Comments on: A Moral Victory Sat, 26 Sep 2020 07:15:48 +0000 hourly 1 By: awmitch Thu, 12 Jan 2012 02:16:14 +0000 #comment-1705 Thanks!

By: Maranatha! Wed, 11 Jan 2012 19:08:38 +0000 #comment-1704 Once again the Lord has used you precious vessel and Man of God to give me a very valuable (gem), which I call my revelations from Yahweh to help me see Him in all things and to educate His children so that we are not left in the dark as to what He is doing in this end time and how He chooses to use vessels for His good and great pleasure. I love that He makes it known that He wishes that His children be not unwise, but in all things get wisdom, knowledge and understanding, so that we can always have a mind like our Father. Always alert, never in slumber mode, because if you are in that state you may miss some of the most important events, whether large or small.

I say all that to say this, Father allowed me to see that pressing in, focus, determination, self control, and obedience to His will and His love for us will always get us the prize, which is life eternal.

May the Lord God Almighty continue to use you brother to edify the Body so that we can attain the glory that is set before us.

Keeping you, all the Saint and the lost in prayer and I ask that you do the same for me and my family.

Love you in Christ Jesus,
Sister Libby

By: Ponte Vedra Cat Wed, 11 Jan 2012 05:33:42 +0000 #comment-1703 Thanks for that Brother Joseph! For someone that doesn't watch TV, that was a very comprehensive review. I didn't know about the interception on 3rd and 16. Coincidence? I don't think so. No, I know so.

By: dc Tue, 10 Jan 2012 19:36:22 +0000 #comment-1702 Thanks for this inspiration Joseph.

By: Steve Tue, 10 Jan 2012 16:29:32 +0000 #comment-1701 Joseph,

I also think it is interesting that all this occurred in the same Denver stadium where Obama made his Democratic acceptance speech, with the Greek God stage setting. Almost as if saying – evil will have its day – but the day of the Lord will certainly trump it. Also – although I'm not a big college football fan, it is interesting that "the Crimson Tide" won the championship in New Orleans last night. The winning quarterback exclaimed " we will paint New Orleans crimson"…May we all be painted with the Crimson Tide that truly saves…!

By: Kim Tue, 10 Jan 2012 14:31:52 +0000 #comment-1700 I believe this young man is up for attack by the enemy due to the huge impact he is having on people for God. We all need to be covering him in prayer.

