Comments on: The Islands of the Sea Sat, 26 Sep 2020 07:31:43 +0000 hourly 1 By: Joseph Herrin Mon, 19 Oct 2009 13:56:23 +0000 #comment-2695 I do believe you can rightly associate the seas to the churning opinions of mankind. I do not know that I had ever defined it in that precise way before, but I certainly can see how it would be fitting in some applications.

I do see that the seas are used to symbolize a number of things in Scripture. In one sense they represent all of mankind. In another they represent death. For example, crossing the Israelites crossing through the midst of the Red Sea was symbolic of baptism, and baptism is a symbol of death and resurrection.

Of course, the opinions of mankind, when they have not originated in the mind of God, are dead opinions. They have no life in them.

By: Anonymous Mon, 19 Oct 2009 13:14:08 +0000 #comment-2694 Joseph – Perhaps you have written about this elsewhere, or plan to in the future, but it has been impressed on me recently, in my scripture reading time, that "the sea" may be idiomatic of churning, frothing human opinion (as against the unchanging ROCK of Christ and of God's word).

Whenever I take that symbolic meaning and apply it to the word "sea" in the text, many otherwise difficult-to-understand passages suddenly make a great deal of sense. Thoughts?

By: Joe Riley B. Mon, 19 Oct 2009 04:41:20 +0000 #comment-2693 Joseph,

111 …

The "Up Right Ones".


By: Joseph Herrin Mon, 19 Oct 2009 01:39:03 +0000 #comment-2692 Thanks John!

I have been checking for ticks. They are plentiful here.

By: John Shacklett Mon, 19 Oct 2009 01:34:59 +0000 #comment-2691 Joseph:

Be sure to check yourself for ticks after walking through the woods.

By: Anonymous Mon, 19 Oct 2009 01:31:29 +0000 #comment-2690 Thanks! I will check them out.
I just finished reading your article on Suffering Reproach. We had people think we were nuts when we left the institutional church and it was and continues to be a lonely walk. We had people make snide remarks when we adopted our baby neice (we are in our 40s) saying we were too old. We may be in the process of loosing our home because we cannot make the mortgage payments and rent (we moved because of work=the GOD provided) HE knows we have tried everything to unload the house. But the other day I felt as if the SPIRIT said 'let the dead bury the dead'. The house is dead, our money is dead. We have lived for years on the edge financially and seen GOD care for us time and again. HIS systems are not the systems of this world. We homeschool our children. If GOD can (and HE does) provide for HIS own despite worldly systems, surely HE will/can provide for us whilst we have no money or job or the 'typical' things the world say we 'must' have in order to survive.
To HIM Who sustains the existance of all things, amen and amen.

By: Joseph Herrin Mon, 19 Oct 2009 00:47:10 +0000 #comment-2689 Regarding the number 111, I have written about it in probably a dozen different posts. Here are a couple of them:

By: Anonymous Mon, 19 Oct 2009 00:31:25 +0000 #comment-2688 Where else on you blog did you write about 111? Perhaps you could provide the link? Thank you!
