Comments on: Obama the Destroyer Sat, 26 Sep 2020 07:23:59 +0000 hourly 1 By: Anonymous Tue, 23 Nov 2010 01:44:21 +0000 #comment-2156 We should also note the Cern Hadron Collider has the shiva outside their corporate hq. The name of the street it's on D984C, but the actual name is Pralay.

You can see a pic of the street here:

If you google the name pralay it means in Hindu mythology the day when 'shrishti' and Brahmaand i.e Cosmos will be destroyed by Nature's fury. The literal meaning for Pralay, coming from Sanskrit is devastating Flood of unimaginable magnitude. But in Hinduism, meaning of Pralay is destruction of Universe. When evil starts getting better of the good and when falsehood starts outweighing truthfullness, the almighty lord will destroy the creation and will start recreating afresh. A vague analogy can be drawn between the concepts of Pralay (Hinduism), Qayamat (Islam) and Armageddon (Biblical religions).

I think they are trying to open another dimension for satan's forces can come into our domain.

By: Anonymous Mon, 22 Nov 2010 22:43:12 +0000 #comment-2155 Because BHO was CONCEIVED on or about the day JFK was ELECTED, November 8th, 1960, any association of BHO with DESTRUCTION in relation to the date when JFK’s presidency was abruptly and violently ENDED (November 22nd, 1963) is curious indeed.

Today, the 47th anniversary of that event evokes Isaiah 47, 'The Humiliation of Babylon' (remind anyone of the TSA pat-downs?)

A brief review of the 152 instances of the phrase “ALL THINGS” in the NT (KJV) is very interesting also. Hint: the real Father YHWH claims all of them.

The cover is radiating yellow, referencing a variety of sun-worship cults, all of which trace their ancestry to Babylon and/or Egypt (entirely consistent with previous public typologies for him). The halo, which some take for granted, e.g., in medieval art, as being Christian also traces to these pagan sources, making the JFK link that much more interesting (not many halos in Protestant art…)

In the New Testament, the word ‘yellow’ is used in several translations to refer to sulfur (thi’-on in the Greek), most notably in Revelation 9:17. The context for that passage, particularly as chaos spreads around the Euphrates, should give everyone pause. The same word shows up in Luke 17:29 in reference to the destruction of Sodom and Gomorah, and in Acts 17:29 in reference to the kind of idol-’god’ we are NOT to worship.

Someone else has noted also that acronym for the cover title, 'God of All Things' is 'GOAT', a well-known title and symbol for Satan.
