Comments on: Mind Block Sat, 26 Sep 2020 06:44:23 +0000 hourly 1 By: Unknown Sun, 09 Aug 2015 02:15:44 +0000 #comment-472 Hi Joseph,
As usual, your blogs are convicting. I've been thinking a lot about this topic, and you could say I'm one of those mind blocked, paralyzed people you refer to. Honestly, I don't even pray much these days, that's the level of my discouragement.

And I was thinking this doomsday topic we hear so often is a bit like the story of the little shepherd boy who kept crying Wolf! and no wolf came until it did and by then noone believed him. Remember that Economist cover you analysed, with the Alice chasing the white rabbit? I believe all this date setting, catastrophic discourse we hear repeated so often even by the mainstream media (that should give us a clue, shouldn't it?) may be promoted by the elites so that we will expect a catastrophe which of course won't happen, not just yet because it was never their intention in the first place, and then another warning, and on and on until no one believes it anymore. We grow desensitized to the topic. Harold Camping, the Mayan calendar, the red moons on the Hebrew calendar, CERN, Jade Helm and the concentration camps… Now a lot of people are talking about Sept. 23. I believe nothing will happen on that day (but it will happen eventually, and it might be very soon). At least, not on the surface. The truth is these warnings are a bit like the smoking is bad for you warnings on cigarettes. Smokers know they might get cancer from their habit, but yet their emotions find a way to suppress the truth. And by the time reality hits, it's too late.

Of course, I believe most people who are giving out the warnings from independent blogs like yours are very well-intentioned, and your blog is the best I've found but I think these "unfulfilled threats" may be one of the reasons people stop listening and fail to make plans. Yes, we should listen to the voice of the Spirit and make radical changes if feel led to, but we have to be extremely careful because it's a time of great deception.
