In regards to Mark’s comment, Dr Martin discusses the Mazzaroth in relationship to the design of the tabernacle of witness and the temples of Jerusalem in his book, “The Secrets of Gologtha” – an absolute masterpiece which I am reading for the third time in my life. My educated guess would be that the reason why other nations have the Mazzaroth signs incorporated into the designs of their sovereign’s houses, is because the One True Sovereign incorporated it into His! The enemy is ALWAYS counterfeiting the original. He has NEVER had one original idea. He can only pervert the original thought.
One day believers will awaken to the simplistic truth that you can only counterfeit truth. You cannot counterfeit a lie. E.g. You CAN counterfeit a one hundred dollar bill. You CANNOT counterfeit a three hundred dollar bill. When we all awaken to this simple premise, all reality will become amazing clear and mythology will become obsolete.
Thanks again brother Joseph for your service to the kingdom and for sharing your thoughts via this blog.
Shabbat shalom, Robert M.
]]>(I hope you like rain. It was considered a blessing in the Bible since society was largely agrarian.)
Regarding the missing letter "ghayin," I don't have any insight to share with you on this subject. I am not an expert in the Hebrew language. I do not read, write, or speak Hebrew. When I do word studies in the Old Testament I look to the computer based resources I have available to do so. I use PC Study Bible. You can read more about the available resources in the article posted that is titled "Yahweh's Book – Knowledge Will Increase." Just type the name into the search field and you will find it.
Regarding the numbers 22 and 23, I would agree with you that there is a great significance to them. Yahweh does everything by design. Every number that appears in the Bible and in the creation is part of Yahweh's divine design. There is no such thing as a random, or insignificant number.
There are some excellent resources to comprehend the meaning of numbers as God uses them. One that I often recommend is E.W. Bullinger's book "Number in Scripture." I think you will particularly find the introduction to the book interesting as it touches on how God has used certain numerical patterns in nature. You can find the book freely available to be read online, or it can be purchased through Amazon.
May you be blessed with peace and understanding in these days.
]]>Thank you for your further query. If you will look at my reply to your first comment I began by stating that the book Hamlet's Mill "could be a good resource to link together the star mythologies that exist across the world." Anyone who looks into the antiquity of this subject will necessarily find that much of the information that reveals how the ancient peoples viewed the constellations is contained in secular, or extra-Biblical sources.
Some examples of this would be the Dendera Zodiac of the Egyptians, or the star lore passed down by the Greek Ptolemy, or the Arabic Albumazar. There is also the historical information preserved from ancient civilizations whether they were the Incas, Chaldeans, Sumerians, Egyptian, Hebrews, or others.
There are certainly many sources we can glean information from. My caution about the book you mentioned is not based upon the data the authors have compiled and share in their writing, but their conclusions which are deeply flawed. Coming from a worldview that does not factor in the reality of Yahweh as Creator of the heavens, the authors of Hamlet's Mill are chasing theories that are doomed from the start.
If you would like to discuss particulars of this subject, please contact me via e-mail as it is a much better medium for communicating.
May you be blessed with peace and understanding in these days,
]]>Thank you for your comment. I did some research into the book "Hamlet's Mill" and it looks like it could be a good resource to link together the star mythologies that exist across the world. However, the authors are quite obviously approaching the subject from a flawed perspective. Consequently, their conclusions are largely wrong. Failing to give credit to Yahweh as the one who established the ordinances of the heavens, and that the order He established was by design to show forth a specific message to mankind, the authors are unable to discover the truth. They are essentially approaching the issue backwards by suggesting that the mythology of the heavens was designed to convey astronomical information about the precession of the equinoxes. The opposite approach should have been tried. The progress of the constellations in the sky are part of a heavenly script to declare the message of the great struggle present in this fallen creation and Yahweh's plan of redemption and deliverance.
May you be blessed with peace and understanding in these days.