Comments on: Internment Coming Sat, 26 Sep 2020 07:33:16 +0000 hourly 1 By: Joseph Herrin Sun, 23 Aug 2009 21:48:52 +0000 #comment-2830 Although the rapture doctrine is very popular among Christians today as it speaks of an escape from suffering, I find little support for such a concept in Scripture. I recommend the writing "The Next Appearance of Christ" to better understand the Lord's second coming.

By: Anonymous Sun, 23 Aug 2009 21:27:01 +0000 #comment-2829 Thank you Joseph for this timely message. I believe, the church must fulfill the prophecy of Daniel and the lions den, before the rapture of the Church takes place. Taking Daniel out of the den of lions, is a picture of the rapture of the Church, out of end-time America Babylon. We also see this same type with John alive on the Island of Patmos, when he experiences the rapture.

When the disciples asked Christ WHERE two men will be in a field, one will be taken, and one will be left behind, Christ said, ¨Where the body is there will the eagles be gathered (Luke 17:37).¨

May our God continue to bless your writings for His glory.
