Comments on: Prison, Praise, and Promotion – Part Five Sat, 26 Sep 2020 07:18:39 +0000 hourly 1 By: Joseph Herrin Thu, 25 Aug 2011 02:24:20 +0000 #comment-1838 To DRandall,

I am blessed to read of your obedience in following God down those paths He has indicated that He wants you to trust Him in. We will often be tried as we follow Yahweh, but He will never fail us.

Thank you also for your kindness in desiring to share a financial gift. When your gift appears in PayPal I will acknowledge it with a personal e-mail, as PayPal will list your e-mail address, and I do not know what it is at this time.

May you be blessed with peace and understanding,


By: Anonymous Thu, 25 Aug 2011 01:48:49 +0000 #comment-1837 Dear Joseph,

May God continue to bless you. Given all that is now lose in the world I believe that our time is short and that your treasure in Heaven is a large and gleeming block of gold. And, at $1,900 an once, that is quite a lot! 🙂

All kidding aside, we both know that trillions wouldn't even put a down payment on what we have coming. So, thank you so much for sharing your walk with the Lord with me and so many others.

I follow as God directs in my own life now. And, I too have dropped medical insurance and am making more and more decisons from what I can gather as His direction as they come to me.

I don't know where this will leed me but I suspect it will bring me to a better place than I would have ended up otherwise.

Please accept my small gift via pay pal as a token of my affection for you and your ministry.


D Randall

By: AngelaM Fri, 19 Aug 2011 22:02:49 +0000 #comment-1836 Your words edify my heart and I am encouraged. There must be other teachers out there with a similar message, but I do not know any. Thank you for sharing your testimony of faith. I have had similar(but less severe circumstances) experiences with the Father this summer. He has been testing my willingness to receive correction and wait in patience on his leading. It has truly been a joy for me. Just two days ago as I wrestled with a decision, I poured out my heart to him and then felt tempted to fret, but I reminded myself that I must be "joyful in hope" and this is what I chose. Yesterday the confirmation of my prayer and decision came very suddenly and clearly. I am not good with word pictures but I felt my Daddy smile on me. I love him. He ways are not mine, but I am praying that they will become mine. It occurred to me that because of him, I am able to have the mind of Christ. God Thoughts! Thoughts far above anything I could conceive! I love that. To walk as Messiah walked is not easy, but what joy and peace! The world has nothing that compares.
