Comments on: Lying Liars and Deceiving Deceivers Sat, 26 Sep 2020 06:41:31 +0000 hourly 1 By: Anonymous Thu, 24 Dec 2015 04:43:40 +0000 #comment-399 Hello Brother Herrin, blessings be upon you. I came across this documentary with regards to the Moon landing.

By: Joseph Herrin Fri, 18 Dec 2015 13:41:24 +0000 #comment-398 Hello Mark,

I do anticipate answering your query in the course of this book. I would prefer not to give a simple yes/no answer in a comment field because I believe people need evidence and stated reasons for a belief system. The comment field is not suitable for setting forth this evidence, and it would take me some time to arrange my thoughts into a form that is suitable for presentation for the consideration of others. Thank you for your understanding.


By: susanne-truthlover Fri, 18 Dec 2015 13:24:26 +0000 #comment-397 Thank you for sharing such hard truths! It certainly was hard to read, at first, as I have believed that men walked on the moon… however, you are helping us to remember to exercise discernment and wisdom in what we hear, read and see. God bless you with daily encouragement in Him, Joseph.

By: Fri, 18 Dec 2015 10:07:47 +0000 #comment-396 Hi Joseph, You'll probably answer this question in your latest book but I wanted to know if you agree with the current universe model that is presented by science. That is planets and stars collected into solar systems and then stars collected into galaxies and galaxies into galactic clusters.

Also, about a week ago I was watching a youtube video about deep space objects, recent Hubble telescope imaging reveal galaxies that are billions of light years away, so that means travelling at the speed of light (around 650,000 mph) it would take a billions years to reach these galaxies from our perspective.

Knowing that God is limitless in strength, power and wisdom its not hard to imagine the universe being this big of not bigger but the bible predicts that the heavens will be rolled up and done away with and a new heaven and new earth created. Does that mean that the curse of sin extends to the whole of the current universe as we know it, even to those distant galaxies? I imagined Satans rebellion to be localized but I suppose in the spirit realm distance and time are no barriers.


By: Angela Thu, 17 Dec 2015 04:39:00 +0000 #comment-395 Am very interested how far down the rabbit hole you will go! God bless and keep up the thorough study!
