Comments on: The Luciferian Foundation of America Sat, 26 Sep 2020 07:41:27 +0000 hourly 1 By: dienw Sat, 21 Jul 2012 21:12:29 +0000 #comment-2959 Very interesting, and informative, Mr. Herrin: you have, in this post delineated the deception being practiced by Glenn Beck; and, frankly, I like Beck's practice of investigating the truth: but in this matter you've written about, is the snare of deception.

By: JP Maxwell Tue, 14 Apr 2009 01:38:00 +0000 #comment-2958 I truly understand the earnestness within Christian circles to teach the righteous foundations of the United States of America, however, whenever they are challenged by others under the same banner of Christianity the latter are ridiculed and treated indignantly as though they have brought some horrible blight upon the name of Christ.

Let the truth be told brother Herrin. You have provided a concise and accurate portrayal of the real truth behind the foundations of America. And just as you magnified the scripture, I remind all those who read this yet one more time . . . a good tree cannot bear bad fruit.

So, in the often quoted words of Alexis de Tocqueville, perhaps America was never good! Amen.

By: Anonymous Sun, 07 Sep 2008 22:41:00 +0000 #comment-2957 This is awesome information. Recently I have been led to read about Benj. Franklin and Thomas Jefferson – finding what you say here and back up with Scripture, to be true. Surely we have been duped although I must say I have been blessed to be an American.Thank you for presenting it so clearly. It urges me to dig deeper and to no longer remain blind but to pray for mercy from our God and his Holy Son, Jesus, the Christ.
