Comments on: Prophetic Paintings Sat, 26 Sep 2020 07:06:18 +0000 hourly 1 By: Joseph Herrin Mon, 03 Dec 2012 23:08:09 +0000 #comment-1375 Hello DC,

I am not familiar with the 54 "xmas trees" at the White House.

By: dc Mon, 03 Dec 2012 20:56:28 +0000 #comment-1374 The genetically modified corn that looks good but isn't good for the edification of the body – filling but not nutritious. Symbolic of the age.

Also, Joseph, do you see any symbolism in the "54 xmas trees" at the Tainted White House?

By: Joseph Herrin Sun, 02 Dec 2012 15:48:05 +0000 #comment-1373 Hello JMD,

They do resemble faces to me. For a more definitive answer I encourage you to contact the artist. She has a contact page on her website.

By: JMD Sun, 02 Dec 2012 05:08:42 +0000 #comment-1372 The painting of hers showing the tea cups, can you make out the images in the tea? To me they sort of look like heads or faces? I dunno

By: Joseph Herrin Sun, 02 Dec 2012 02:33:21 +0000 #comment-1371 Hello JMD,

These were the largest images the artist had available at the moment. You are correct that there is much more detail. A person would probably have to order one of the artist's prints to clearly see all of it.

By: JMD Sat, 01 Dec 2012 22:23:42 +0000 #comment-1370 Such fascinating pictures, I wish I could see them better because there is so much to each one of hers.
