Comments on: Push Back – Part Seven Sat, 26 Sep 2020 07:01:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: stephanie joy Sat, 17 Aug 2013 02:47:33 +0000 #comment-991 An angle that is not often considered but would explain a lot about why homosexuals "feel" they are born gay, or that they've been led in that direction from their earliest memory is very simple, but controversial, and somewhat taboo in today's society; namely that they have a demon dwelling in their body/house with them, possibly even from birth.

If mom or dad has a secret sin in their past not dealt with demons can hide there, and possibly choose to jump to their child.

This is not easy for many to accept but does lend a reasonable explanation as to why a homosexual may have their life long experience be confused as "part of who they are", because without the truth about it, the lie may be the only thing that makes sense in their frame of reference.

Sexual abuse can open doors to demons, especially if there is unforgiveness dwelling in the heart of the victim. Often sexually abused people swing gay later in life.

There is a spiritual source, a spiritual reality for everything in this physical realm.

i pray homosexuals confused and tormented by the lie they believe to be true, that homosexuality is who they are, i pray they find out the truth, so they may be delivered. Deliverance is possible, it even can be easy, but it won't happen when people don't know what the real problem is.

Peace on your house.

By: Randy & Kathy Furman Wed, 14 Aug 2013 20:56:26 +0000 #comment-990 Scripture doesn't say anything about a person being born homosexual but it does talk of people who are born liars.

The wicked are estranged from the womb: they go astray as soon as they be born, speaking lies. (Psalms 58:3)

If we use the same logic as the homosexual agenda then we would have to say that lying is ok. Some people really are born liars and we shouldn't expect them to change. Ignore the ten commandments and anything in the Word that condemns speaking falsehoods.

A young child's natural inclination is to lie. Parents teach them not to give in to the fleshly desire to hide behind a lie. We teach our children to stand up and speak the truth. Even when it is going to cause them pain.

The sin of homosexuality needs to be treated the same way.
