Comments on: No More Liberty Sat, 26 Sep 2020 07:13:27 +0000 hourly 1 By: Latter Days Ministry Sun, 08 Apr 2012 23:09:49 +0000 #comment-1631 Amen Bro. Joseph. God help us to see his chastening as the evidence of His love that it is. And may we be quick to heed it and turn more perfectly to His ways. God bless you brother for sharing!

By: Kim Fri, 06 Apr 2012 22:37:46 +0000 #comment-1630 Joseph,

I see that you picked up the Methodist Church destruction. What is interesting is that I was told that (if I remember correctly) all the churches downtown were destroyed. We were working out of the one church just outside of the downtown area, the Nazarene Church. I asked that person, "Do you think there's a message in that?" Their response were a wry smile and very quiet, "I certainly do". On Sunday, I believe, there were tornadoes in the Dallas area, and I believe that I heard that there was a total of seven tornadoes that tore through there.

We had some conversation amongst ourselves about the fact that "judgment begins at the house of God", but few were willing to pursue that avenue.

Healing from such an event is long in coming, and it is indeed a very humbling thing to see.

