Comments on: FOUNDATIONS – The Fall of the Anointed Cherub Sat, 26 Sep 2020 06:55:17 +0000 hourly 1 By: Joseph Herrin Sun, 25 May 2014 12:00:51 +0000 #comment-768 Hello JR,

One passage of Scripture that will shed light on your question is found in the story in Genesis of the life of Joseph. We are told that Joseph's brothers envied him, and they would not speak civilly to him. Joseph's brothers were acting wickedly, and they became antagonistic toward Joseph because he had a heart to please and honor his father.

You know that Joseph's brothers spoke of murdering him, and eventually sold him as a slave into Egypt. Their actions were wholly evil, and they can in no regard be excused for doing the will of God. Yahweh judges the thoughts and motives of the heart.

Despite the wickedness of Joseph's brothers, the experiences that resulted from Joseph's enslavement were used of God to prepare him for ruling and reigning as the second authority in the greatest nation upon the earth at that time. Joseph stated,

Genesis 50:20
"And as for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good in order to bring about this present result, to preserve many people alive."

We see then that Yahweh does use the evil actions of men and angels to perfect His sons and daughters.

May you be blessed with peace and understanding in these days.

By: Unknown Sun, 25 May 2014 07:30:21 +0000 #comment-767 Mr.Herrin,very good teaching,i am curious though,how,or does,this correlate to affliction perfecting us?If the path to life is afflicted/thlipsis,if God uses the enemy to afflict us,is the enemy doing His will,i.e."He was pleased to crush Him….",is this contradictory to His nature as well?

By: Joseph Herrin Fri, 11 Apr 2014 13:54:49 +0000 #comment-766 Hello Mark,

Please write to me via e-mail as it would be better to converse about your many questions privately as I am attempting to set forth teaching on many of these foundational topics in a manner that is best suited for learning by a large number of people. The comment field is not a very conducive medium for carrying on these sorts of discussions.

May you be blessed with peace and understanding in these days,


By: Fri, 11 Apr 2014 13:46:17 +0000 #comment-765 Hi Jospeth, apologies, I should have specified the verse I had in mind. It is Rev 4:6(KJV) and throughout revelation it speaks of these four heavenly beasts with multiple eyes and six wings.

Is it correct to assume that these are chrubims? If so then does that mean there are different types of cherubs within the class of cherubims?



By: Joseph Herrin Fri, 11 Apr 2014 12:45:15 +0000 #comment-764 Hello Mark,

To my knowledge, the Bible does NOT describe cherubim as beasts. It is the serpent that is described as a beast. Some have argued that the Hebrew word translated as beast can denote any living creature. However, it seems apparent from the multiple statements in Genesis 3 that the term "beast" is the correct translation as the serpent is compared to other beasts, and is said to be more cunning than them, and to be cursed above all other beasts.

The Bible does not tell us whether Satan's appearance has changed since he was cast out.

Regarding the four faced cherubim, not all cherubim in the Bible are described to have this appearance. The cherubim over the Ark of the Covenant do not bear this description, nor do we find Satan described this way in Ezekiel 28.

The gods of many false religions are actually fallen angels that entice men to worship them even as Satan invited the Son of God to worship him.

By: Fri, 11 Apr 2014 07:01:12 +0000 #comment-763 Hi Joseph.

Why does the bible describe cherubims as beasts? And being beasts does that mean they fall under the dominion of mankind? Is that why witchcraft doers attempt to get spirits to do their will.

Also does satan in his natural form look the same way as he did as described in Ezekiel or was he changed as a result of his sin?

Cherubs are described as having 4 faces, 6 wings. I know the number 4 has a spiritual proprty about it. In hinduism many of the gods are depicted as having multie heads, arms etc. Do you think that the false gods of hinduism could be fallen cherubs or angels.


By: Unknown Thu, 10 Apr 2014 13:46:34 +0000 #comment-762 In this article Joseph said that: "Scientists today have postulated that mankind uses no more than 10% of its brain capacity. If man’s powers had not been diminished humanity would surely have wrought far worse things than nuclear bombs, manufactured plagues, and extermination camps."

This theory may be of the stuff of science fiction, but psychic abilities have had plenty of mention in stories and myths. As you have attached a photo to point out that there are winged serpent statues in front of the stairway that show of mankind's knowledge of the serpent creature, the historical references of the existence of psychic abilities such as telepathy and levitation show there is a high possibility of such abilities really existing. You may ask what does the 90% of the brain do, and perhaps these potentially dangerous powers were deliberately deactivated after the Fall in the garden. It makes sense and the occurrences of the abilities today often have links to the occult (eg:divination/astral projection) where the person somehow had these abilities 'unlocked'.

In this post you also said: "It is quite plausible that the animals also suffered a great diminishment in their abilities as well, perhaps even losing the power of speech."

The tale of Balaam in Numbers 22, where he heads to the king of Moab is spared from the Angel of the Lord three times by the interference of his donkey, comes to mind. The most interesting part of the story was when the Lord opened the donkey's mouth to converse with Balaam who was very angry with it as he could not see the angel, with drawn sword, blocking his path. The donkey seemed to be able to understand what Balaam was saying as well, and the Lord only had to open the donkey's mouth to speak the human language, so it can be presumed the donkey was always able to understand human language.

"Although such possibilities cannot be proven, we are told plainly that the animals changed in a very dramatic (one could even say “miraculous”) manner after mankind sinned. Prior to the sin of Adam every animal was herbivorous. God gave them only the plants of the field for their food."

Evolution does exist (how else could there be hundreds of species of one type of animal family eg:hummingbird family) but the question would be at what point in time it began.
The arrival of thorns began after Adam and Eve's first sin in the beginning. Before, the plants were freely eaten and they had no resistance to their purpose of creation. However after the Fall, life on earth started to have a will of its own (breaking of the Sabbath) and self-defensive mechanisms such as thorns, thistles (genesis 3:18), carnivorous teeth (change of diet), toxins, and camouflage were engineered in evolution to adapt to the new world. But not everything on earth has evolved to the point where humans cannot stay alive or eat anymore and this must be because of God's restraining hand on nature's engine of evolution.

Those who don't believe in God's existence would say some inorganic compounds somehow fused into organic cell forms in a 1 in a trillion chance. But even the most primitive cells are very complex organic structures, and the chance of a cell appearing out by itself of inorganic elements would be like having a sandstorm in the desert make a perfect sandcastle by chance, parapets and all complete with a flag on top.

By: Joseph Herrin Wed, 09 Apr 2014 12:29:44 +0000 #comment-761 Hello Steve,

There is much more to come. Thank you for your patience.

May you be blessed with peace and understanding in these days.

By: "End Times Watcher" Wed, 09 Apr 2014 09:55:27 +0000 #comment-760 Hello again, Joseph!

Here is a quote from your April 8th, 2014 post:

"The first time Satan was cast down and imprisoned was upon his initial rebellion which is recorded in Ezekiel 28 and Isaiah 14. This occurred prior to the creation of man during the initial creation of the earth. It was then that Satan was cast down to the earth and the world was made formless and void and sealed in darkness. How long the earth lay in this state and Satan knew confinement, we are not told. Yet the time came when Yahweh released Satan from his prison and refashioned the world in six days as it is recorded in the opening chapter of the Bible."

My question to you, Joseph, is this: —

Is what you said in your quote directly above all that you are going to say about what you believe happened in the gap of time between Genesis 1:1 and Genesis 1:2; or, are you planning to write more about this in a future post?

