold. Edgy. True. Keep up the great work, brother Joseph. Indeed the strangeness of this to our ears is diagnostic of our world-corrupt spirit, not the teaching itself.

I don't want to get too far ahead of your series here, but just to plant a seed (pun intended!)…

The basic words of God's law — i.e., the Ten Commandments on a pair of stone tablets — resided in the Most Holy Place, providing the basic blueprint for the birth, health, growth and maturation of God's people.

DNA is also described as being made up of discrete words. The two strands face one another. The simple language of just a few letters produces enormous complexity. A woman's DNA resides deep within her most holy place (also holy to God, as you note).

Christ was literally born as an embodiment of God's perfect law (DNA/Word). Yet it was only law (i.e., inert) until the Virgin Mary accepted the Holy Spirit into herself.

Later, with Christ's death, the process was repeated writ large. The temple veil was torn and God's Word became living and active in us through the Holy Spirit — just as a seed (sperm) must die in order to create something new and living.

What follows is a more tentative conclusion, but it is tantalizing to think about the "body of Christ" as still yet a fetus. We have been born again as individual 'cells', and are in the process of forming a perfect body of Christ, however prophecy teaches that in the end times the world's tribulations are as birth pangs (Rev 12), ultimately resulting in a new creation (the perfected body of Christ). Contrast that with the stillborn body of the un-Godly works of man (Isaiah 26).

By: Anonymous Fri, 25 Sep 2009 06:58:33 +0000 #comment-2785 I do not know what to say. This surely is the truth. Never before had I ever considered the importance of scripture in this matter. Thank you very much for curing by blindness. Bless you.
