Comments on: Parables in the News Sat, 26 Sep 2020 07:02:51 +0000 hourly 1 By: John Mark Tue, 21 May 2013 00:48:37 +0000 #comment-1124 Excellent post brother. I thought I would share with you the lyrics to a song released today I believe (May 20th)It's by the band Stone Temple Pilots and the song is called "Out of Time"

I wanted to see what you thought about it. Seems almost like a warning that were, out of time? Or almost..

By: gijane02 Sun, 19 May 2013 21:39:24 +0000 #comment-1123 Thank you brother Skip!

By: Anonymous Sun, 19 May 2013 00:50:51 +0000 #comment-1122 GIJane02 – We have all, intentionally, purposefully, 'buried our heads in the sand' at times in our lives. This – in and of itself is not sin, but is a natural reaction in an effort to temporarily avoid truth and reality, the awareness of which can cause extreme discomfort to ourselves. Such discomfort is caused because we have not yet become accustomed to understanding truth and seeing reality. At first, such ‘understanding and seeing’ can be quite shocking, but afterwards – enlightening.

This avoidance does become sin if we accomplish this ‘burying of our heads’ by the consumption of alcohol, or by using drugs (legal or illegal) – for just a couple of examples. There are also those who ‘bury their heads’ in the busyness of life. This is part of the reason as to why television and movies are so popular amongst people in general – these things aid in ‘keeping the mind (spirit) occupied’, so as to avoid having to spend time in contemplative thought of what is truthful and real. Having to spend time alone, in contemplative thought, would compel people to face their own thoughts, confront truth and reality, listen to their own conscience, and to the Spirit of God that speaks continually to all who might desire to hear His voice.

Lastly, it is good to be aware that without our own purpose or intent, we can still find ourselves blinded from the Truth, with our ‘heads buried in the sand’ – drifting sand as it might be called. Such ‘drifting sand’ is brought upon the world by the lies and deceptions of the god of this world, who is the father of lies, as Jesus named him. Until the time comes, briefly, when Satan will be allowed to demand that the world worship him as God, Satan desires to remain in the background, with his purposes and plans presently hidden by the drifting sands of deception, hidden from the awareness of the world.

Keep your heart focused on the beautiful, eternal love of ‘our Father which art in Heaven’, and keep your eyes continually on the ‘light that has come into this world’ – Jesus. You will not be deceived if you do this.

By: Anonymous Sat, 18 May 2013 17:56:16 +0000 #comment-1121 I was just speaking to someone, the other day, about the all these moviesbthatbare coming out. They are either about the end of America or about an Earth that has been destroyed and is uninhabited. There's After Earth starring Will Smith, Oblivion with Tom Cruise, and soon Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, the Hunger Games,, all about a destroyed Earth or global system.

The signs are all around us, so that, at least, we're not taken by surprise… These signs are given to us, not so we can stop what's coming, but so we won't faint under troubling circumstances, knowing that this is the will of God.

By: gijane02 Sat, 18 May 2013 15:10:28 +0000 #comment-1120 Hello Skip,

The end of your post is very spot on. The Lord has been bringing back to my mind how I have buried my head in the sand during my walk with Christ especially during the past 5 years. It has been painful to look back on that, but I thank God for His mercy and for this time. Whew, this is heavy, I see why it's easy to bury ones head in the sand. The Holy Spirit is telling me no more of that! If I bury my head again…I don't even want to think about the cosequences of making that sinful decision again!

By: Anonymous Sat, 18 May 2013 14:16:47 +0000 #comment-1119 GIJane02 – You have correctly determined that "…there is no coincidence in this AT ALL."

Our Creator made ALL of His creation to be governed by rules and laws, not by chaos and happenstance, as the god of this world would have us believe.

Whether you describe such events to be the result of 'actions and then reactions', or of 'cause and then effect', the fact remains that everything that occurs, occurs for a reason.

If you see a 'reaction' of some type, then you can be sure that one or more 'actions' caused it.

If you see an 'effect', then you can be sure that there is/was a 'cause' or 'causes' to bring the 'effect' to pass.

The fact that you have a great desire to 'not be deceived', is the same as saying that you have a great desire to know the truth and understand reality, rather than to simply 'hide your head in the sand' with the hope that reality and truth will simply 'go away'.

By: Anonymous Sat, 18 May 2013 06:03:59 +0000 #comment-1118 Brother Joseph,

Sharing this with you and the readers:

God bless and keep you.


By: gijane02 Sat, 18 May 2013 00:35:11 +0000 #comment-1117 Brother Herrin,I don't know where to start, I was led to your site yesterday and I cannot stop thinking and reading about what I am reading on this site. God is preparing me for these dark days and I ask you and anyone else reading to keep me in prayer and I am praying always to not be decieved and to hold on to Jesus and not fall away. My house is divided because my husband thinks that you are just digging to deep for nothing putting things together that just happen to fit. I truly believe there is no coincidence in this AT ALL. I listen to Alex Jones and other real news sites and it is just overwhelmingly obvious to me what our government is preparing for. From buying billions of bullets to FEMA camps….Lord give us strength to endure.God bless you brother for boldy sharing what the Lord is showing you. I am thankful that we can read this at this time because that right will be taken away soon.
