Comments on: Lunacy & the Age of Deception Sat, 26 Sep 2020 06:41:33 +0000 hourly 1 By: Joseph Herrin Thu, 17 Dec 2015 01:45:38 +0000 #comment-402 Hello Andrew,

Thank you for writing. I hope this current series will prove helpful to you. One of the aims of this series is to promote responsibility among Christians in performing their due diligence in testing all things carefully. I believe it is also necessary for Christians to give a rational defense of the conclusions they have arrived at. One thing I would discourage is setting forth beliefs without any evidentiary trail or arguments. People need proofs so that they can test a matter themselves.

In your comment you listed a number of beliefs. Other than your agreement with me that men have not walked on the moon, there was not another belief you listed that I share in common with you. I don't believe the Earth is stationary. I am confident that it orbits the Sun. I do not believe the Sun and Moon are simply lights, they are celestial bodies. Having viewed the Moon through astronomical binoculars from my own yard I am fully persuaded it is a spherical body and that it reflects the light of the Sun. This is further attested to as the moon goes through cycles as the Earth interposes itself between the Sun and Moon. The tides further substantiate that the Moon is a planetary body that is orbiting the Earth.

I am also fully persuaded that there are man-made satellites orbiting the earth. Again, they can be viewed through binoculars and telescopes. Some can even be seen with the naked eye as they make their regular circuits around the earth. There are many technologies that make use of these satellites, including weather satellites that provide images of the cloud cover over the earth. Such images would be very hard to produce via any ground-based technology. There is also GPS, and satellite television. If you have ever set-up satellite television, you will recognize that the satellite dish has to be aimed toward a satellite in low earth orbit, and the signal can be measured to tell when the dish is aligned properly.

One result of making claims such as this without properly testing them or providing evidence and arguments in support of them, is that it brings into disrepute those contested claims that are true. People who can readily disprove your claims regarding the motion of the solar system, the makeup of the Sun and Moon, or the reality of satellites, will undoubtedly assume you are similarly wrong about men having walked on the moon. As a result you discredit those things which are true.

I encourage you, and all readers to examine all sides of the issues you encounter and seek to arrive at the knowledge of the truth through investigation, education, and testing.

May you be blessed with peace and understanding in these days.

By: Little Lark Wed, 16 Dec 2015 23:59:03 +0000 #comment-401 Joseph! Have you seen this?

I had to share it! Not to spread fear at all (we have nothing to fear!) but rather awareness…

Very eye opening!

By: Andrew Wed, 16 Dec 2015 19:49:25 +0000 #comment-400 Thanks for being brave enough to tackle this deception Joseph.
For the record I don't even believe man has ever gone into Space, let alone landed on the Moon. That satellites don't exist (Arthur C Clark sci-fi and ground based technology) That the Earth is stationary and the sun and moon are lights that orbit the Earth. The Father did say that deceptions would become so great as to even fool the elect if that were possible and I believe this is part of that deception. You can even see the air bubbles rising in many of those "space walk" videos" as they are filmed in huge underwater tanks obviously.
Most Christians believe anything they see on TV news from my experience and give honor to man for his amazing achievements never once questioning what they are presented with or praying for discernment.

