Comments on: The Hidden Cost of Free Sex Sat, 26 Sep 2020 07:31:53 +0000 hourly 1 By: Joseph Herrin Mon, 07 Jan 2013 13:58:26 +0000 #comment-2728 To SexyLadyMe26,

Your Blogger name, and the profile image of you in a bikini speak far louder that your words of agreement with this article. By describing yourself as a "sexy lady" and drawing attention to your flesh in your photo, you are manifesting an attitude that is quite contrary to the instructions Christ's apostles gave to women in the church who aspire to godliness.

I Timothy 2:9
Likewise, I want women to adorn themselves with proper clothing, modestly and discreetly…

There is nothing modest or discreet about the name you have chosen or the image you post of yourself. Why not describe yourself as "holy daughter of God," or something that is praiseworthy in His sight?

It appears hypocritical for you to proclaim that men and women should be faithful to one another in their relationships while posting a provocative image of yourself that tempts men, even those who are married, to lust after the flesh. Your words and actions do not agree with one another.

By: Sexyladyme26 Mon, 07 Jan 2013 10:18:38 +0000 #comment-2727 This article says it all,this is reality and this is definitely true! Nowadays people are engaging to pre-marital sex and multiple partners as the young generation now a days are liberated in the sense of sexual intercourse which lead them in having an STD.To cut this they should practice to be loyal to their partners and obey Gods policy.

By: Mueller Sun, 24 Jan 2010 16:02:49 +0000 #comment-2726 Herpes especially for female. Youshould really be aware of that apart from HIV

By: Anonymous Sun, 11 Oct 2009 18:45:56 +0000 #comment-2725 Another implication (parable?) in what you outline here seems to be that certain church bodies that have been promiscuous in the past may exhibit the continuing presence of "viruses" (i.e., impure, improper ideas) and/or their effects.

The route to remedy is as clear in these cases as it is in that of an individual: acknowledge past sin, repent (change past practices) and ask G-d for forgiveness.

Alas, many formerly robust, Christ-centered church bodies and even entire denominations have done just the opposite, entrenching themselves further into apostasy and pursuing vain efforts at self-justification.

By: Joseph Herrin Thu, 08 Oct 2009 14:03:44 +0000 #comment-2724 Dear Dee,

It is true that some people receive STDs by molestation or abuse. It is probably more common to receive an STD while in utero through the mother's blood stream, than it is through molestation. There are also some who receive STDs through blood transfusions, medical procedures, and needle sharing.

However, the great majority of infections are via consensual sex. This article is speaking only to those who are engaging in consensual sex outside of marriage.

You mentioned that "there are a lot of broken people out there, that simply ;know not what they do.'" Despite our natural inclinations to be sympathetic for the failings of others, we must agree with God on a definition of what is sin.

I think it is inaccurate to declare that most people do not know that sexual intercourse outside of marriage is wrong. God has given mankind a consciousness of sin. We read Christ's words that the Spirit has been sent "to convict the world of sin, and righteousness and judgment."

Many choose to violate their conscience in pursuit of their own will and pleasure. They are not innocents who don't know what they are doing. They are sinners who are transgressing against the will of God.

If we take a purely sympathetic approach to all sin, then we will end up exactly where we are today in the church. All things are tolerated. Sin is rampant, and there is no holiness observed among the people of God. The marriage bed is defiled.

Yahweh is calling His people to "be holy as I am holy." This entire teaching is directed at restoring the sanctity of the marriage covenant. Too many people have already made excuses for willful transgression.

There is forgiveness and restoration when their is repentance and confession. But before restoration there must be agreement with God.

By: Anonymous Thu, 08 Oct 2009 13:15:38 +0000 #comment-2723 I totally 'hear' what you are saying in this article. However, there are a lot of broken people out there, that simply 'know not what they do'. They need help and support. Not to mention, how many people have been sexually abused, only to come to Christ at a later date. If they have an STD, it is because we live in a fallen world, not because they wanted to be molested/raped or lead astray while they were still yet sinners.
