Comments on: Jane Leade – Examining All Things Sat, 26 Sep 2020 07:25:13 +0000 hourly 1 By: str8t2yu Mon, 23 May 2016 05:20:10 +0000 #comment-2210 This was a well written critique. Thank you for the effort you have saved many. Having skimmed some of Lead's writing, I would add the following:

The church is built on the founding apostles and prophets, around whose ministries the canon has been sealed. Therefore no subsequent revelation in this age may be elevated to the same founding class of inspiration or import, but must be tested by it.

Apostolic founding-class doctrine must also be established by the supporting witness of the signs of an apostle. It cannot be established by private mystic vision alone. Lead had no supernatural witness to any apostolic office that would qualify her to impart founding class revelation beyond that revealed to the founding apostles.

In the Eight Worlds treatise, Lead tampers with the nature of the Godhead by declaring that the Father "brought forth" out of Himself a virgin hidden within Him for all eternity, who, being co-mingled with His deity, the father married and from out of whom the Son of God was originated before time, and thence the rest of born again believers. This directly denies the eternality of the Son, necessarily interposes a higher deific authority between the Son and the Father, and essentially adds a 4th person to the godhead. This one teaching alone should suffice to disqualify her acceptance as a valid prophetess.

By: Anonymous Sun, 17 Oct 2010 14:57:42 +0000 #comment-2209 Dear Mr. Herrin,
Cool article. When I saw the picture on the front of the book it reminded me of chakra points. If I had seen this on the front of the book, I can guarentee you that I would not have read it. I am finding more and more that I am trying not to waste GODs time (the time that HE is giving me to be an obedient child of HIS, a wife, mother and friend) on others writings. Not saying that we can't benefit from reading others writings. But the Spirit has impressed upon me that if I have an hour to read a 'mans' (or womans) writing, I should have an hour to read the Word. I hope this doesn't come across harsh, but the LORD has been showing me that I need to be extremely close to HIM and ultimately most of what I have been reading on the net is distraction in some form or other.
Blessings and peace to you and any others that read my comment,

By: Turtledove Fri, 15 Oct 2010 23:15:49 +0000 #comment-2208 Thank you very much for the careful research you have done on Jane Leade and her connection with the Kabbala.

It has been my observation that many have been led into error and unbalance by strong women who assume the teaching role, especially within movements emphasizing the manifestation gifts of the Holy Spirit.

There was a season when I as a woman also usurped the male role, and can attest to being deceived by the angel of light. I have even come across strong women who confess it is wrong to usurp the male role, but who seek subversive ways to sway the convictions of their husbands and other leaders within the Body of Christ.

If only female believers of today could taste the true power of submission, due respect and humble prayer! If a husband is in error, God has given us grace to "win them without a word". Why throw away our most precious role, ordained by God for our fulfillment and the strengthening of the men in our sphere? Even in our zeal to "witness" to unbelieving men, we have often done more harm than good.

Your excellent book, "Sarah's Children", is one I would recommend to any woman seeking God's highest for her life.

Thank you once again for publishing the truth.
