Comments on: Mommie Dearest – The Trouble with “Mother” Emanuel A.M.E Church Sat, 26 Sep 2020 06:45:46 +0000 hourly 1 By: Unknown Mon, 05 Mar 2018 20:46:42 +0000 #comment-501 This article concerning the masonic connection to the origins of the AME church in Philadelphia, has encapsulated the concern I have had regarding the ease with which people still pass off the 'lodge' as a valid, Christian-acceptable institution.
There is no doubt that many of the persons in masonry have legitimate charitable aims – but are unwilling to see the satanic connection to their organization.
I believe that the article is a strong exposé of the evils of normalizing the lodge within a Christian context.
The obvious error in naming the church 'Mother Emmanuel'…and the contradiction(s) contained therein, are certainly noted.
Thank you, to the author, Joseph Herrin – for his enlightening work.
In I Timothy 4:1-2 we read: "The Holy Spirit tells us in plain words that in the last days some people will turn away from the faith. They will listen to what is said about spirits and follow the teaching about demons. Those who teach this tell it as the truth when they know it is a lie. They do it so much that their own hearts no longer say it is wrong"
Indeed, it is true!

By: Joseph Herrin Thu, 02 Mar 2017 12:48:05 +0000 #comment-500 Dear Tracy,

You are right, and I did look at the reason for it being called "Mother" Emmauel. Following is a quote from the article.

"We see that a Masonic lodge that gives rise to other lodges, issuing charters and warrants, may be referred to as a “Mother,” so we might also expect Freemasons to apply the same terminology to churches…"

The fact is, this church is referred to as "Mother," a name that no church in the New Testament is given. Not only is this true, but the name "Mother" is attached to the name Emmanuel. Emmanuel was a name for the Savior who was a male.

Joseph Herrin

By: Tracy T Thu, 02 Mar 2017 00:30:18 +0000 #comment-499 After this long article, you would have done better just to ask most any AME member. The word "mother" is not referring to the deity worshiped or the feminization of the Holy Scripture. The church you are speaking of is Emmanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church. It is respectfully called, "Mother" Emmanuel because it is the FIRST church in the area and therefore is the church out of which other AME churches were built. It is not unusual for church members to say, we will be holding a meeting at the "mother church," and all members know which church is being referred to. This is also true in the AME Zion and Church of God in Christ denominations. In all of these cases, the denominations are connectional churches, meaning they are organized into regions called conferences and districts and are governed by elders and bishops. Unfortunately, news outlets referred to the church as Mother Emanuel instead of its formal name. For verification, look at Wikipedia, who has it correct. The church does not currently have a website:

By: Joseph Herrin Tue, 23 Jun 2015 01:20:30 +0000 #comment-498 Hello Ray,

Some things are best discussed through e-mail. When you use the comment field I am not informed of your e-mail address so I cannot respond privately. You will find my e-mail address at the top of the blog on the right hand side. I invite you to contact me via e-mail for discussions such as this. Thanks for your understanding.

May you be blessed with peace and understanding in these days,


By: ray Tue, 23 Jun 2015 00:49:00 +0000 #comment-497 Hi Joseph —

The days I'm on the internet, I usually make numerous comments at various places, and rarely recall what I've written in prior days, or even where. :O)

So I don't know what you've found doctrinally incorrect. I usually don't follow the directions of men, but instead read whatever God lays in my hand that particular day or night. But thanks for offering your works for my instruction.

I haven't much been 'taught' anything as I don't attend physical churches, and haven't since childhood. I have no pastor or minister (except Christ), and use the different translations of Scripture as foundation for my thinking and writing. The Lord didn't bring me to the Bible until quite late in life, instead he trained me in other (lesser) literatures and understandings, before allowing me to attempt his holy words.

The opinions of men are often helpful, but I only use them in ancillary ways, not as sources or doctrines. Men become proud quickly, and too sure of themselves, so I tend to move on often.


By: Joseph Herrin Mon, 22 Jun 2015 12:26:00 +0000 #comment-496 Hello Ray,

I did not post your second comment. I will explain why here. The comment was somewhat off-topic, and I believe it might distract some from their reflection upon the post on the A.M.E. church. Second, there were some things doctrinally which were incorrect in your statements, particularly the repeated use of the word "eternally" when describing the experience of those in heaven and the city of God. I encourage you to read the book "God's Plan of the Ages," which can be freely accessed on the Heart4God book page. This book sets forth the plan Yahweh has established for the ages of this present creation, a plan which will one day reach its conclusion as all things are summed up in Christ that He might in turn sum up all things in the Father.

God's Plan of the Ages

I realize that this is different from what you have been taught, as it is for the majority of Christians. I invite you to test this subject by examining the evidence set forth in the book I have written on this subject. Truth does not fear or object to scrutiny. It is error that is offended when it is being challenged. So have your Bible open as you read the book, and pray beforehand, inviting your heavenly Father to disclose both truth and error to you.

May you be blessed with peace and understanding in these days,


By: ray Mon, 22 Jun 2015 07:02:59 +0000 #comment-495 Given this and related information, Christ's followers shouldn't surprised at the judgment by God of a Church of Baal, nor by attendant manipulations and propaganda through worldly powers.

Christians and Hebrews won't find a better analysis and understanding of this event than herein. Certainly not in media or government. Adult Christians and Hebrews are responsible for due diligence concerning the general nature of these deceptions and trans-temporal manipulations. Most need not dig this deeply, that's one reason why Joseph and a few others already did.

As reported here and elsewhere, restraining influences gradually are being removed from America and the planet.

Related investigations on the Heart4God site provide context, confirmation, and additional evidence concerning topics discussed in this post. Christians and Hebrews are to examine and investigate their fellows and the spirits, but are not at liberty to reject or ignore the truth.

I pray these offerings are acceptable to Father and Son, and that we are allowed to function as their humble servants.


By: Unknown Sun, 21 Jun 2015 16:00:14 +0000 #comment-494 There is a Catholic Church at Roche Harbor in the San Juans that has Masonic symbols, this place also has a pretty creep Masonic Mausoleum
definitely an evil spirit there.
I would agree that the chaos coming is judgment, also that from Islam.
A perfect opportunity for government intervention such as the Jade Helm practice?
It does seem that the beast is about to be unleashed.
Hope we shall all be in the church of Philadelphea

By: ray Sun, 21 Jun 2015 04:59:25 +0000 #comment-493 An oracle concerning babylon.

