Comments on: Peace is Being Removed – A Second Witness Sat, 26 Sep 2020 07:13:07 +0000 hourly 1 By: Susan Reed Sun, 06 May 2012 17:51:09 +0000 #comment-1615 Dear Bro Herrin, I am a person of few words. I rather speak short and simple. I have been serving God for thirty three years now. Even as a child I prayed. I have been doing much suffering and repenting. I was praying the other night. When I felt very strongly to fast and seek Yahweh for direction and to also tell my children to set things in order with God. I felt very much that something had been determined in God and nothing good change what was coming. The only thing now is to make ready in God and stand in His word. Fear is not Faith. We must cleanse ourselves and enter in to the Ark of God. All three of my children know God but only one walks daily with Him. I fear this is much like the church of today. Wishing to ride on someone else's ticket. I fear they will be greatly disappointed this time. I also had a dream and in it I didn't understand all the language. I only repeated one word someone spoke and I was arrested. It was going to cost me my life and nothing could change that, I keep asking to not let me die in vain but let my life save others in not making the same mistake. It is a time to know ALL Gods Word for are going to be held accountable. At the last minute a woman ( THE CHURCH) came to hear what I was saying I explained all to her and ask to let my death help others and not be a waste. After she listen to me she told them to set me free, Much Love Sister Susan.

By: Deirdre Sun, 06 May 2012 16:51:06 +0000 #comment-1614 Dear Joseph,
Metta's jersey number is 15. Five is the number of grace. I would think three fives would signify much grace. Not only is world peace being removed but GOD's grace and HE will not tollerate sin anymore.
GOD be with us in KING YESHUA's name!
