Comments on: Have You Been Played – Part Two – The Balkanization of America Sat, 26 Sep 2020 06:51:36 +0000 hourly 1 By: 7 Raptures Robert Sun, 31 Aug 2014 07:31:24 +0000 #comment-679 Shalom brother Joseph,
Once again, you have hit the proverbial nail on the head.
Three thoughts came to mind as I was reading both of these related blog entries. The first was from Gal 6:7… Even as she sown, so shall the United States of America reap. She has sown the wind of war all over the world and even so shall she reap the whirlwind.

The second thought concerns the days of Belshazzar the grandson of Nebuchadnezzar. The writing was literally on the wall, but he was not able to comprehend its message at all – neither could anyone else for that matter. (Daniel was the lone exception of course and that was only because of Heaven sent revelation.) Even as it was at the time of the complete demise of ancient Babylon, so it is today in the United States of America. The message is being broadcast everywhere for all to see, but no one is able to comprehend what the message is saying – except those who have been given the gift of discerning by Heaven above.

Finally, I could not help but think of the book “Morals and Dogma” which is said to be authored by 33rd degree Free Mason Albert Pike. He allegedly wrote of three world wars that would be orchestrated by the Luciferian elites in order to usher in a “new world order” or “the order of the ages.” The first two wars have come and gone exactly as planned and executed and now they have perfectly set the stage for the final conflict… A war that will leave all of humanity absolutely desolate (which is their stated goal) – except that the true Messiah of Yisrael will soon return to Judge all mankind in righteousness, truth and mercy and prevent them from fully succeeding.

As you have correctly asserted, most believers do not have any discerning of spirit and will fully support this war as they will be willingly manipulated to believe their cause is righteous, just and mandated by the throne of Heaven itself.

Peace be unto all the saints who will hear and obey the Word of our Creator in these last days; guarding every Word (not letting one word fall to the ground) and performing it by the indwelling Spirit of Yah.

Most sincerely, Robert McDuffie

By: Unknown Sat, 30 Aug 2014 02:21:00 +0000 #comment-678 As usual I have found your entry enlightening. While I cannot analyze the facts with any objectivity since I live in another hemisphere and don't usually read or listen to American news anymore, I am again struck by the similarities between the situation in the US and our own troubles in Argentina. We have the same kind of polarization, both in the media and in the government. Here it's left vs. right, those who defend a so-called nationalist government which is in fact depriving our nation of a prosperous future by basically selling our sovereignty with dubious treaties with nations such as China and Russia (and making politicians very rich in the process with money "shared" under the table)… They have their yes and amen media. And then there are those politicians and media chains who defend the "corporations", the "oligarchies", even the "vulture funds" who want this government to fall (even if it means what's left of this poor nation crumbles to pieces). I support neither, believe neither, and can only trust our Lord and Savior will come soon. I can't be optimistic about my country's future, humanly speaking. And I believe that the same divide and conquer strategy is or will soon be implemented in every nation of the world. In fact, I see this trend growing exponentially, for example in growing antisemitism in Europe.

By: Joseph Herrin Wed, 27 Aug 2014 04:02:22 +0000 #comment-677 Hello John,

I did not post your comment because the link led to a site with a load of advertising, and not all of it appropriate for this audience. It is too bad the pastor is mixing his message with so much advertising.
