Comments on: FOUNDATIONS: The Serpent Seed Doctrine Sun, 18 Dec 2022 00:28:49 +0000 hourly 1 By: James Sun, 18 Dec 2022 00:28:49 +0000 The Serpent Seed doctrine is one I only recently became aware of and have been researching in the hope I might obtain as much relevant and scholarly information as possible (from proponents and opponents alike) with which to arrive at an informed decision as to its reasonableness. Although, in my estimation, you did provide some valuable historical information with respect to the origins (to one degree or the other) of the doctrine, I’d be dishonest were I to say you adequately addressed some of the more salient points raised by proponents of the doctrine. I’ll provide an example below.

Based on my understanding of your point of view (and please correct me if I’m wrong), you believe all races (caucasoid, negroid and mongoloid as well as all people in between) lineally descend from Noah. We know from genetics, however, that this isn’t possible, meaning Noah could only give rise to those who inherited his racial attributes. If Noah was caucasian then so too would be his descendants/offspring. As Noah was perfect in his generations (genetically pure in his genealogy) and was also a direct descendant of Adam, Adam too must’ve shared the same racial characteristics. If Noah was caucasian then so too was Adam. The upshot of this then would be that YHVH created each race independently. Moreover, as Cain had an immediate fear for his life when he was made aware that he’d become a wandering vagabond in the Earth, it’s only logical to conclude other races existed outside the limited realm of Adam and Eve and, perceiving him as racially different, might then target him for destruction. Even further, we’re informed that Cain married a woman in the wake of his banishment as well as gave birth to a child in honor of which, he built a city. If Cain, along with Adam and Eve, were the only people living, it then becomes difficult to explain how he managed to find a wife let alone build a city, which would’ve require the assistance of a great many people. Were you to claim that not only had Cain married a descendant of Adam and Eve that was also banished from their presence but also supervised many more Adamic descendants (also banished) to build his city, then you transgress one of your own guidelines (an “extremely weak” “argument from silence”).

Based upon your commentary here, particularly your comments with respect to race, you appear to be in full support of miscegenation. If this is the case then I strongly advise that you carefully study the portions of the Book of Genesis detailing the life and times of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Esau. When you do, you should come to the realization that YHVH abhors miscegenation. This is why Isaac and Jacob were instructed to marry within their own race/tribe and Esau, who was hated by YHVH, engaged in miscegenation, marrying Canaanite women.

In terms of the Noachian Flood, it’s also quite clear from the Genesis account that it was local. When chapter 7 informs us the flood waters covered the Earth or destroyed all flesh that moved upon the Earth, it’s important to understand the English word “Earth” is translated from the Hebrew word “Eretz” and “Eretz” is defined as “land” or “territory” as opposed to the entire world. This interpretation is further fortified by the fact the Genesis account informs us the flood waters prevailed upward to the height of 15 cubits. Even were we to assume a “long cubit” (about 21 inches) is here referred, the flood waters would’ve prevailed upward less than 27 imperial feet. If we were to round this number up to 27′, the flood waters wouldn’t have prevailed upward against even 20% of the lowest known mountain peak in the world (Mt. Wycheproof), let alone Killimanjaro, Annapurna, Kangchenjunga, K2 or Everest, all well over 3 miles in height.

The problem I typically encounter in studying the commentary of proponents and opponents alike is the dogmatic inability to set aside ones preconceived notions or overcome cognitive dissonance. An honest survey of all the evidence is critical in getting to the truth. If earnestly pursuing a solid chain of evidence requires casting aside ones preconceptions or treading underfoot cognitive dissonance then so be it. Amen.
