Comments on: No More Peace Sat, 26 Sep 2020 07:36:54 +0000 hourly 1 By: Unknown Thu, 12 Mar 2009 07:22:00 +0000 #comment-2869 Jungement day is surley upon us…I have seen too much terrony and lost hope for far to long.the church drinks/is drunk in security when they should run to the armory(His Word)..I lost myself here once, but have found the grace of the Holy Spirit my Elohim once hope lyes within complete repentance of the churches as they search answers in all that surrounds them, and not that which is within them. Grace found us here and it will surley take us away. Repent Surrender and Struggle i nHis name for our rewards are waiting in heaven and not of this world, Jesus states this is not His kingdom and not what we should seek, we NEED to seek eternity His kingdom His flowing precence within our hearts through Him Of Him and soley Because of Him…Now how many nations,civilizations,and religions must fall/fail to relize the Truth of His undieing Word the Spoken Truth from Elohim Himself our tribune Lord and True Savior, I gasp in thoughts that church trys to “save themselves”,”be happy”, “solve your problems here”we have answers. God initiates struggle to prosper through growth,molding,and shaping in His Holy Presence by His Grace Through each one of us…Through him we are saved(saved) not happy,not entertained,not content. Eternity is our goal to walk to talk to learn in His tangable presence on great day for eternity in His Kingdom/paradise(What a Gift we Have in Him,What a promise,What a Friend)Focus I say on the spoken Word/His book and No material and profit in His name. Thank you Elohim for your Rightouse Right hand which moves with force and justice in ways we can only feel in awe,fear,and wonder. God truly moves as He has always done in times like these I pray often we can share this to reach this and speak this without and not upon deaf ears, might the wicked ears tingle and repent quickly in the Lord so He can cleans us once more..
I encourage you to keep your ears open and your eyes upon His word as you speak truth, God given priciple, and His words to share, stay high on your post/watchtower and be everwatchful in His Grace for I feel mercy has past us all by and it is time to act,time to fight, time to sound the alarm,and time to share(not preach)THE WAY/HIS WAY!!!
Surrounded By Grace Through Him
Jordan @ ENGLISHBONES01[at]

By: Anonymous Thu, 12 Mar 2009 02:13:00 +0000 #comment-2868 It is past time for the church (body of Christ) to wake up to what God has said about these shepherds in Ezekiel 34. The days of playing church with God’s word are over and done.

By: John Shacklett Wed, 11 Mar 2009 02:49:00 +0000 #comment-2867 Thank God for Joseph Herrin, a true prophet of the Living God!

By: Anonymous Tue, 10 Mar 2009 20:44:00 +0000 #comment-2866 Amen. The blind will not see the truth. God’s will, will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.
Thank you for speaking HIS truth, for it is all that matters.
