Comments on: Gender Benders – It’s About More Than You Think Sat, 26 Sep 2020 06:38:28 +0000 hourly 1 By: Skip Sat, 23 Apr 2016 12:19:43 +0000 #comment-312 Before watching that interview video, my expectations were almost spot on in regards to what would be communicated by the interviewees. So many people today, have been molded and programmed in their thought processes to explain 'how they FEEL' about this, that or the other thing, rather than 'what they THINK' about this, that or the other thing.

This programming began subtly, years ago, by what I call the 'mental wellness' programmers who started asking 'How do you feel about …?', rather than 'What do you think about …?'. The distinction between the two questions might seem trivial, but that distinction is a vital part of the dumbing down process that has been progressively foisted upon the public worldwide. You can be sure that this effort is part and parcel of Satan's plan to expand his control and manipulation of the minds of the masses, particularly in so called Christian nations.
