Comments on: Laying Down the Law – From Children of Israel to Sons of God Sat, 26 Sep 2020 07:22:03 +0000 hourly 1 By: Kim Sat, 29 Jan 2011 12:47:04 +0000 #comment-2036 To Anonymous,

Your comment completed the teaching. Amen So be it unto me.

By: Anonymous Thu, 27 Jan 2011 19:20:42 +0000 #comment-2035 ….cont…im thankful for this writing for i hear the Spirit calling in a clear voice for us to humbly acknowledge our childish state and seek to truly and authentically know what it means to be grafted into the commonwealth of israel, then we would know the substance of what we think we have. we would be walking in israels true destiny, and that alone will cause the envy spoken of in ro 11 that will usher in israels repentance and return. paul said he made much of his ministry to the gentiles, so as to cause envy. he wanted his people to see the substance of their calling: "…the people of israel. theirs is the adoption as sons; theirs is the divine glory, the covenants, the receiving of the law, the temple worship an the promises. theirs are the patriarchs, and from them is traced the human history of Christ, who is God over all, forever praised! amen."(ro 9:4-5) paul laments how sad it is that despite all these things, not all who are descended from israel are israel. much the same way, not all who claim the glorious promises of the church are actually lined up to receive the substance of the glorious promises of the church. they have allowed a much inferior way to be passed off as the walk of faith, and like it was so succinctly put in this post, "wanting to be esteemed as spiritually mature, they are unwilling to enter the kingdom of God as children." perhaps many actually desire to be grow into maturity, but when the rubber hits the road, few actually allow God to do it. they dont see the joy set before them, so enduring the cross is avoided. thank you Lord for these postings, laying forth the beauty of walking in the Spirit, that we might say yes in our inner man to the workings of the cross in our life, that we might be made into the image of Christ more and more, becoming like Him in His death, and, so, somehow, to attain to the resurrection from the dead. Lord open our eyes to see the joy set before us!

By: Anonymous Thu, 27 Jan 2011 19:18:56 +0000 #comment-2034 i am edified, thank you for your obedience to post these things the Spirit is teaching you concerning walking in the Spirit. its interesting that when the law is concerned, whether one is speaking of the jews or the gentiles, the heart of man remains the same. i am grieved that we gentiles have, in effect, done the same thing as the jews, the same mistake, not heeding the warnings from israels history. all these things were written for our instruction, not our imitation. we imitate that which cannot make perfect, in one way or another, and its enlightening to note, perhaps even humorous, that we are not as good at it as the jews were/are. we mix in our gentile flavoring, employing words like Holy Spirit and salvation and Jesus without exhibiting the substance. they see right through our shallowness. children cannot make children envious. walking in the newness of the Spirit will make envious. this must and will happen. i sense the beginnings of the "great sorrow and unceasing anguish" that was pauls as an apostle to the gentiles as he pondered the lingering childish state of his own people israel. now its the case that most of us gentile churches are in much the same childish state, thinking we have something and passing it off as authentic and not letting it die…cont….
